A j u g a R e p t a n s . C o m m o n Bügle.
AJUGA Limai Gen. PI. Didynamia G ymnospermia.
Corolhz labium fuperius minimum. Stamina Iabio fuperiore longiora.
Raii Syn. Gen. 14, Suffrutices et Herbæ v e r t ic il la tæ .
AUJGA ftolonibus reptantibus. Linnen Sp. PI. p. 705.
BUGULA foliis ovato dentatis, flagellis reptans. Haller hiß. n. 282.
BUGULA reptans. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. n. 716.
CONSOLIDA media pratenfis ccerulea. Bauhin Pin. 260.
BUGULA vulgaris. Parkinfon 525.
BUGULA Gerard emac. 631. Raii Syn. p . 245. Bugle. Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. 21g.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa. | ROOT perennial and fibrous.
STOLONES plurimse, repentes, ex fuperiore parte f CREEPERS or (hoots, in great numbers fpring from
radicisnafcuntun ■ ■ t the upper part ol the root, and creep on
$ the ground.
CAULIS ere,Élus, femipedalis, quadratus,
prefertim inter flores, purpureus.
hirfutus, I STA LK upright, about fix inches high, fquare, hairy,
0 particularly among the flowers, of a purple
TOLIA oppofita, ovata, bafi anguftiora, connata, $
dentata, venofa, fæpe purpurea et nitida ; |
BraÉleæ purpureæ, foliis fimiles at minores J
et breviores. S
LEAVES oppofite, oval, narroweft at bottom and
joining together, indented at the edges,
veiny, often purple and fhining; Floral-leaves
like the others, bht fmaller and fhorter.
FLORES ccerulei, fpicati, verticillati. ? FLOWERS blue, growing in whirled fpikes.
Ç À L Y X : Perianthium monôphyllum, femiquinquefidum,
pilofum, nervofum, coerulefcens, |
laciniis fubsequalibus, acutis, duobus inferi- *
oribus magis approximatis, fig. 1. |
CA L YX : a Perianthium o f one leaf, half divided
into five fegments, hairy, nervous, bluifh; the
fegments nearly equal, {harp ; the two lower-
moft approaching neareft together, jig. 1.
COROLLA monopetala, ringens, tubus cylindraceus, |
' incurvus, labium fuperius breviflimum, bi- ^
dentatum, inferius trifidum, fubtus hirfutu- f
lum, coeruleum, venis albis piÉlum,7^. 2, 3. |
COROLLA o f one Petal, gaping, the tube cylindrical,
bent downward; the upper lip very
{hort, with two teeth ; the lower lip trifid,
a little hairy underneath, of a blue colour,
painted with white veins, Jig,. 2, 3.
STAMINA- Filamenta quatuor alba, refta, labio | STAMINA : four white Filaments, ftraight, longer
fuperiore 1'ongiora: A n th er s flavae,j^. 3. $ than the upper lip of the Corolla: A nther.e
X < yellow, fig. 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermen quadripartitum : Stylus | PISTILLUM: G ermen divided into four parts:
filiformis, fitu et longitudine Staminum : 0 Sty le thread-fhaped, the length of and in
Stigmata bifidum, minimum, Jig. 4, 5, 6. q the direftion of the Stamina : Stigma bifid
h and very fmall, jig. 4, 5, 6.
NECTARIUM Glandula flava ad bafin Germinis I NECTARY a yellow gland at the bafe of the Germen
unde Calyx fubventricofus fit, Jig. 7. ^ which makes the Calyx protuberate, jig. j .
i> ■ -
SEMINA quatuor, ovata in fundo Calycis, Jig. 8. | SEEDS four, of an oval fhape in the bottom of the
| Calyx, Jig. 8.
The Bugle is another of our Englifli plants which may be recommended as an addition to our gardens. It
is fond of a fhady and moifl fituation, and readily propagates itfelf by means o f its creeping {hoots:
According to Ra y , a variety with red flowers grows plentifully in the fecond field on the left hand going
from Wejlon-Green to Eltharn; and with white flowers it has been found in Charlton-Wood. The leaves in the
Winter are often of a beautiful purple colour. It flowers in all our woods about town from May to July, r
The chara&er of this genus is taken from the Ihortnefs or rather want of the upper lip of the flower:
exclufive of' this mark, it is very nearly related to the genus Glechoma or Ground-Ivy. It has a confiderable
large gland at the bafe of the germen in the bottom of the calyx, which occafions the latter to protuberate.
This gland, however, is not peculiar to this genus, but occurs in mo ft of the plants of the fame clafs, from
whence the bees collefl a great part o f their honey. .
It has been coniidered by the old writers as an excellent vulnerary, applied both inwardly and outwardly,
particularly fo in France, where, according to Ra y , it is common for them to fay That thojfe who have Bugle
and Sanicle need no Surgeon.