IN U L A Linn. Gen. Plant. Syngenesia P olygami a. Superflu, a, Recefit. nudum. Pappus fimplex.
Antherte bafi in fetas duas definentes.
' F L O R E D IS CO.I B E . ^ w 1
■ Raii Syn. Gen. 7. H erb* flore composito, semine papposo non lactescentes
IN U L A P u lk a r iaM m amplexicaulibus undulatis, caule proftrato, floribus fubglobofis. Linn. Sp.
A S T E R folds amplexicaulibus,,undulatis, hirfutis, radiis breviffimis. Haller Hiß. n. So.
A S T E R Pulicarius. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 1080.
C O N Y Z A minor flore globofo. Bauhin Pin. 266.
C O N Y Z A minima. Gerard mac. 4S2. R a ii Syn. p. 174. fmall Fleabane.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. p . 36g.
Oeder FI. Dan. icon. 613.
RADIX anrtua, fibrofa, albida, articulata, plerumque
curvata. *
CAULIS fpithamaeus, raro ultra pedalem, nobifcum
plerumque ereftus, .ramofiffimus, teres, pur-
purafcens, pubefcens, fubflexuofus; Rami
alterni, cauli fimiles.
| FOLIA alterna, oblongo-lanceolata, amplexicaulia ■
hirfutula, undulata.
FLORES parvi, numerofi, hasmifphagrici, Iutei, fum- (
mitatibus ramulorum infidentes, pedunculati;. <
poll nati fupra primos eminentes.
I CALYX communis imbricatus, fquamas numerofae, in-
asquajes, fublirieares, ere&ae, tomentofel
I COROLLA compofita: Corollulce Hermapkroditce te-
quales, numerofiflimae in difco, limbo quin-
quefido, ere&o, extus minutiflime giaudulofo,
fig- 5> .Feminece ligulatai, numerofe, c o n fe r s
m radio; carina ad lentem fcabriufcula, limbo ■
brevi/Jimo, plerumque tridentato, 1. ’
(STAMINA: F ilament a quinque, capillaria; An-
ther^ flavas, longitudine corollas, fingulis
letis duabus tenuiffimis ad bafin inftruais,
I ■" Jig. g, 10, 1 1 .
PISTILLUM : G ermen Hermaphroditis et Feminteis
oblongum, teres, album, pilis rigidulis fub-
apprelbs hirfiitum, fig. 2, 4, S t y lu s corolla
- l®bgior; S tigma bifidum. laciniis reflexis
fiS' 8> 6.
SEMEN oblongum, nigricans, hilpidulum, teres, pap-
- ?° bmplici, rigidulo, fragili, longitudine
lsi!PirrJe,™n,s co.ronatum, fig. 8.
KtCEPTACULUM nudum, punflis prominulis fca-
brum, fig. 7.
(ROOTannual^fibrous, whitilb, jointed, generally
) STALK, from feven inches to a foot in height, feldom
> ?n0I\ ™ h us g“ =rally upright, very much
t branched, round, purplilh, downy, fomewhat
. crpolted; Branches, alternate, and like the
| LEAVES alternate oblong, and lanceolate, embra-
I • I B 1C tne> bigbtly hairv, and waved at
I FLOWERS fmall, numerous, hemifpherical and vel
> low, fitting op the tops of the branches and
I hav!? f ■ 1 1 1 laft blown Handing
r l T V V confidently above' the others. 8
| CALYX common to many florets, fcales lying one
over another, numerous, almoft linear u„_
♦ mum Tnfht’ equaI’ ?nd v°bHy. 1 « COROLLA compound, Hermaphrodite Florets equal
l S S K i l numerous in the centre, the limb
| divided into five upright fegments, and ex-
? ■ ternaily very minutely glandular, f r . e M
| male Florets in; the' circumference flat at the
» extremity numerous, clofe together, the
» ,.eeJ or mldrib underneath a little rough, the
t e e t h Uf“aI,y terminati" g 'n three
(STAMIN A: five F il am e n t s , very fine; A n th e r *
| thf length of the corolla, each fur-
1 r f two flender fcte or
I PISTILLUM: G ermen both in the Hermaphrodite
t and Female. Florets oblong, round, white
| hirfute with fliffilh hairs which are fomewhat
I preffed to it ; fig. H 4, S t y l e longer than
l the corolla; S t igm a bifid, the figments
0 turning back, fig. o, 6. 6
1 SEED oblong,> blackilh, round, and a little hifoid
> crowned with a limple, fliffilh, brittle down’
I R E C E P T A r f8 H i i k e i-Jg - s -
^ RECEPTACLE naked, roughilh from little promi-
> nent points, Jig. j . c
L & f Genus^ahhough a peculiar charaaei? it m i g ^ ^ t Ä b S e m Ä
C f ^ - n d a Genus on, in this fpec?es it requires a Ulc" i as too
[ ‘ ‘key are fuflic.ently vifihle; independent of them, however^tliere isTn the f ' T T Y “ difcover
lm,l~......... - n..J—. 1..L ..1J ............__K c_j ; . e n , e ‘ ace of the two genera fuch a
1 arranged together. * n t tliffimilanty that a ftudent would never expeH to find'them'
1* 5^