E r y s im u m A l l i a r i a . S a u c e - A l o n e .
ERYSIMUM Lin, Gen. PI. T etradynamia Siliquosa.
Siliqua columnaris, exaÊle tetraëdra. Cal. claufus.
Ran Syn. Gen. 21. H erbaî T e trapetalæ Siliquosæ e t Siliculosæ.
ERYSIMUM Alliaria foliis cordatis. Lin. Syjl. Végétai, p. 4gg. Sfi. PI. p. 923. FI. Suec. n. 600.
ERYSIMUM Haller Hifi. p. 208. n. 480.
SISYMBRIUM Alliaria. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 825.
ALLIARIA Bauhin Pin. n o . Gerard emac. 796. Parkinfon 112.
HESPERIS allium reddens. Raii Syn. 293. Jack by the Edge, or Sauce-Alone.
Hudfon FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 286.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. 186.
RADIX biennis, albida, fufiformis, plurimis fibrillis $
inftrufta. f
EAULIS ere&us, bi aut tripedalis, teres, lasvis, fub- $
ftriatus, inferne purpureus, villofus, fuperne |
ramofus. |
RAMI pauci, alterni, erefli. i>
FOLIA alterna, petiolata, cordata, venofa, fubrugofa, |
inferiora longius petiolata, rotundata, lupe- #
riora acuta, inaequaliter dentato-ferrata. f
»LORES albi, terminales, erefli, pedunculis longi-
tudine florum infidentes.
EALYX: P erianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ob-
longis, pallide virefcentibus, obtufis, decL
duis, apice interne concavis, externe gibbis,
I i
■OROLLA: Pet ala quatuor, obovata, unguiculata,
unguis ereflus, linearis, limbus patens, venis
■ paucis exaratus, fig. 2.,
KTAMINA: Filamenta fex, fubulata, alba, duo
breviora incurvata, quatuor longiora erefla,
longitudine Sly\\, fig. 3, 6 : An t h e r s ob-/
longas, cordatas, flav«e, incumbentes, ereflje,
fig'A» 5-
BECTARIUM : glandula rotunda folitaria utrinque 4
ad bafin Staminum longiorum, bafis vero f
Staminum breviorum glandulâ cingitur. §
■ STILLUM : Germen obfcure tetragonum, oblon- 0
I Sum> fig- 7 \ Stylus bjeviflimus, fig. 8 : f
Stigma capitato-truncatum. $
BRICARPIUM : Siliqua biuncialis, teres, fubte- f
tragona, lineata, bilocularis, bivalvis,j^r. 9. §
BMINA plurima, oblonga, fufca, nitida, llriata, utrâ- f
que extremitate oblique truncatâ, diffepi- $
mento utrinque nidulantia, fig. 10. $
ROOT biennial, o f a whitifh colour, tapering, and
furnilhed with numerous fibres. *
STALK upright, from two to three feet high, round,
fmooth, fomewhat ftriated, at bottom purple^
and Rightly hoary, at top branched.
BRANCHES few, alternate and upright.
LEAVES alternate, {landing on foot-ftalks, heart-
fhaped, veiny, and fomewhat wrinkled ; the
lower ones {landing on long foot-ftalks, and
round at the tips; the upper ones pointed,
and unequally toothed or fawed.
FLOWERS white, terminal, upright, {landing on
ftalks the length of the flowers.
CALYX . a P erianthium o f four leaves, which
are oblong, o f a pale green, obtufe,. the
tips internally concave, externally gibbous,
. fig' I
COROLLA: fourPe t a l s , inverfely ovate, andclawed;
the claw erefl and linear; the limb fpread-
ing, and grooved with a few veins, fig. 2.
STAMINA: fix Filaments tapering, and white ;
the two {horter ones bending inwards; the*
four longer ones upright, the length o f the
Style, fig. 3, 6: An th er .« of an oblong
heart fhape, yellow, incumbent, and up-
right, jig. 4, 5.
NECTARY, a fmall round Uncle gland, placed on
each fide at the bale o f the longed Stamina ;
but the bale of each of the Ihorted Stamina
is wholly furrounded by a glandular fub-
PISTILLUM t the G ermen obfcurely fourcornered,
and oblong,Jig. 7 : Style very than,Jig.8 ■
S tigma, forming a little head, appearing as
if cut off.
SEED-VESSEL: a P od about two inches long,
round, obfcurely quadrangular, with a fine
prominent line between each angle, o f two
cavities and two valves, Jig. 9.
SEEDS numerous, oblong, brown, fhining, finely
grooved, obliquely cut off at each end, and
partly buried in the diffepimentum on each
fide, Jig. 10.
phe whole of this plant, on being rubbed, difcovers a ffrong finell of Garlic, whence its name o f Alliaria.
■ Medicinally,■ adic, but mu cthhe m leialdveers
■ n
are recommended internally, as fudorifics and deobfiruents, fomewhat o f the nature o f
; and externally, as antifeptics, in gangrenes and cancerous ulcers. L ew is ’s Difp.
Poetically it is ufed jn feuces and by the country people eaten with bread and butter. Raii Hiß. PI. et Syn.
■ p e feeds bruffed, and put up the noflrils, are faid to promote fneezing. Raii Hiß. PL p. 7g2.
I ' Curcuti° Alliaria, Lin. Faun. Suede, n. 580, perforates and dwells in the flalks o f this plant. FI. Suede.
| l e taftelotlm^filV S f ä l l l f aJ?Paars t0 be from L inn aius’s experiments, it will be liable to give a difagree-
■ t0 the mllk S ftould this happen, the Farmer will eafily deflroy it, as it is a biennial. ■ S
I 8 °ws very common by hedge fides ; flowers in April and May.
asjSc o pÖli
1 Sijymbr
obferves, that it
ium. does not retain the generic charafler o f an Eryfimum ; wherefore he arranges it