MERCURIALIS Lin. Gen. PI. D ioecia Enneandria.
Masc. Cal. 3-partitus. Cor. o. Slam. g-f. iz . Antherce globofe
dldymae. °
Fa:m. Cal. 3-partims. Cor. o. Styli 2. Caff, dicocca, 2-locularisä
f° liis gIabris’ floribus •picMis* Lin. Syß; Yegetab. f,. 746,
Ca716i6o o ° 3 blacIllat0’ foliis “ njugatis, ovaro lanceoiatis, gIabris. Haller hip
. Cynocrambe Scopoli FI. Cam. to. 1226.
tefticulata, five mas Diofc. et Plinii. Bauhin pin. 121. ‘
fpicata, five ftemina, Diofc. et Plinii. Bauhin pin. le t .
vulgaris mas et femina. Park. 295.
mas et femina. Ger. cmac. 332.
anM ? iIa b r/VUJga 7s’ , Ä f * * • A J39-tludjon. M. Angl. ed. 2. p. 435. French Mercury, the male and female,
RADIX annua, fibrofa, alba.
CAULIS pedalis ad fefquipedalem, erefius, glaber,
ad bafjn ufque ramofus, geniculatus, geniculis
incralfatis, fubcompreflis, anceps, idque
alteme. 1
RAMI alterne oppofiti, foliofi, cauli fubfimiles.
FOLIA oppofita, petiolata, ovata, obtufiufeula, pa-
tentia, ball biglandulofa, obtufe ferrata, ad
lentem ciliata, utrinque glabra, lucidiufcula
PETIOLI foliis multo breviores, glabri, fupra cana-
STIPULyE quatuor, ad genicula, utrinque binas
PEDUNCULI florum mafc. axillares, oppofiti, erefti,
nudi, filiformes, foliis longiores, fubtetra-
' goni, fuperne proferentes glomerulos plures
florum, feffiles, odore fambuci.
I ROOT annual, fibrous, o f a white colour.
i* STA LK a foot or a foot and a half high, upright*
| fmooth, branched quite to the bottom*
| jointed, the joints fwelled, and fomewhat
f flattened, a prominent line runs on each
fide o f the ftalk, from one joint to another*
| . and that alternately.
| BRANCHES alternately oppofite, leafy, fomewhat
| like the ftalk.
| LEAVES oppofite, {landing on footftalks, ovate,
bluntifh, fpreading, having two glands at
the bafe, obtufely ferrated, if magnified
edged with hairs, fmooth on each fide*
| fomewhat glofly, and veiny,
f LEAF-STALKS much (horter than the leaves
| fmooth, channelled above.
Y STIPULaE four at each joint, two on each fide, very
f minute. ■ 7
-§ FLOWER-STALKS o f the male flowers axillary,
oppofite, upright, naked, filiform, longer
| ^an the leaves, fomewhat four-cornered*
producing towards the top, federal round,
feftile, fmall clufters of flowers, having the*
a fmell of elder.
$ CALYX . a Peri a n t h ium deeply divided into three
I , fegments, which are ovate, pointed, and
f fpreading, fig. 1.
f COROLLA wanting.
| STAMINA: generally nine Filaments, white and
very fine 5 A ntpieras double, and yellow,
% f i g * 2.
$ FEMALE FLOWERS on a feparate plant,
f FLOWER-STALKS axillary, {horter than the leaves,
generally fuftaining two flowers ; among the
female flowers we fometimes find an imper-
CALYX : Pe rianthium tripartitum,- foliolis ovatis,
| feft male flower Handing on a longer foot-
$ ftalk.
| CALYX as in the male, except that the leaves are a
* little fmaller, fig. q.
COROLLA wanting.
| NECTARIES two, tapering, one growing fingly on
0 each fide of the gerrnen, fig. 4.
J‘ PISTILLUM : G er men roundifli, double, flattened,
hifpid ; Style fcarce any; Stigmata two,
f tapering, fpreading, on the upper fide hifpid
1 length wife, f ig . 5.
■ | SEED-VESSEL a twin C apsule, prickly, having
$ two cavities.
•> SEED one in each cavity, globular, chefnut coloured
p without, white within.
acutis, patentibus, fig. 1.
COROLLA nulla.
STAMINA: Filamenta plerumque novem, alba,
capillaria; A n th er s didymje, flavse, fig. 2.
pLORES F^MINEI in diftinfla planta.
“EDUNCULI axillares, foliis breviores, fepius biflori,
inter flores faemineos aliquando obfervatur
mafculus imperfects, longius produ&us.
CALYX ut in mare; nifi quod foliola paulo minora,
COROLLA nulla.
«ECTARIA duo, fubulata, utrinque ad latus ger-
minis folitaria, Jig. 4.
ISTILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum, didymum,
compreffum, hirpidum ; St y lu s ,vix ullus •
Stigmata duo, fubulata, patentia, Iongitu-
Br„ , dinaliter fuperne hifpida, fig. r.
ERICAcu™ M: Capsui‘a 3idyma, e?hhinata, bilo-
SEMEN unicum in fingulo loculamento globofun
extus caftaneum, intus album.
M a r t o Fm n ir bu/foun^ I ' l *Pecie!‘ V of French Mercury, as it is not
lea-beach near Rw!* in in r \\r u * Va j 6? P aGes : ^ AY mentions it as growing plentifully on the
» S ? agt ca 11 eifBroofcland, in
11 trade places, by the lides of roads, and in L e g g e d ^ T o n L ™ “ “ h “