M. Bajon fays that this fpecies does not rood: in trees; and
differs in that the young run a longer time with the mother.
Le Soui, Buf. oif. iv. p. yi2.
?-------- ou petit Tinamou de Cayenne, PI. enl. 829.
T H I S is a fmall fpecies, being no more than nine inches
long. The bill is three quarters of an inch in length, and
yellow : the top of the head and hind part o f the neck are black;
from thence the reft of the upper parts are brown, with an ob-
fcure mixture of dulky I the throat is rufous, mixed with white;
and the reft of the under parts plain rufous : the wing coverts are
edged with the fame : the quills plain brown : the tail is Ihort,
and exceeded in length by the coverts : the legs are dulky
This is alfo met with in Guiana, where it is called Perdrix cul
rond, from the fliortnefs of its tail. It differs from the others* as
it builds the neft in the low forks of trees. It is of an hemilphe-—
rical lhape; about fix inches broad, and five deep ; compofed of
leaves. Lays from three to fix white eggs, nearly round, and of
the fize of thofe of the Pigeon* The flefh. is much efteemed«
D escription.
G enu