8-'6 B U S T A R D.
' D e s c r i p t i o n .
P l a c e .
It is very probable that thefe may be of different fexes only,
if not mere varieties of each other. Both are found in Arabia,
and go by the name of Rhaad *, or Saf-faf. Are granivorou*
and gregarious.
Otis Indies, y . F . Miller, pi- 35*
Q l z E of the Tbick-knee’d Buftard f . Crown of the head blade
the upper parts of the body brown, waved with black - tail
■ dulky : round the eyes mottled with black: on each fide of the
■ head a black ftreak : chin white: the reft of the under parts
dulky yellowilh cream-colour: tides nearly white : legs pale
dulky brown.
Inhabits India.
-Charadrius cedicttemus, Lin. Syji. i. p. 25$-.—Raffelq. Voy. p. 258. 32■
Le grand Pluvier, appelle vulgairement Courly de Terre, Brif. era. v. p. 76.
12. pi. 7. f. 1.— Buf. oif. »fit. p. !Qj. pi- 7.—Pl.enl. $19.
Stone Curlew, Rent $yn. p. 105. A, 6. 108. A. 4.-^Will.ern. 306. 293. pl>
38. 77.— Albin. i. pi. 69.
Thick-knee’d-Bullard, Br. Zool. i. N° -ioo.— Aril. Zrnl.
Br. Muf Leu. Muf.
•N G T H from lixteen to eighteen inches, Bill airmail two
inches lo n g ; yellowilh at the bafe, and blackilh Cowards the
•end : eyes large : irides and eyelids pale yellow: the head is
* Rhaad dignifies thunder-; and Sbanu deems to 'think, tha-t as thefe birds
make a" great noife at their firft riling from the ground for flight, the name
may have arifen from that circumftance.
4 Suppofed >fo -from-the-head, which is figured of the full fi-ze .in the fame
b u s t a r d . 8o;
Targe and round; the feathers of it, the neck, and upper parts o f
the body, are of a pale tawny brown, with a dafh of blackilh
down the lhaft: the under parts much the fame, but very pale,
except the chin, belly, thighs, and vent, the feathers of which are
of a pale yellowilh white : above and beneath the eyes is a
pale band*, and another on the wing coverts parallel to the
edge: the quills are black : the tail rounded, compofed of twelve
feathery -j-; the fix middle ones banded with brown : the three
outer ones on each fide white, barred with dulky; all but the
two middle ones marked more or lefs at the end with black :
legs yellow: knees very thick, as if fwelled: the outer toe
united to the middle as far as the firft joint : the claws are
This bird is cornmon to three parts of the globe,, being found' Pcace and
in Europe, Africa, and Afia, ; but I believe not farther north than Ma" nees-
England, of which Norfolk J, Uampfhire, and Lincolnjhire feem-
the places moll frequented by it. It is alfo in tolerable plenty f„
feme parts of Kent, frequenting the riling (lopes and hills on:
each fide of the whole vale between Hartford and Farningham
and beyond, efpecially the parts which are (tony and dry ||; It
makes tro neft, but lays- two or three cinereous- white eggs, two-
inches and a quarter long, blotched and as it were Scratched
with blackilh olive brown, and in fome ipecimens mixed with-
. - • w * ” ‘nuni> dnu otners lay. is underthe
eyes; as g my fpec.men, and in others which I have fen-,. thefe parts are
Well covered with feathers* v e
f HaJJelquiJi fays thirteen.
t Hence called Norfolk Plover.
U Salem obferves, that/sor land, in fome parts, is called Curlew-land.