CENTAUREA. Lim. Gen. PI. Syn g eh e sia Po l y g a m ia F r u s t r a n e a .
Receptaculum fetofum. Pappus (implex. Cor. radii infundibuli-
tormes, longiores, irreguläres.
Rau Syn. Gen. g. H erbæ flo r e e x flo sc u lis fjs tu l a r ib u s compo sito .
CENTAUREA -Cyanus calyabus ferratis, foliis linearibus integerrimis : infimis dentatis. Linn. Syfl
f ¥«rr P- 785- Sp. PI. ed. 3. p. 1289. F/. Suec. n. 776. Lightfiot FL
■ Leos. V. 2. p. 49g. Blue-bonnets. Scot. Atß. Hudf. Fl. Angl cd. 2. p. 37/.
CYANUS foliis imis ellipticis, dentatis, fupremis linearibus, femiflofculis Iatiflimis. Haller Biß. n. in i..
CENTAUREA -Cyanus. Scop. Fl. Carn. 2. p. 138.
CYANUS fegetum. Bauh. Pin. 273.
CYANUS vulgaris. Ger. Herb. p. 592.
CYANUS minor vulgaris diverforutn colorum. Park.Fheat.ip. 481. Raid Syn. ed. 3. p. 198. Blue-bottles.
| aDIX annua, fubfuEformis, lignofa, fibrofa. | ROOT annual,^fomewhat fpindle-lhaped, woody, and
CAULIS erefius, bi-tripedahs, fubangulatus tomento | STALK upright, two or three feet hish fomewhat n r o B r a & S *- r a n f H H H H i ft down, hollow, branched; the Branches up-
“ a t I I -it
a a s t f “ ■ M W M 6 broader, blunter, and for the moit part entire,
f 5he n^xt to them more or lefs toothed or
•LORES laste caerulei, inodori ; Pedunculi fimplices, ■(
fuperne incraffati. ’ <j
jALYX .communis fubrotundus, imbricatus, fquamis i
lanceolatis, interioribus longioribus, inteoris, }
fuperne rufefeentibus, apicè fibris fufeefeenti- jj
bus ciliatis ; exterioribus brevioribus, ferratis, g
ferraturis reflexis. g
FLOWERS of a bright ,blue colour and fcentlefs;
Flower-Stalks Ample, thickened above.
CALYX common to all the florets, nearly round, imbricated,
feales lanceolate, the inner ones longeft, ‘
m entire, reddifh above, fringed at top with little
brownifh fibres; the outer ones fhorter, fer-
rated, the teeth reflexed.
jOROLLA cornpofita, flofculofa , difformis, Corollula \ COROLLA compound, flo fculo fe milhanen ■ the bermahbrodttar nlnnmsp m'd'ifivY ri __. 9 • » ■ mimapen., tne
i hermaphrodite florets in the centre numerous,
i fig. 2. -the,female-florets in the circumfe ren ce
fewer, larg er, and lo o fe , fig. 1. each Jingle
hermaphrodite floret monopetal'ous, the tube
filiform, ob liqu e , th e limb b e lly in g , ob long ,
upright,, terminating in ,fiv e lin ea r n e a r ly u p right
fegments, the female florets monopeta-
lous, the tube {lender, g rad u a lly en la rg in g
and b en t b a ck , the limb ob long , unequ ally
divided, fom ew h at fo ld ed , the fegments la n ceolate.
STAMINA o f the hermaphrodite flowers: F i l a m e n t s
five, ca p illa r y , v e r y fh o rt ; A n t h e r v E fo rm in
g a c y lin d r ic a l tube; a lit t le lo n g e r than the
.co ro lla.
PISTILLUM o f the hermaphrodite flowers : G e r m e n
fm a ll; S t y l e filiform, the leng th o f the fta-
m in a ; -St ig m a v e r y b lunt, with a p rominen t
bifid point. O f the Female flowers : G e r m e n
v e r y minute ; S t y l e fca rc e ly a n y ; S t i g m a
hermaphroditic plurimae in difco,y%. 2.feminent
pauciores, majores, lâxæ in radio, fig. \.
propr. hermaph. i-petala, tubo filiformi, oblig
o , limbo ventneofo, oblongo, erefto, terminate
laciniis /^linearibus, ereâiufculis,
femineis i-petala, tubo tenui, fenfim ampli-
ato, recurvo, limbo- oblongo, inæqualiter
divifo, fubplicato, laciniis lanceolatis.
jTAMlNA hermaplyroditis: F il am e n t a 5, capillaria, |
breviffima; A nther a cylindracea, tubulata, §
corolla paulo longior.
| T^LUM hermaphroditic: Germen parvum; St y - A
LUs filiform is, longitudine flaminum; Stig-QI
ma obtufiflimum, acumine bifido prominens. 6
Femineis: . G ermen minimum; Stylus vix $
u llu sS tigma nullum. j
m R hmnaphroditis folitaria ; Pappus-fetacens, f SEEDS frbm 'the hermaphrodite florets, folitary ■ Pan-
I - 0 pus or Down b r iflly, fig. 3, ’ ^
,he C ° m itS i d l i n g p la n « , wh ich c om e Op
fcdentatil“ l°°thed’ r° metimes deeP 'Y » 4 h en ce foliis in f c
* J u n e " t r f e , ” T o h?ffhOUd ?ldS> Which f l enliVCnS bY the b r illian cy o f its flowers d u ring the
Iavrs Kv U-Cj an<^ maY 'Slfc by fuch as find a difficulty
ployer Surrey, principal colourer of this work;
feting S COfitnbuted not a little to advance the reputation
obtaining, good colours, of,Mr. W il liam
whofe unwearied care to do juflice to his
lOth dF flip F lorn T rlt»-1 n*.C.« 1 T> _ . _ ’ 1