ty i(o
Hypnum purum Meadow Hypnum.
HYPNUM Lin. Gen. PL C r ÿ p to g am ia M usci.
Anthera opereulata, Calyptra lævis, Filamenium laterale ortura e perichætio.
Rait Syn.Gen. 3. Musci.
HYPNUM purum furculis pinnato-fparfis fubulatis, foliis ovatis obtufîs conniventibus. Lin. Syß. Vegetab.
p. 108. Sp. PL 1594. FL Suède» 103t.
HYPNUM fàmis teretibus, foliis ovato lanceolatis, fetis prælongis, capfulis inclînatls, ariftatis.
HYPNUM purum. Scopoli Fl. CarnioL n. 1326.
HYPNUM cupreffiforme vulgare, foliis obtufîs» Dillen Muß. p. 309 fig. 45.
MUSCUS fqüamofus cupreffiformis. Vaillant Bot. pariß p. 138. n. 15. Tab. 28. f. 3.
HYPNUM terreftre ereftum, ramulis teretibus, foliis inter rotunda et aeuta medio modo fe habentibus.
Rai/. Syn. 81.
Hudfin. Fl. Angl. cd. 2. p. 504»
Lightfoot Fl. Stot.p. 753»
CAULES teretiufeuli, fubere&i, fimplices feü ratnofi,
fquamofi, nitentes, apicibus plerrumque crafi-
RAMULI pinnato-fparfi, teretiufeuli, fubulati, plerum-
que recurvi.
FOLIA ovata, obtufa, mueronata, convexo concava,
tenera, nitida, denfe imbrldata, adpreffa, pal-
lide virentia fig. 1 . a u 51.
PEDUNCULI nobifcum non rarq oceurunt mehfe
Novembri, unciales et biunciales, eredti, infer-
se ruberrimi, fuperne flavefcentes, parum
flexuofi, nitidi»
PERICHiETIUM oblöngum, fquamofum, fquatn®
ereöse, lanceolat®, adpreffe. fig. 2.
CAPSUL/E adult® fubovat®, parum nutantes; fig.
5. 8. Calyptra membranacea, bevis, primo
ereöafig. 4. citö caducajig-. 3. Operculum breve,
conicum, fig. 6. 7 J Cilia, extern® plurim®,
fetace®, rigidul®, rufefcentes; intern® mem-
brana connex®, apice cönvergentes; Pullen
feu Semen virefcens. fig. iö.
STALKS roünclifh, fomewhat upright, fimple or
branched, fcaly, fhining, the tops generally
SMALL BRANCHÉS numerous, irregularly pinnated,
tapering, generally bent back.
LEAVES ovate, obtufe, but terminated by a fhort point
Drawn, convex on one fide and concave on
the other, tender, fhining, numerous, laying
clofely one over the other, of a pale green
colour, fig. 1. magnifi
PEDUNCLES not unfrequent with us in the month
of November are from one to two inches in
length, upright, below of a bright red dolour,
above yellowifh, a little crooked and fhining.
PËË.ICHJÉT1UM oblong, fcaly, feales upright, lanceolate
and'prefs’d to the bulb. fig. 2.
CAPSULES when full grown are fomewhat ovate, and
a little noddingjfig.5. 8. Calyptra membranous,
fmooth, at firft upright fig. 4. foon falling off
fig. 3 ; Operculum fhort and conical jig-. 6. 7 ;
the outer Cilia numerous, tapering, fomewhat
rigid and of a reddifh brown colour, the
the internal ones comiedted by a membrane
and converging to a point; Pollen or feed of a
greenifh colour, fig. 10.
THE Hypnum purum has been confidered as producing its Fru&ifications but fpanrigly, yet if if be examined
at the proper feafon of the year viz. in the month of November, the period of its greatelt perfection, it will not be
found deficient in this refpedt, at that time its leaves are of a bright green colour, but as the plant advances they
change to a yellower hue than moft others.
D il l e n Ius makes nö mention of the Calyptra belonging to this mofs, from Whence it would appear that like
moft other Eotanifts he examined it at too late a period ; in general thofe Capfules which have a fhort Operculum
carry the Calyptra but a little while, äs in the prefent plant, while thofe in which the operculum is long bear it
often to the falling off of the operculum itfelf as in the Bryum undulatum.
This is one of the moft general Mofles we have, growing in woods, in paftures and by hedge fides univerfally, in
the former it is moft frequently found with its capfules, the oak of Honour Wood and the woods adjoining produce
it in this ftate at the time above mentioned in the greateft plenty; being a mofs generally free from all impurities
it is made ufe of by the anglers in Lancashire and probably in other counties to feour their worms in. Dill,
hiß. mufe. p. 310.