D escription.
Le Grand Tette-chevre tacheté du Brélil, B r if. orn. it. p. 485. 7.
Le Grand Ibijau, Buf. oif. vi. p. 541.
•---- ------ Crapaud volant de Cayenne, PL oil. 325.
Ibijau, American Goatfucker, Raii Syn. p. 27. N° 2. — Will. orn. p. 108,
pi. 14. (the larger Jpeciet) bad figure.
Lev. Muf.
C I Z E of a fmall Buzzard: length twenty-three inches and a
half. Bill, to the end of the gape, three inches 5 width of
the gape the fame : noftrijs not perceivable, the bill being covered
almoft to the tip with hairs : the plumage is cream-colour
on the upper parts of the body, minutely dotted with brown, and
ftriped with the fame down the lhafts : on the fcapulars much
white, efpecially on the inner parts of them : outer ridge of the
wing brown ; the wings reach almoft to the end of the tail :
cjuills deep brown, a little barred with white on each fide ; lhafts
black: tail eleven inches long, rounded at the end; colour
brown, crofted with feven or eight narrow bars of dotted white :
legs brown, covered with feathers almoft to the toes.: the middle
claw not ferrated.
Inhabits Cayenne.
One in poffeffion of Sir A . Lever. This feems to be longer
than that of Buffon by an inch and a half. He mentions one
that had the breaft brownilh ; perhaps differing in fex from the
above-defcribed. This is faid to keep within the hollow of fome
decayed tree in the day-time, and frequents fuch as are near the
water. It is by far the largeft of its race, and, like all the reft,
Buffon's Grand Iiijau is repr.efented in Marcgrave as having a
9 creft