TRIFOLIUM L in . Gcn. P L D rad e l p iua De c a n d r iA.
F lora fubcapitati. Legumen vix calyce ioiigiüs; non dehifcëns, deciduum;
Ran Syrt. Gen. 23. Herbæ flore fapflionaceo seit leguminos*.
TRIFOLIUM ghmèratum capitulis feffilibus hemifpbsricis rigidisj calydbus ftriatis patulis æqualibus
Un-. Syß. Vegetab. p. 573. Sp. Plant, p. 1084. ' .
TRIFOLIUM arvenfe fupinum verticillatum. Barr. te. 882.
TRIFOLIUM parVum reàum, flore glomeràto cum unguiculis; J . B . II. 378;
TRIFOLIUM cum glomerulis ad caulium nodos rotundis. R a il Syn. ed. 3. p; 329. Knotted Trefoil
with round heads* Hud/on. F l. Angl. ed. 2. p. 327. *
IgADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa.
CAULES plures, palmares, procumbentes, teretes, pur-
purafeentes, glabri, ramofi, geniculati, geni-
culis tumidiufeulis.
'STIPULAE caulin® membranace®, acuminat®, ramu-
lorum apice faspius recurvis.
lOLIA glabra, viridia, macula alba fsepius notata, minute
FLORES glomerati, rubelli, axillaris, capitulis feflili-
H . bus, hemifphsricis.
^ALYX: Per ianthium quinquedentatum, perfiftens,
™ lave, ftriis decern coloratis notatum, dentibus
. ovato-acuminatis, patulis. Jig. 1.
[|0R0LLA longitudine calycis; vexillum furfum cur-
vatum ; alee vexillo duplo breviores, apice pau-
lulum fecedentes; carina longitudine fere ala-
.rum. Jig. 2.
■ RICARPIUM: L egumen membranaceum, difper-
mum, intra calycem. fig. 3 .
JMINA minima, flavefeentia. Jig. 4.
S ROOT annual* Ample aiid fibrous.
> STALKS feveral from the fame root, four of fix inches
in length, procumbent, round, purplifh, fmodtb,
; branched and jointed; the joints a little fwelled.
■ STIPULAE o f the ftalk membranous and pointed, thofe
o f the branches often bent back at top.
■ LEAVES fmodth, green, often marked with a white
fpot, the edge finely fawed.
: FLOWERS cluttered, of a pink colour* growing in the
ala; of the leaves, the little heads feflile, and
almoft globular.
CALYX: a P er ian th ium having five teeth, permanent,
fmooth, marked with ten coloured
ftreaks, the teeth broad, pointed, and fpread-
ing- Jig- 1.
COROLLA the length o f the ca lyx ; Jiandard bent upwards
} wings about half as long as the ftau-
dard, feparating a little at their extremities 5
keel almoft the length o f the wings* fig . 2.
SEED-VESSEL: a membranous Pod, containing two
feeds within the calyx, fig . 3*
SEEDS very minute, and yellowifti. fig . 4*
■ The bloffoms of this fpecies o f Trefoil grow in little
jtoce it has received its name of glomeratum.
H i J l M l l B f ° m it bears &me affinity, by being in every part ffflooth, in
I colour * ’ 6 teCth °f thG CalyX fPreadinS backward = 'tj bloffoms alfo are of a brighter
round balls or dufters from the alae o f the leaves, and
U t ik% ,hefJe ™c\ at * diftance, it is probably often overlooked; with us, how.
tor GrlilT. Mr\ RA?r fo“nd ‘t ab<>“ t Saxmundham in Suffolk ; Mr. Doody about Blackheath, and I Mr- Rose abo"t ™IS and Dr. —
fituation with’fnmiT fou”/ • »“ B,ac*h' ath. for ftveral years, yet not plentifully; it is fond of a gravelly
fnts erorrinv M W * » ! K W ; bcn.ce lt m"ft. be f°t in the depreffed parts of the heath. The
®ce Callitridje autumn e firiatum, ornithopodioides, and Sagina procumbens ; and at no great dif-
| | mricne autumnalts, Montia font ana, and Pepin Porfula. &
I flowers, in June.-