A nt irhin um M inus. T he L e a s t T oad-Fl ax ,
ANTIRRHINUM Linn. Gen. PL Didynamia A ngiospermia.
Cal. 5-phylIus. Corolla bafis deorfum prominens, ne&arifera.
Capfula 2-locularis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 18. Herbæ fructu sicco singulari flore MONOPEtALo.
ANTIRRHINUM minus foliis plerifque altérais lanceolatis obtufis, caule ramofiflimo diffufo. Linn.
Syft. Vegetab. p. 466. Sp. PI. p. 852. FI. Suec. p. 502.
ANTIRRHINUM vifcidum foliis inferioribus conjugatis ellipticis obtufis hirfutis, calcare dimidii
floris longitudine. Haller. Hiß. n. 335.
ANTIRRHINUM minus. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 769.
ANTIRRHINUM arvenfe minus. Bauh. Pin. 212.
ANTIRRHINUM minimum repens. Ger. emac. 549.
ANTIRRHINUM fylveftre minimum. Parkirif. 1334.
LINARIA Antirrhinum di&a. Raii Syn. p. *283. The leaft CalFs Snout or Snap-dragon. Hudfon.
Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 272. Oeder. FI. Dan. t. 532.
RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa. f ROOT annual, fimple, and fibrous.
CAULIS ereftus, fpithamasus, feu dodrantalis, ad $ STA LK upright, from five to nine inches in height,
bafin ufque ramofus, teres, ramis inferioribus | branched down to the bottom, round, the
oppofitis, fuperioribus alternis. % lowermoft branches oppofite, the uppermoft
. 9 alternate. • - *
FOLIA ut ut tofa planta villofa, fubvifcofa, inferiora % LEAVES as well as the whole plant villous, and fome-
oppofita, patentia, fubfpatulata, fuperiora al- what vifcid, the lower ones oppofite, fpreadterna,
recurvata, linean-lanceolata, obtufa. $ ing, fomewhat fpatula-fhaped, the upper ones
$ alternate, bent back, betwixt linear and lanf
ceolate, the extremity obtufe.
FLORES parvi, folitarii, alterni, pedunculati, pedun- j
culis ereClis. )
C A L YX : Perianthjum quinque partitum, perfif- j
tens, laciniis linearibus, iubasqualibus, corolla <
brevioribus, Jig. 1. <
COROLLA roonopetala, tubus fuperae purpureus, <
inferne maculis duabus parallelis, purpureis \
notatus, calcar breviflimum fubulatum pur- <
purafcens, labium fuperius bifidum, inferne 4
. albidum, inferius trifidum, album; palatum ]
villofum, flavefcens, Jig. 2. <
FLOWERS fmall, folitary, alternate, Handing on upright
CALYX: a Perianthium deeply divided into five
fegments, which are linear, nearly equal,
fhorter than the corolla, and permanent. Jig. 1.
COROLLA monopetalous, the tube on the upper fide
purple, underneath marked with two parallel
purple fpots, fpur very (hort and tapering,
o f a purplilh colour, the upper lip bifid, on
the underfide whitifh, the lower trifid and
white, the palate villous and yellowilh, jig. 2..
STAMINA: Filament a quatuor, alba. A n t he r | STAMINA: four white Filaments. A n th er s
nigricantes. Pollen album. $ blackifli. Pollen white.
PISTILLUM: G ermen fubovatum, vifcidum, rufef- $ PISTILLUM: G er men fomewhat ovate, vifcid, and
cens. Stylus filiformis, fuperae purpureus. £ o f a reddilh brown colour. Sty le filiform,
Stigma fimplex, album. 1 on the upper part purplifh. Stigma fimple
I and white.
. *
PERICARPIUM: Capsula ovata, apice dehifcens. $ SEED-VESSEL, an ovate C apsule opening at top.
Botanifts have difiinguilhed this fpecies by the names o f minus and minimum, as being the moft diminutive
of the genus. It may alfo be confiaered as one of the leaft ornamental.
It is chiefly found in corn fields, efpecially where the foil is fandy. We have occafionally noticed it in
Batterfea-Fields with the Orontium; but in many parts o f Kent it grows much more plentifully.
We know of no ufe to which it is applicable; and it is too dimunitive a plant to do much harm where it is
moft abundant.
Introduced into the garden, it comes up annually without any care, nor is it eafily loft.
It branches and fpreads according to the luxuriance of the foil, and frequently grows to a much greater fize
than our figure reprefents.
It flowers from June to Auguft.