T ectorum. Smooth I repis Succory-Haw kw e e d .
CREPIS Linn. Gen. PL Syngenesia Polygamia æqualis
Recept, nudum. Cal. calyculatus, fquamis deciduis. Pappus'plumofas, ftipitatus.
Raii Syn. Geh. 6. Herbæ flore cömposito, natura pleno lactescentes.
CREPIS teäorum foliis lanceblató-runcinatis feffilibus lævibüs, inferioribus dentatis. Linn. Syß. Veget.
p. 600. Sp. PL p. 1 135. FL Suec. h. 705.
HEDYPNOIS teffiorum caule foliofo ratnöfo, foliis runcinatis nudis, radicalibus lanceolatis, caulinis
fagittatis acutis feffilibus. Hud/ôn FL Angl. ed. 2. p. 341.
CREPIS foliis ad terram pinnatis, fuperne amplexicaülibus pinnatis haftatis. Haller Hiß. n. 31.
CREPIS teffiorum. Scopoli FL Corn. n. 954.
HIERACIUM luteum glabrum five minus hirfiitum. I. B. II. 1024»
CICHOREUM pratenfe îuteum lævius. Bauh. Pin. i26. Pârk. 778;
HIERACIUM aphacoides. Ger. emac. 297.
HIERACIUM foliis et facie chondrillæ. Parkinf. 794. Râii Syn. p. 165. Smooth Succory-Hawk-
weed. Lightfoot FI. Scot', p. 440.
1 ROOT annual, fimple, furniffied with few fibres, defending,
1 STA LK from one to two feet high or more, upright,
fomewhat angular and finely grooved, fome-
times perfefitly finooth, fometimes a little
hairy, efpecially towards the bafe, often purple,
leafy, and branched.
ftriatus, nunc glaber, nunc hirfutulus, pras- .
fertim inferne, fsepe purpureus, foliofus, ra- (
1 LEAVES extremely variable, fometimes perfe&ly
fmooth,fometimes flightly hirfute on both fides;
thofe next the root very like the leaves o f dandelion,
but a little narrower, the midrid purple
on the upper fide, thofe of the ftalk embracing
the ftalk, pointed, and varioufly
indented,- thofe of the branches nearly entire,
linear, and fomewhat arrow-fhaped, the
edges rolled back.
hirfutula, radicalia taraxäci perfimilia, fed 1
paulo anguftiora, nervo medio fuperne pur- ■
pureo, caulina amplexicaulia, acuta, varie ;
aentata, ramea fubintegra, linearia, fubfagit- (
tata, marginibus revolutis.
LORÈS inter minores hujus familiæ, flavi, laxe co-
■ rymbofi. ,
1.LYX communis duplex, exteriorbreviflimus, patu- <
\ FLOWERS fmaller than moft o f this family; yellow,
, and growing loofely in a kind of corymbus.
1 CALYX common to all the florets double, the exterior
1 one very fhort and fpreading, the interior one
fomewhat cylindrical, fimple, and grooved,
the fcales upright, linear, connivent, equal,
longitudinally befet with ftiff hairs, having a
little globule at their extremities, / the fcales
lus, interior fubcylindraceus, fimplex, fulca- <
tus, fquamis ereâis, linearibus, conniventi- (
bus, æqualibus, löngitudinaliter pilis globu- (
liferis hifpidulis, fquamæ ad bafin quinque ■
aut plures, fubulatæ, brèves, inæquales, laxæ, ;
pariter hifpidulæ. (
1 at the bafe are about five or more in number;
1 fubulate, fhort, unequal, loofe, and. like the
1 others flightly hifpid.'
1 COROLLA compound, and imbricated; Florets hermaphrodite,
numerous, and equal, each Angle
floret monopetaloi^s, truncated, having five
1 teeth, and for the moft part purple beneath,
mj)IX annua, fimplex, parum fibrofa, defcendens,
T F lutefeens.
lULIS pedalis, bipedalis et ultra, ere&us, angulato-
DLIA valde variabilia, fäepe tota glabra, alias utrinque 1
iROLLA compofita, imbricata; Corollulis herma-
phroditis, plurimis, æqualibus, propria mono-
petala, truncata, quinquedentata, lubtus, ple-
rumque purpurea, fig. î . .
1AMINA: Filament a quinque, capillaria, brevif- | STAMINA: five very fhort capillary F il a m e n t s .
I fima. A n th ers cylin d ra c e a ,tu b ulo fo ,^ .2, 0 A n t h e r s unitedintoacylindricaltube.ySg-.2.
ISTILLUM : G ermen fubovatum. Stylus f i l i - P IS T IL LU M : G ermen fomewhat ovate. Sty le fili-
formis, longitudine ftaminum. Stigmata 9 form, the length of the ftamina. Stigmata
duo, reflexa, fig.,%. 9 two, turned back. Jig* 3.
|MINA viginti et ultra in fingulo capitulo, fufca, X SEEDS twenty or more in each head, brown, and finely
ftriata Pappus femme longior, feflilis, fim- ^ grooved ;■ Down longer than the feed, feflile,
pkx, Jig. 4, § and fimple, Jig. 4.
«Tthn.e great variety of appearances to which this plant is fubjeft, in common with many others o f the fame clafs,
nccalioned no {mail confufion among Botanifts, efpecially fpecially the t
older ones, who have divided it into feveral
J p s ‘ even modern Botanifts, and thofe of the firft ft charafte
charaffer, have confefled the difficulty o f diftinguifhing
pits various ftates. T * - __i„:_al./Zw t __________________ a—.a .......... r. °
. L innaeus exclaims, Nulla planta hac vulgatior, nulla magis JlruElura et facie varians,»
ir na&F confufisJynonymis. Haller writes, Infuperabiles tenebraJynonyma obducunt: and Scopoli fays,
Mceretiir Crepis v a r ia .
|esr aPs n.°thing fnort o f repeated obfervation will enable a Botanift to diftinguifh the fame plant in its various
[be* | Pe jIa v as are fubjeft tofuch unufual variations; yet there is frequently fome charafter not liable
L 3vered by difference o f foil and fituation, which, if pointed out, will be of great fervice in directing
I iW 0 may n°t have plants conftantly before them. R ay obferves, that the flowers, heads, and feeds of
[ La.nt ?;re /mailer than thofe of any other Engliffi Hawkweed, the Hyojeris excepted (he might have added
^in-daF' :l?& a^ra)‘ To the fmallnefs o f the flowers, &c. may be joined the, ftru&ureof the calyx and the
lure Pln® - ’ an(^ wken it is known to be a plant growing generally in this country on dry banks, in
Ifefe^t u °n wa^s’ we flatter ourfelyes there will be little difficulty, with the affiftance o f our figure, which
It fin S plant of its medium fize, in diftinguiffiing it at all times.
p r. ^ers June to September.
l e^it jDS0N ^as thought proper to remove it from the genus Crepis of L innaeus, with which it muft be
JL'dfh oes not well accord, and make it an Hedypnois; yet it does not very well agree with the charafter he
■ feuifiedS ^ en op t^at genus ; for the pappus can fcarcely be faid to be fubplumofus, unlefs very highly