VIOLA Linnai Gen. PI. Syn g en e s ia Monog amia.
Calyx pentaphyllus. Corolla pentapetala, irregularis, poftice cornuta, Capfula
fupera, trivalvis, unilocularis.
Rail Syn. Gen. 24. Herb® pentapetalas vasculif£r.®.
VIOLA odorata acaulis, foliis cordatis, ftolonibus reptantibus, bradtaeis fupra medium pedunculi.
VIOLA odorata, acaulis, foliis cordatis, ftolonibus reptantibus. Linn. Syjl. Vegetab. p. 668»
VIOLA acaulis ftolonifera, foliis cordatis. Haller, hijl. helv. n. 558.
VIOLA odorata. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 1097.
VIOLA martia purpurea flore fimplici odoro. Bait hin. Pin. p. 199. martia alba. p. 199.
VIOLA nigra five purpurea. Ger. emac. 550.
VIOLA fimplex martia. Parkiaßn. 755. Rail Syn. p. 364. Purple Sweet Violet, and White Sweet*
fcented Violet. Oeder. FI. Dan. Icon. 309. •
’ADlX perennis, fibrofa, albida, in fenefcente planta | ROOT perennial, fibrous, and whitifh} in old plants
bafi petiolorum quotannis refléta pars fuperior |
radicis tuberculofa evadit, et fupra terram emi- f
net ; e finu horum nodoroum nafcuntur ftolones, |
qui humi repent, et foliis inftruuntur ftipulif-f
que ejufdem formas ac illæ quæ ad bafin plantas |
mveniuntur. y
the upper part of the root becomes knobby, and
appears above ground, the knots or knobs being
formed from the bottoms of the foot-ftalks of
the leaves which are yearly left; from the
bofbms of thefe knobs fpring the ftolones or
fhoots which creep on the ground, and are
furnifhed with leaves and the fame kind of
Stipulas which -are obfervable at. the bottonl
, of the plant.
IOLIA; fubrotundo-cordata, crenata, fuperne glabra, in-1 LEAVES heart-ftiap'ed, and fomewhat round at the tip,
feme hirfutula, junioribus involutis.. | crenated, on the upper fide fmooth and fhining,
' I underneath fligbtly hairy, when young rolled
| • in at the edges.
' IPULJl radicales, ovato-lanceolata?, membranaceas, | STIPU LE Springing from the root, ovato-lanceolrite,
ferratas, dentibus glanduliferis. 4 membranous, ferrated at the edges, each fetra-
I ture or tooth terminating in a minute gland. '•
“DUNGULI radicales, ihfra Braftasas quadrangulares, | PEDUNCLES fpringing from the root, below the
fupra Bra&asas dorfo ranaliculati, apice incur-T Bradteas quadrangular, ; above the Bradteas
vati, uniflori. ^ . grooved on the upper fide, at top mcuivated,
fupporting one flower.
RACTEAE du®, lanceblat®, plernmque oppofit®, ap-f BRACTE^E two, lanceolate, generally oppofite to each
preflae, fupra medium pedunculi. | other, prefled to the ftalk, and pLced above
, I . t h e middle of the Peduncle.'
ALYX: Perianthium pentaphyllum, perfiftens, fo-| C A L YX : a P e r ian th ium of five leaves, continuing,
lioHs-oblongo^oVatis, obtufis, e viridi purpuraf- T ' m each leaf of an oblong oval fhape, obtufe at the
centibus, Jig. i. | tip, and of a green i’fh pUrple coloUr, fig. 1.
petalum infimum Nedtario cotfniqqlato,‘ obtufi-1 . pie colour .and fweet fmell, the lowermoft terufculo,
OROLLA pentapetala, irregularis, violates, odorata, T COROLLA : of five Pe t a l s , irregular, of a bluifh pur-
apice compreflb inftrudlum, jPetala. lar t minating in a blunt horned N ect ar IUm, a
teralia prope bafin barbata, fig. 2. c|>. w.. c . little flattened at the extremity, the two fide
' f Petals bearded near the bale, Jig.- 2.
AMINA : F ilam.e n t a quinque brev-ifllma ®gre dif-1 STAMINA: five F il am en t s fo fhort as hardly to be
tiriguenda: A nther® flavefcentes,biloculares,|...... diftinguifhed ; A nther,® yellowifh, bilocular,
vixconnex®, membrana ovato-acuta aurantiacaf ; lcarcely con netted together, terminated by an
terminat®; e parte pofteriori duarum Anthera-1 oval-pointed', orange-coloured membrane} from
rum exit Nedariumque intrat appendiculaf the back of two of the Anther®, fprings a
•viridis, linearis, comprefla, jig. 5, 4, 3. | flender, flat, green ifh appendage, which enters
Vjttt t it* - i f ■ the Nettarium, fig. 5, 4, 3.
MILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum ; St y lu s bafi | PISTILLUM : G er men roundifh ; St y l e flendereft at
tenuior et paululum tortuofus ; St igm a unci-1 bottom, and a little twifted ; St ig m a hooked
Wp njJtum> Antheris paulo longius, fig. 6, 7. 4 and a little longer than the Anther®, fig. 6, 7.
pULARPIUM priufquam dehifcit, fubrotundo-tri-1 SEED-VESSEL, before it burfts, roundifh, rather ap-
angulare, purpurafcens, villofum; trivalve | proaching to triangular, of a purplifh colour,
valvulis fubrotundis concavis, fig. 8. | and villous appearance, fplitting into three
'Mma 1 • ¥ roundifh holjow valves, fig. 8,
I WNA plurima, rotuhda, nitida, ftraminea, appen-1 SEEDS feveral, round, fhining, of a ft raw colour, ter-
diculata, fig. 9. r minated by a little appendage, fig. 9.
L 6 °do™ta delights to grow under warm hedges, particularly near Woods. If the Spring be favourable,
liefy11? '1 • Wt: °^oorn [be month of March ; and towards the latter end of Summer ripens its feeds. A
-.gj-J* t‘iis plant frequently occurs with a white flower, not inferior in its agreeable fcentto the blue one ; and
NaiCS f 1S ^oun^ double, in which ftateit is often introduced into Gardens, and being furnifhed with
This f • « f i t ! ^100ts» 11 is» by means of thefe, propagated with the utmoft facility.
Si tv,- ?6Cies Violet bears a confiderable refemblance to the Viola hirta, the mode of diftinguifhing them we
Point out when we defcribe the latter. « : ’ , 6
htive^ m3(!e fr°m tlle flowers is ufually kept in the fhop, and frequently given to children where a gentle
is required. It is likewife in ufe as a tell to try acid and alkaline fubftances. The