F e MAX*« T h e female is a trifle bigger; of a paler y'ellowiih' colour
throughout, dotted on the head, neck, and throat, with black,
and fafeiated with the fame on the back ; otherwife much like
P lace and
M anners«
the male, but the markings lefs diftinfit.
This fpecies is found only in the middle of the deferts extend-
Ting towards the Cafpian Sea. Very plenty towards AJlrachan in
fummer: pafies the winter in Perjia. - The food is the feeds of
various kinds of Ajlragali *. Seen in pairs in June. Drink
much water; and obliged to frequent the neighbourhood of fuch
fpots where it may be found; fo that a traveller may be fure of
water being at hand, if he fees thefe birds. They go to the pools
*0 drink three times in the days when they are fo eager, that
they do not mind the fportfman, though very fhy at other times.
No where fo plenty as about the fandy fountains at Barlu-xhuduk.
Fly like Pigeons: have a fhrieking, though not unpleafant, cry :
the eggs bigger than thofe of a Pigeon, and white : found perfeft
in the body of the female the beginning of June; but theneft has
not yet been met with.
La Gelinote des Indes, Son. Voy. Ini. vol. ii. p. 164. pi. 96-
Descjuftion« . g I Z E of the Pin-tailed Grous. Bill yellowilh : forehead
white, with a band of black furrounding it on the back part,
from the bafe of the b ill: hind part of the head pale rufous •, on
each feather a longitudinal black ftreak: neck rufous grey:
.breaft bright brownifh red j each feather tipped with a tranfverfe
• Chiefly the AUptiuroiiti, deer, and Phyjoiet.— hm.
white band, mixed with grey and black: the back, rump, tail,
and lefier wing coverts, are rufous, inclining to yellow, eroded
with femicircular black marks : the fecondaries dirty grey half
way, the reft of the length croffed with four tranfverfe bands, the
firft of which is black, the fecond white, the third black, and the
fourth rufous yellow j the primaries brownifh black: beneath the
wings grey : belly dirty grey, crofted with tranfverfe black bands:
legs brown. ■
This fpecies is found on the coaft of Coromandel, where it is
called CaiUe de la Chine.
‘ W i t h T H R E E T O E S .
Tetrao paradoxa, Pall* Trav» vol. ii, p. 712. 25. t. F.
*T* H E bill in this fpecies is more flender than is ufual in the
Grous kind; the upper mandible not fornicated, nor receiving
the lower: the head and neck, as far as the throat, hoary;
but the chin is yellowilh : on each fide of the neck is an orange
fpot: round the throat a circular ftreak, compofed of numerous
tranfverfe, flender, black lines : the back, between the wings, and
quite to the tail, undulated with black and grey, as in the Buf-
tard: the breaft is of a pale reddifh ath-colour: beyond this, to
the vent, black, marked with pale fpots: the baftard wing is undulated
with black, and marked with large brownifh blood-
coloured fpots at the tips of the feathers: the prime wing coverts
and fecond quills are rufty white, marked with a broadifh
trace of black, parallel to the fhaft, quite to the tip : prime quills
V ol. II. 5 D brown,
D e s c r i p t i o n .