Parietaria officinalis. Pellitory of theWal
PARIETARIA Lin. Gen. PI. Polyg amia Monoecia.
Hermaphrod. Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. o» Stamina '4. Styl, 1. Sent. 1.
^perUrn, ' elo.ngatu m.
' Fem* Cal' 4-fidus. Cor. o. Stanly o. Stylus 1. Sem. u fuperum,;
RaiiSyn. Gen. 5. Herbas flore imperf.ecto seu stamineo vel apetalo potios.
PARIETARIA officinalis foliis lanceolato-ovatis, pedpnculis dichotOipis,,ca]ycibu3 diphyllis. Lin. Svfl,
Vegetahi;$. S p .p if i^ 1492. . ’ * . ’
PARIETARIA foliis el'IipticoTIance.olatis, hirfutis. Haller. Hijl."p. 162.
PARIETARIA officinalis| Scofioli FI. Cam; n. 1242. "
PARIETARIA officinarum et Diofcoridis.' Baub. pin.. 121.
HE LXINE Camerar. Epii. p. 849.
PARIETARIA Ger emac. 33, . 437;. M £».- p. f c f l Pdlltory of the Waif.
Ligbtfoot FI Scot.'p. 035. Fludfon FI. Angl. ed. 2 . p. 4 4 2 . ' Oeder Ft. Dan. t. §21.
RADIX peremiLS, fubllgnofa, rubcns,. fibrofi. | ROOT perennial, fomewhat woody, of a ’rei colour, and
CABLES plures, fubereffi, upright, from nine inches to a
• r=m° n* ml. teretes ftnati, iollcli, rubentes, | .foot or more in height, very much branched
. . .ppbdcentcs; ram, cauh fimilet, alterm, diflTufi. J ........ roun I .ftriateil',. foiid, ieddilh, anil downy- Branches like the ftslks, altcniiateand fpreadiiw. FOLIA alterna, petiolata, ovata, acuta, utrinque atte-| LEAVES alternate, fo.nd,
' |§ p * integerrima, paten tia,:, ad; margjnes. e t |
venas.fubtus præcipue pubefcejntia, fu.pra. fatu- 1
rate-viridia, lucida, fubrugola, puiiètis promi- ?
uulis- adfperfa., .
mg- foot-fta Iks, ovate,*
pointed,' tapering towards each extremity,
tire at the edge, fpreading, particularly downv,
at the edge and on the veins of the under-fide,
on the upper-fide of a deep green cplour, fhi-
4, . fomewhat wrinkled,: and covered over
PETIOLI longitudine fere diametri foliorum, puhef- | LE A F -SfALKS ‘n e a r i y 'X X ^ h 'd f the diameter of
¥1 O R F S ’ . Up.ia cnu;^ atl- I the leaves, downy, holloweJ above.
FLORES pam, herbacei, ■h.rfbti, Teffiles,- axtilis fo- f FLOWERS final!, o f a green,<h colour, rough fcffile
ltorum congionlerati, hermaphrod.t. et.faninei. | . .growing in clutters'in the ate of the leaves;
; . licrcnaphrodite and female.
Two Hermaphrodite Flowers are contained in an ini.
oiolucrum compnfed o f feven leaves, and per-
■ manent, the leaves ovate, pointed, flat,- hirliite
HermapbrodiU Flores d p o cpntinentu r mvplucro hep- |
taphyllo, perfiflente, foiiolis ovatis, acutis pla-1
nis, hirilrtis,. hirfutie glandulofâ.• jig.' 1« - -p
; - p ' P ttei S‘ J S ' V' • - V | ' into four fegments, which are flat and perma-
COROLLA. nulla, nifi calcyem dica1? e-j• a ii/jfKr A tt . ■> * • . ■ |f pLrU>TK?OfiLt TL Aa nonne,, unlefs the calyx be ca ed fo
S I AMINA: F i l a m e n t a quatuot alba', Iranfverfim | STAMINA : T o b r 'F ,l a m e n t ' of a '-Lite colour' -
rugofa, infante authefi rel.lientia, caiy- f wrinkled tranfverfely, on the fredd W o f the Kna5tirer.ir4ki *1 jay®* fe - 44M? . +? | . panarng tnc.calyx ; A n ther s ovate, obtu.fe,
Pr^'TiT t tTR/r . - . H . . : , X ■ ■. double;. P ol lf,n, white, fig,
HbTILLUM. Germen ovatum, nride, nitidum,. nq: | PISTILLUM : Germen ovate, g ,f t „ n.inin- and
dura; Stylus fiUfbrnm, Stigm a penicil-1 ' 'naked i . l t r i Y
_ . ,i. diforme, ca.pi-tat.Uim,. ruberrimium^i >
•FERICARPIUM.nullum. Fcrianthium elongatum, mt
' . jU?, • campapniatum, colpratuni, 'dpeiduum
ore laciniis conniventibus claufo. fig. 3.
SEMEN unicutn, ovatum, nitidum, iirîfundptp^rjànthi
I bright fcarlet tuft,
| SEED-VESSEL.none. TheFeriatnhiwn becoming eloiv
| . •' gat®d, karger; ijbell-fhaped, coloured^ and deci- l ' duous ;;the mouth "(hut by the fegments doling
| together, fig. 3-.. .. * - ' •’ •• °
| SEED fingle,' ovate,- fhining in the bottom of the perinn-
' clci,
CALYX r df dus’.hi.,lutus’ germen involvens. j CALYX 'divifible in',o''flr^'mems, 1^ uprigin
COROLLA nulla'....... ' ' ' " ' " ;'‘"T S'" ' fCOR01 LAV'”® S“ ‘”Cl,: 'm
PISTILLUM u^hermaphtoditi, at ftigma tnajus etpaulo f M — H i 'but t|ic ^
PEMCARHUM nullum:1'- ' *{<J. I SEED- V E S S E L ‘ H“ le d° " " ’' H
SEMEN utuciim ut ill. hermaphrodim, calyce quadtifidp | sE ED fingle, like that of the hermaphrodites, inclofed
et vix mutato inclufum. S- 7, 8 . in the quadrifid calyx,
altered.- fig. 7, 8.
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