B R YU M S G O P A R I U M . B r O OM B r Y U M.
BRYUM Linnai Gen. PI. Cryptogamia Musci,
Rail Syft. Gen. 3. Musci-.
BRYUM fcoparium, Aritheris eredtiufculls, f«4uncu& aggregatis, foliis fecundis recurvaris, caule declluato.
Linnai Syjl. Vegdtab. p. 797.
UYPNUM foliis falcaris, heferomallis s vagiilis multifloris. Haller. Hi/i. n. 1777.
tlYPNVM fcoparium. Scopoli Fi-. Carn. p, 33^. D'iaoh. Florefcentia Hyemaiis. Folia arcuata, fecunda,
tenuia. Setas feepe pltires.
BRYUM fcoparium; furculo decimate, ramofo, foliis fecundis, recurvaris, primordialibns plumulofis. Jhthr;
method, iriufc. p. 224.
HYPNUM fcoparium. Wets. Cryptogam, p. 213.
BRYUM iecliriatUm, M ia falcatis, fcoparum effigie. the folk-leaf J benSibg Beafim Bryum. DiHen.mUi.t.
3SJ- tab. 46. Jig. 16-,
BRYUM ereffis capilulis abgudifolium, cable redWo. Cat. Gifs. ca l. JUS Syn. 9S. Hufon. FI. 4 ngl.
P. 4©6i
GAULES tm dales àùt bïùnciâles et ultra, fubere&i ra-
mofi, in denfo cæfpite collefti, fordide riifi,
infra multo tomento fufco obfiti. ^
FOLIA càulem inaequaliter circumftant, hinein qüibuf-
damlocis nudiufculusrelinquitur, in alias foliis
crebrioribus veftitur, præcipue ad apicem,
longa, linearia, - acuminata* canaliculata, fig.
I-. recurvata, fecunda*
I STACKS from one to two inches high and more, nearly
| opnght, branched, growing thickly together,
I f °irtY red colour, and -covered at bottom
l T u a u u c m a dark brown woolly fubftance.
I LEAVES : the leaves cover the Italic unequally, hence
l ' 111 fome Peaces it is left rather naked, in others
I more H l l 'covered with leaves, particular!®
■ t0wa^ t0P> »«Jo.ng, linear, pointed^
. grooved, fig. 1. bent back, and turning all one
; FOOT-STALKS an inch or two inches high, towards
i the bottom reddifo, upright, arifing generally
t ’EDUNCULÏ ùnciales àùt bimiciaïes, ad bafiïi rubicun- ■
di, ere&i, ex uno latere caulium plerumque ori- '
. diquando vero ex apice* ut plurimum :
folitarii, fu binde vero duo ex eodem perichætio :
proveniunt, bafi bulbillo cÿlindraceo terminati, ;
fig: 7. qui foliis piuribus latiufcüiis, pilo ter- :
minatis, aeû facile feparabilibus includitur, :
fig - 9‘ ' j
CÀPSULÆ oblongæ et fore cylindraCeaè, nunc ereëtæ, 1
nunc paululüm incurvatæ, fig. 2. ; O per eu- 1
lum roftratum, tenue, longitudine capfulæ et j
concolor, fig. 4. ; Or a eiliata five denticulata, ]
fig- 5- > Ca l y p t r a ftraminea, longitudine ;j
' Capfulæ, poftquam medio difrumpitur, bafifuo 1
capfulàm ar&e cingit, fig. 21 ; Po llen vi- *
ride, fig. 6 . ’ ]
from the fide of the ftalks, but fometimes from
; the top, molt commonly fingle, but nowand
I ? en-nWj pr?Ceedfrom the fame perichatium,
rurnuhed at bottom wath a cylindrical bulb fa
7. which is mclofed by many broadilh leaves*
“ X-s:;hair’ and eafiiyf~ j g .*
CAPSULES oblong and aimed cylindrical, fometimes
upright, fometimes a little incurvated fisr ,
tlie OrERCumrM the length of the Capfuiefmd
ot the lame colour, terminating in alongflen-
P ° in.^» fig- 4 - ; the M o u th ciliated or fur-
nidled with little teeth, Jig. 5.; the Calyptr a
itraw-coloured, the length of the Capful-
after burning in the middle cloddy embracing
1 the CaP/ul5 bF bafe, f g 2. : tlle pOLtE8
grc«n, fig. 6.
piLLENibs very j u % remarks, that this Mol's feems to partake of the nature of both Brnm and , •
k s opimon ,t comes neared to the Bryum ; and of the fame fenrime.it = k« ' ,‘
Haller, Scopoli, and Weis, rank it among the Hypnums, and this they are led to chit-flv'fr x f j W
being furmfiied at bottom with a kind of Penchatium • bnf Dir r „ 2 , d ,r , ! from the Peduncles
Peduncle is furrounded at bottom by tnznyfquamx or filioli; yet thefe are not dmUaJ to what'“ ’ 'th-M a,lthouSh tHe
of Hypnums, as they may with the point of a nin he eifilvfPtv,r-,f a e- mdar to what occur m the generality
Peduncle appears to be furnilhed with a bulbillus as in mod of the A J w H o h c S - in re ‘add “ ° f
habit appears fully to judify this mod excellent .Botanld in placing it with t1-- B r v , f ,™ l de- t0 lta SeHeral
hiT r ' » ? 1' , ? W“ h0U^ more weiShV reafons 'han have been advanced. ' ' '£ 0USht uot to 1 his Mols diltinguilhes ltfelf from moft others by its beautiful and lively verdure Wh*,
different appearance from what it has when farther advanced, being much L r te r niid\! l e Z T ^ * P2 S °"
ienios has fometimes remarked in this fpecies Stellula famines. ’ leaves upright; and Dilit
grows in very large clumps or patches, forming a foft and delightful earner nn rk, u , , . , .
woods, a t the bottom o f trees, 'a n d on heaths. 6 8 1 carPet> 0,1 “ e banks w h ich furrouiid
It is found on fome parts of Hampdead-hcath producing its fruffifications In February and March.