ItOMCL Odontites.
^EUPHRASIA Limai Gen. PI. Didynamia Angiospermia.
Raii Syn. Gen. Herbæ fructü sicco sin gular i flore monopëta lo .
EUPHRASIA Odontites foliis linearibus : omnibus ferratis. Limai Syfi. Vegetdb. Sp. PI. p. 841. Fh
Suectc. p, 213. n. 544.
ODONTITES bra&æis ferratis hirfutis. Haller, hifi. v. 1. p. 134. n. 304.
EUPHRASIA Odontites. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 435.
EUPHRASIA pratenfis rubra. Bauhin Pin. p. 234.
EUPHRASIA pratenfis rubra major. Parkinfon 1329.
CRATÆOGONON Euphrofyne. Ger. tmac. 91. Raii Syn. f .* 284. Eye-bright Cow-wheat. Hudfon
FI. Angl. p. 234.
RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa, lignea. ? ROOT annual, fimple, fibrous, and woody.
■ CAUUS ereftus ramofiffimus. femipedalis, ad bipeda- I STALK upright, very much branched, from fix inches
hirfutus> qnadrangulans. | td two feet high, hirfute, and obtufely fijuare,,
BRANCHES like the ftalk and oppofite.
LEAVES alternately oppofite, feflile, betwixt linear
and lanceolate, turning back, thinly indented,
llightly hirfute, veiny, veins few and hirfute
■ RAMI cauli fimiles, oppofiti.
■ FOLIA alterne oppofita, fefiilia, lineari-lanceolata, re-
flexa, rariter derttata, hirfutula, venofa, venis
parvis, fubtus hirfutis.
■ BRACTEÆ lanceolatæ, fubereftae, purpurafcentes.
■ FLORES fpicati, fecundi, fpicis apice fubnutantibus, jj
■ CALYX : Perianthium monophyllum, tubulofum, t
quadridentatum, hirfutum, dentibus aequali- f
bus, acutis, fig. i . |
1 t
■ COROLLA monopetala, ringens, labium fuperius con- f
eavum, fubemarginatum, inferius tripartitum, t
laciniis obtufis, æqualibus, fig. 2.
I'STAMINA : F ilamenta quatuor, quorum duo paulo I
breviora, alba ; A nthèræ bilobæ,biloculares, |
apice filamentofæ, bafi fpinulis duabus termi- f
natae, deorfum ubi filamentum inferitur ap- t
pendiculis clavatis pluribus inftrudæ,^. 3, 4, j . |
■ I
BlSTlLLUM : Germen ovatum, hirfutulum ; Stylus t
filiformis, in flore nondum explicato fub labio |
fuperiore Corollas involutus, poftea Corolla |
longior ; Stigma capitatum, fig. 6,
BERICARPIUM ; C apsula ovato-oblonga, comprefla, |
bdocùlaris, fig. 7. |
■ EMINA plurima, albida, ftriata, fig. 8. | lo
BRACTEiE lanceolate, nearly upright, purplifh.
FLOWERS growing in fpikes of a red colour, inclined
all one way, the fpikes nodding a little at
. top.
CALYX: a P e r i a n t h iu m of one leaf, tubular, qua-
dridentate, hirfute, the teeth equal and fharp,
f g - l -
COROLLA monopetalous, gaping, the upper lip concave
and flightly notched in ; the lower lip divided
into three, obtufe, equal fegments,^, 2.
STAMINA : four F ilaments, two fomewhat longeft,
white; A nther.® compofed of two lobes and
two cavities, at top thready, at bottom terminated
by two little fpines, and on the back part
where the filament is inferted,, furnifhed with
feveral fmall club-fhaped threads or appendages,
fg- 3» 4, 5-
PISTILLUM : Germen oval, hirfute ; Sty le filiform,
before the flower opens bent in underneath the
upper lip of the Corolla ; afterwards longer
than the Corolla; Stigmata forming a little
head,fig. 6.
SEED-VESSEL an oval, oblong, flattifh Capsule, of
two cavities, j?g-. 7.
SEEDS feveral, whitifh and ftriated, fig. 8.
l o ^P®c^es pf Eyebright, which is exceedingly different from the common fort, grows very common in
[ to tu * M B m m Corn-fields, and flowers in July and Auguft: it differs very much in fize according
l i t ; ^laCe lt Srows. and is now and then found with white flowers.
■ is not remarked either for its beauty or utility.