! k-
HYPERICUM Linn. Gen. PI. Polyadelphia Po lyandria.
Cal. 5-partitus, Petala 5, Filamenta multa, in 5 phalanges bafi connata.
Raii Syn. Herbæ pentapetalæ vasculiferæ.
HYPERICUM hirfutum floribus trigynis, calycibus ferrato-glandulofis, caule tereti ere&o, foliis
ovatis fubpubefcentibus.' Linn. Syfi. