^■ ERVUM LinnaiGen. PI. D iadelphia Decandrià. Calyx quiiiquepartitus, longitudine corollæ.
Rail Gen. 23. Herbæ flore papilionaceo seu Leguminos®.
R eRVUM hirfutum, pedimculis multifloris, feminibus globdfis binis. Linn. Syjl. Vegetàb. p. 554. Spec-: Plant:
1039. Fl. Suède, p. 2$$:
■ VICIA foliis liuearibus, filiquis raéemofis, difpermis; hirfutis;: Haller. HiJi. helv: n: 422.
B eRVUM hirfutum. Scopoli FI: Carniol. n. 901. Hudfon. FI. Angl. p. 280;
■ VICÎÀ fegetum ciim filiquis plurimis hirfutis. Bàuhin. Pin. p. 345;
■ VICIA fylveftris feu Crafcca minima. Gerard, emac. 1028.
■ ARACHUS five dracca minor. Parkinfon\ 10 yd. Rati Syn: fmall wiid Tare or Tine-Tare; Muller. F lor:
Dan. icon: 639.
JlAplX annua, teiluis, prarionga, paucis fibrillis inftru&a. RÖOT anniial, liender; ion:
MjLES pedales, aut bipedales, debiles, ramofi, qua-
drangülares, tortuofi.
plPULiE in plures lacinias tenues divifas, fuperiore
loilA pitinata, ad o£to aut duodecem paria, oppofita,
aut fubalterna, lasvia, lanceolata, apice truncata,
nervo medio in mucronem edubio, capreolo ramofo
pDUNCULI longitudine foliorum, multiflori.
[LORES a tribus ad o&o, pallide purpurei, racematim,
et imbricatim dilpofiti.
2ALYX: Perianth 1 um quinquedentatum, perfiftens,
1 longitudine fere Corollas, dentibus liuearibus,
acuminatis, fubsequalibus, duobus fuperioribus
more Orobi .obtufe divifis, Jig. 1.
©ROLLA papilionacea; VexilLum fubrotundum,
vix emarginatum, parum reflexum,ySg-. 2 ; Al®
l Carinas adhaerentes, ovatas, obtufae, adbafinli-
[ neares, Jig. 3 ; Carina alis brevior, jig. 4,,
I interne maculd purpurea utrinque notata.
BMINA: F ilamenta decern aflurgentia, fupre-
mum brevior caeteris, nec liberum,^. 5 ; Anther.
® fimplices, flavae.
|§§nOLLUM: Germen oblongum, Stylus fimplex,'
aliurgenSj Stigma obtufum, villofum, fig. 6. 3 T3TTTJl K . T . . • „ .’X °
and furnifhed with few
STALKS from one to two feet high, weak, branched;
quadrangular and twilled.
STIPULE divided into many Render laciriias; of which
the uppfermoft is the largefl. A
LEAVES pinnated, from eight to twelve pair, oppd-
fite, or nearly alternate, fmooth," lanceolate;
with the top cut qff\ , and' the midrib running
out to a Jhort point, terminated by a branched
PEE>UNCLES the length of the leaves, and fupportino-
many flowers.
FLOWERS from three to eight, of a pale purple
colour, difpofed in racemi, and lying one
over another.
C A L Y X : a P eriantaium with five teeth, cohtinu-
ing, almoft the length of the Corolla, the
teeth linear, and pointed, nearly equal; the
two upper ones obtufely divided in the manner
of the Orobus, Jig. 1.
COROLLA papilionaceous j the Vexillum roundifh;
fcarcely nicked in, bending a little bafck, Jig. 2,
the W ings adhering to the Carina, oval, obtufe,
at bottom linear, jig. 3 ; the Carina
Ihorter than the Wings; Jig. 4; marked internally
on each Jide with a purple fpot.
STAMINA : ten F ilaments which rife upward, the
uppermoft conne&ed with, and Ihorter than the
others, fig. 5 ; the Anther® Ample arid yellow.
PISTILLUM : Germen oblong, Style fimple and riling
upward, Stigma blunt and villous, 6.
■ CARPIUM: L egumes breve, hirfutum, differmumj ? SEED-VESSEL: a Ihort hairy L egume n with “mo mmmm n 1 /Mi &.7.
■ NA duoj fubrotunda. | SEEDS twoj and rouiiditti.
Tine-Tare, which at firft fight bears fd great a refemblance to the Ervum Tetrajhermum, grows
l ic i r i t P “ '1?' among Corn, to which it is in general more deftruaive, as being a ftronger and more pro-
i f n V a™ m WCt ^eal*ons wbole dcids o f corn overpowered and wholly deftroyed by this plant.
Ll ' . 7 “ “ "guiflied from the Telrafpermum. In the firft place, the leaves are not pointed as in that fpecies, but
f t / w n KBat the endi which’ although a material circumftance, is not noticed by Muller in his figure o f
ifcds t • 1'• 639 ! fecondly ’ the Stipula are divided into many more lacini*; the flowers, and confequently
Mr w lfT Y “ 3 kmd of clufter>whereas there are feldom more than two grow together in the Tetrafpermum ; and}
1 1 # § 1 iee™s t0 be '>>e baft diflinaion, the pods are rough, and contain, two feeds in each; while in the Tetra-
■ f"" they are fmoothj and contain four feeds!