Linn. Gen. PL Syngenësia Polygamia S u p e r f l u a .
Recept, paleaceum. Pappus nullus. Cal. ovatus, imbricatus. Flofculi
radii circiter quinque.
Ran Syn. Gen. 8. Herbæ flore compositó, discoïde, SEMINIBÛS PAPPO DESTITUTES,.
ACHILLEA Millefolium foliis bipinnatis, nudis ; Iaciniis linearibus, dentatis ; caulibus fuperne fulcatis.
Linn. Syß. Veg. ed. 14. Murr. p. 778. Sp. PL p. 126].
ACHILLEA foliis pinnatis, pinnis longe æqualibus, pinnatis, pinnulis trifidis et quinquefidis. Hall.
Hiß. 107. Scop. FL Çarn. 1095.
MILLEFOLIUM vulgare. Bauh. Pin. 140. Park. 693. terreftre vulgare. Ger. em. 1072. vulgare.
Rah Syn. 183. Cómmon Yarrow, or Milfoil. Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 374.
RADIX perennis, repens, teres, fibrillofa, cinereo
ROOT perennial, creeping, round, furnifhed with
numerous fibres, of a whitilh afh-eolour.
(lightly angular, below fmooth, covered with
a flight cobwebby down, above grooved,
woolly, and branched.
CAULIS pedalis et ultra, ereflus, teretiufculus, fub- | STALK a foot high or more, upright, "nearly roiind,
ancrulatus. inferne o-labpr tnmpntn tpnni V* *
I—l r__ a __1 -.r'
LEAVES alternate, betwixt linear and lanceolate, the
radical ones Handing on foot-ftalks, the foot-
(talks hollowed above, thofe of the (talk
feflile, fomewhat embracing the (talk, above
angulatus,glaber, tomento tenui | araneofo veftitus, fuperne fulcatus, lanugi- |
nofus, ramofus. b
FOLIA alterna, lineari-lanceolata, radicalia petiolata, |
petiolis canalicularibus, caulina feflilia, fub- $
amplexantia, fupra glabra, fubtus villofula, |
pinnata, pinnis oppofitis, fubovatis, multi- |
ndis, acutiufculis, obliquis. f
v fmooth, beneath a little villous, pinnated, the
pinnae oppofite, fomewhat ovate, multifid,
_ . . f fomewhat pointed and oblique.
FLORES in corymbo termmah, Ianuginofo congefti, f FLOWERS whitifh, terminating in a woolly clofe
X 7 ’
albidi. corymbus.
BRACTEiE hneares, mtegras, et pinnatifidae, par- | BRACTE.dE linear, entire and pinnatifid, fmallilh
viulculas, ad radios pedunculofque corymbi. A placed at the radii, and peduncles of the
• a corymbus.
j CALYX communis ovatus, pubefcens, arfte imbrica- | CALYX common to all the florets ovate downy
tUS. lauamis ovatis. conravis nhtnfiiifr'nlic tus,fquamis ovatis,concavis, obtufiufculis, A 9S3S!l ____ ■
albo ; membranaceis, apice fufco ciliatis-ner-
vo dorfali viridi.
clofely imbricated with ovate, concave^
bluntifh fcales, having a white, membranous
edge, tipt with a brown fringe, the midrib
COROLLA compofita, radiata; Conllul* difci her- | COROLlS^compound, radiated, F lorets of the
1 maphroditæ circiter duodecim, infundibuli- « difk hermaphrodite, about twelve funnelformes,
calycis longitudme, tuio fordide | fhaped, the length of the calyx, tube dirty
: Tutelcente, hmto qumquehdo, lacmns ovatis, ? yellow, the limb quinquefid, the fegments
acutis, revolutis, fubdiaphams, albidis, fig. i. | ovate, pointed, rolled back, rather tfanfparent
and whitifh, Jig. 3.
| COROLLUL.dE radii faemineae, plerumque quinque, FLORETS of the radius female, ufually five, flat,
plans, patentes, fuborbiciilares, obtufe tri- 1
dentate, feu obfolete trifidae, lacinula inter- if
media breviore, tubo cylindrico, viridef- f
cente, ftriato, fubpubefcente, calycis longi- X
I ,vi;, tudine, fg. 2. $
STAMINA Hermaphroditis: F ilamenta quinque, {i
capillaria, brevia; Anthera cylindracea, $
tubulofa, lutea, Jig. |i.
