W A R B L E R ,
•to M. Muller; but what the bird really is, cannot be by this
bare name decided *.
, +7. Motacilla trochilus, Lin. Syft. i. p. 338. N° j^.—Faun. Suec. N» 264— 4- YELLOW W. Saf. am. i. N° 238.— Kram. el. p. 378. N° 21.—Brun. N" 286.—
Muller, n il.—Frifh. t. 24, f'. 2.
Motacilla Hifpanica, Hajfelq. Fay. 287. 52.
Le Pouillot, ou Ciqintre, Brif. orn. iii. p. 479* 45*— Buf. aif. v. p. 344.—
PI. enl. 651 f. 1.
Small Yellow Bird, Rail Syn. p. 80. A. 10.— Will. orn. p. 228.
•Green Wren, Albin, ii. pi. 86. 6.
Yellow Wren, Br. Zool. N° 151.— Arcl. Zool.
Mr. Mu/ . . Lev. Muf.
D escription.
F emale*
P lace and
' J 1 H I S fpecies is very little bigger than the Wren: the
length four inches three quarters. The upper parts pale olive
green j the under pale yellow, and a ftreak of the laft over the
eyes : the wings and tail are brown, edged with yellowilh green:
legs yellowilh.
The.female is paler, and inclines much to white at the vent:
and indeed both males and females vary much in colour.
This little bird is pretty common with us in England, as well
as in many other parts of Eurofe r, where it chiefly frequents
places where willows grow : it is migratory, but comes pretty
early. Makes the neft in the holes at the roots o f trees, hollows
of dry banks, and .fuch-like places : It is round, not unlike
that of the Wren j formed of mofs, with a lining of wool, hair,
« Zool. Dan. Prad. N° 284. It is as likely to prove our Crimfan-crovsned
Finch, p. 259. as any other.
f I have likewife frequently met with it in Qhinefe 'drawings.
or feathers. The eggs are dufky white, marked with reddifh
fpots, and are five in number. Its note is trifling, fcarcely more
than twit, twit, which it utters when running up and down the
branches of trees in fearch of infefts, on which it feeds; but it
is faid that during incubation the male has a fong, far from un-
pleafing, and is foft though weak.
Motacilla acredula, Lilt. Syji. i. p. 338. N° 49. 8. 147.
Le Figuier de la Caroline, Brif. orn. iii. p. 486. N* 48. V a r * A*
--------------brun & jaune, Buf. oif. v. p. 295.
Oenanthe, fufco-Iutea minor, Raii Syn. p. 186. N° 39.— Sloan. Jam. ii.
p. 310. NS 46 ,
Yellow Titmoufe, Catejb. Car• i. pi. 63.
■------- Wren, Edna. pi. 278. f. 2.
Scotch Wren, Br. Zool. i. p. 379 ? *
Br. Muf.
T H I S feems to be a mere variety, and differs in being rather D escription.
inclined to brown than green on the upper, and more yellow
on the under parts.
This is found in Jamaica, Carolina, and other parts of America. Place.
Shane obferves, that at the firft place it feeds on Cimices, fmall
Beetles, and fuch-like. Molt plenty about the town of Saint
Jago de la Vega.
Brijforis bird feems rather bigger ; the upper parts olive
greeny the under yellow: and the. female lefs bright. It is faid
•to be found both at Jamaica and Carolina in fummer. It feems
a mere variety, if not the fame bird.
* This bird was given to me by E. S. Frafer, Efq; who informed me that it
was Ihot in the Highlands of .Scotland.
1i s