P lace.
W H 1T E -
D e s c r ip t ion.
D eicrietio».
This is found at Mexico, inhabiting the woods in the colder
parts thereof.
Le Pigeon de Montagne du Mexique, Brif. orn. i. p. 130. Np 28..—Buf.
nif. ii. p. 52J.
HoiiotJ, Raii Syn. p. 63. N° 13.
g I Z E of a Roman Pigeon- The bill and legs fcarlet, and
the plumage of a purplilh. rufous colour, except the lefier
wing coverts, which are white.
Others are of a pale fulvous, with the IelTer wing coverts
white, as in the others : the bill and legs reddifh.
Inhabits Mexico.
Le Pigeon bleu du Mexique, Brif. orn. i. p. 1391 N a 35;— Buf. oif. a.
p. J2J.
Tlacahoilotl, Rail Syn. p. 63. N° 15,
g l Z E of a Domejiic Pigeon. The bill, irides, and legs, red":
the head,, neck, upper parts, and thighs, are blue : on the
head and neck there is alfo a mixture of red, efpecially on the
fere part: thé bread, belly, fides, wing coverts,, and under the
tail, red: quills and tail blue.
Inhabits Mexico.
Thefe four Buff on believes to have much affinity to the Euro.-
psan common Pigeon„
Columba palumbus, Lino Syjl. i. p. 282. 19.— Faun. Suec. N° 208.— Scop.
ann. i. N° 17%.— Muller, N° 22S.— Brun. N° 204.— Georgi Reife, p.
173.— Kram. el. p. 359. 2.— Frifcb. t. 138.
Le Pigeon rainier, Brif. orn. i. p. 89. 6.— Buf. oif. ii. p. 531. pi. 24.—
PI. enl. 316.
Ring Dove, Raii Syn. p. 62« A . 9.— TV ill. orn. p. 185. pi. 33.— Br. Zool.'u
N° 102.— Aril. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
' J ' H I S is a large fpecies : length feventeen inches and a half.
The bill is fourteen lines, and of a yellowiih colour; the
noftrils covered with a mealy red flelhy membrane: the irides
pale yellow: the head, back, and wing coverts, blueifh afh-
colour, deepeft on the head: the upper part of the back inclines
to brown j and the lower part of it, rump, and fore part of the
neck, pale alh-colour j the reft of the neck, and the bread,'
vinaceous, mixed with alh-colour: the belly, thighs, and vent,
dirty white : the hind part and fides of the neck are green gold,
in feme lights changing to blue, with a copper glofs; and on
each fide of the neck is a white crefcent: the greater quills are
dulky; all of them, except the outermoft, have the exterior
edges whitilh; the fecondaries are greyilh brown : at the bale of
the.baftard wing is a dalh of white : the tail is alh-coloured
above, with the end blackilh j but beneath the bafe and ends are
black j the middle hoary: the legs are covered with feathers
almoft to the toes, of a red colour: and the claws black.
This bird is found throughout Europe; the major part of
them, in refpedl: to this kingdom, are emigrants, departing elfe-
4 M a where
«- RING P.
D e sc rip tion.
P l a c e a n d
M a n n e r s .