S cute l laria M inor. Small H o o d e d -W i l l ow
H e r b .
SCUTELLARIA Lin. Gen. PL D.idynamia G ymnospermia.
Calyx ore integro: poll florefcentiam claufo, operculato.
Ran Syn. Gen. 14. Suffrutices et herb.« verticillatjE.
SCUTELLARIA minor foliis cordato-ovatis fubintegerrimis, floribus axillaribus. Lin. Syfi. Veg.
t - 457- sf i f - 835-
CASSIDA palufiris minima flore purpurafcente. Toum. Hiß. p. 410.
LYSIMACHIA galericulata minor. Rail Hiß. 572. Sy». 244. The lefler-hooded Loofeflrife.
GRATIOLÄ latifolia. Gerard emac. 585.
GRATIOLA latifolia feu noßras minor. Parkin/. 221. Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 265. Lightfoot
FI. Scot. p. 320.
RADIX perennis, repens, alba. 0
GAULIS ereftus, palmäris, fefquipalmaris, et ultra, |
fimplex, aut ramofus, in norto ramofißimus 0
evadens, tetragonus, rigidulus, fubhirfutus, |
bafi purpurafcens. $
FOLIA oppofita, fubfecunda, breviflime petiolata, a
cordato-ovata, obtufa, fubintegerrima, in 7
umbrofis glabra, in apricis hirfuta, et fubinde ^
rubentia. 0
FLORES parvi, carnei, axillares, bini, pedunculati, 0
pedunculis calyce longioribus.
CALYX : Perianthium monophyllum, brevifli- 0
mum, hirfutum, ore bilabiato, integro, fqua- |
mula incumbente operculi infiar claufili, 0
fig - '- I
COROLLA monopetala, ringens, labium fuperius 4
trifidum, iuperne villofum, laciniis fubaequa- 0
libus, intermedia concavä emarginatä, late- £
ralibus remotiufculis, nec intermediae fub- 0
jeftis ficut in galericulata, fig. 2, inferius la- %
tius, emarginatum, pun&is et lineolis rubris 0
pulchre variegatum, fig. 3.
STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, alba, fub labio f
fuperiore recondita, quorum duo longiora. 0
A ntheræ minimae, albae, ad lentem hirfu- |
tulat,fig . 4. $
PISTILLUM : G erm en quadripartitum. Stylus |
albus, longitudine Haminum, fuperne pau- 0
iulum incraflatus. Stigma fimplex, incur- |
vatum, acuminatum, fig. 5. 0
PERICARPIUM nullum, calyx continens f
SEMINA quatuor, fubrotunda, ad lentem afpera, 0
fg - 6 .
NECTARIUM glandula aurantiaca ad bafin ger- 0
minis, fig. 7. 0
ROOT perennial, creeping, and white.
STA LK upright, a hand’s breadth, fix inches or
more in height, Ample or branched, in the
garden becoming very much fo, four-cornered,
fomewhat rigid and hirfute, purplilh at
the bafe.
LEAVES oppofite, with a tendency to grow: one
way, Handing on very ihort foot-Halks, heart-
Ihaped, ovate, obtufe, almoft entire on the
edges, in lhady fituations fmooth, in expofed
ones hirfute, and fometimes reddilh.
FLOWERS final], of a pale red colour, growing by
pairs in the alae of the leaves, Handing on
foot-Halks longer than the calyx.
CA L YX : a Perianthium o f one leaf, very Ihort,
hirfute, the mouth compofed o f two lips and
entire, with a fmall fcale like a lid refling on
«.f ig - »•
COROLLA monopetalous, and ringent, the upper
lip trifid, and villous above, the fegments
nearly equal, the intermediate one hollow
and nicked, the fide ones fomewhat difiant
from each other, not placed under the intermediate
one as in the galericulata, fig. 2, the
lower lip broader, with a Angle notch, and
prettily variegated with red lines and dots,
fig- 3-
STAMINA: four Filaments, o f a white colour,
hid under the upper lip, two o f which are
longer than the other two. A n t h e r very
minute, white, and flightly hirfute, when
magnified, fig. 4.
PISTILLUM: Germen divided into four parts.
Sty le white, the length o f the Hamina,
thickened a little above. Stigma fimple, a
little hooked, and pointed, fig. 5.
SEED-VESSEL none, the calyx containing four
SEEDS of a roundifli fliape, appearing rough when
magnified, fig. 6.
N E C T A R Y : an orange-coloured gland at the bafe
of the germen, fig. 7.
G erard, our countryman, appears to have been the difcoverer o f this fpecies, to which he gives the names
of Gratiola latifolia. Parkinson, who confidered it as a plant peculiar to this country, adds to them the
epithet of nofiras. T ournefort, afterwards enumerating the plants growing about Paris, mentions it as
growing with them in feveral places ; neverthelefs it is not common throughout Europe. Indeed L innaeus
m his Species Plantarum, exprefsly fays, habitat in Anglia. G erard’s referring a plant to another genus^
fo obvioufly fimilar in its parts of fru&ification to what was then called Lyfimachia galericulata, (hews, that
little attention was paid to thofe parts at that time ; nor was he very fortunate in applying to the leaves* of fo
imall a plant the name o f latifolia.
Had L innaeus frequently feen and cultivated this plant, as we have had opportunity o f doing, he would
have exprefled no doubt of its being too nearly related to the galericulata and hafiifolia. Vid. Spec. Plant.
F^! th^time of old G erard, this fpecies was found on Hampfiead-Hcath, and on fome of the boggy parts
Comm n Cat” U ||1§ ex‘^s ; ^ut *s more plentifully met with in fimilar fituations, on Putney and Shirley
It flowers in July, Augufl, and September. On Shirley-Common we have feen it much larger than the
Ipecimen hgured; and this fummer found a Angle plant which had blue flowers.