PISTILLUM Hermaphroditis et Famineis: G ermen f
oblongum, comprefliufculum, fubtetrago- I
pum, glabrum, albidum; Stylus capillaris, |
ftamimbus longior; S tigmata duo, line- |
ana, truncata, reflexo-patula, hyalina, Jig. 4. f
fpreading, fomewhat round, bluntly threetoothed
or faintly trifid, the middle fegment
fhorter than the reft, the tube cylindrical,
greenifh, ftriated, flightly downy, the length
of the calyx, fig. 2.
STAMINA in the Hennaphrodite flowers: five, capillary,
fhort Fil am ent s A ntheras forming
a yellow, tubulous cylinder, Jig. 3.
PISTILLUM in the Hermaphrodite and Female flowers,
G ermen oblong, a little flattened, fomewhat
four-cornered, fmooth, whitifh; S t y l e
very {lender, longer than the ftamina; St ig m
a t a two, linear, truncated, a little reflexed,
pellucid, Jig. 4.
Urs “ drT failures, on ditch-banks, and by road-fides": it
I from a Dale Sct,tev^ er> ® bloffoms are ufoally white, but are frequently found of different (hades
I Tlirri^ 1 j.1, v ° eeP red, the raoft brilliant of which are cultivated in our gardens for ornament.
I a«ggrreeeead lwhheetthher^ to;^ c0oVnfrid?enr ^it taUst eaS pal,Vanert yt ola b[gee c Pulftrivt aotfe dt,h, eo Pr aefxtutirrapgaete od.f this kingdom, our agriculturifts are not
I fome^SL1 reieftirl1 E-r S s exPenmen^ It; was eaten by fheep, horfes, and fwine; kine and goats fometimes eat,
it, an^are ItMed w i th e r are,t0-be '??l!eT d b? the P^ileftion which mod of thefe animals have (hewn fol
I cultivation Mr a * * * mode'n .wh,ch * e experiments were condufted, we Ihould confider it worthy of
I highly in its fkvo„r wh°i “ f ner,al ls g H H i in his ™comiums on new plants, fpeaks very
I pAure a difavrpenhii.he obrerves’ that “ ough cattle do not eat its flowering Hems, which remain, and give the
II c,x n"truetfss (it, , a! gg ood bottaopmp,e arance, they are very fond of its foliage, which as it forms a clofe pile or as Tome E f T maakk®es i3t nVnp> nf f tthhe.'m---oflll Ade.rfi.r„aLbll_e _g_r?. ff»es '(f peaking in the ,l anguagPe of Vh ul_bandryi
I lore ought onlv to he r nd ffltb ’ ^ utcbf , 9° " cludj s plant feems to be altogether unfit for hay, and there-
Th» 1 0n ^ 1° fown where the field is intended for pafturage. 1
Caves a n d flowers o f Milfoil ore .ngrrpeaattlliyr rrpepconmmmmpenn/dlaedd bKy., fome o_rf .t1h,„e Ge_r_m_a_nt >Pi hry fi•c ians, as m-iil d.
I ^ y proiiiife h tX T rV rh?^“ 0?1“ ’ “ dlarrI’oeast hemorrhages, hypochondriacal, and other difeafes.
I « * , a r S S r Z i ihuiihic qualities to be of no inconfiderable affivky. They have an agreeable, though I medicinal ufe as^avin v ie b T f rou§hilh, fomewhat pungent talle. The leaves are chiefly direfted L
| Ml, are remarkahlv n? M° grJateft hitterilhnefs and aullenty: the flowers have the flrongeft and mod fubtle
[auoclyne or ^antifcafmodk ^ d pr0mlfe t0 be of moft efficacy. lf the plant has really any fuch efficacy as an
I. PttfelUy bve ,h l t e. lcaves.and dowera.'s extrafted both by watery and fpirituous menftrua, the aftringency moft
|®«tuie of the two "ti’ a “ T S 7*™ * and P.ungency by the latter, and both o f them equally by a
| t h ? Milfoil in .L 0 w e v d,Itdied™th water, yield a penetrating effential oil, poffeffing the flavour of
m perfearon, though rather lefs a^eeablé than the flowers Æ f e l ie s , m ' i p i f iK Ï '
I fomelimes o S hhln " remark,abr1y variable, fometimes of a greenilh yellow, fometimes of a deep
on the foil 1 „u , , p “ d fom,etlm? ° ! u fine blue : thefe differences feem to depend in great
I 1,1 M e S S W I 1" Wblch * Planf 15 Produced. Lewiss Mat. Med. f . 424.
parti ot bweden they put it to beer in a fermenting Hate to produce inebriation. Lina Fl. Suec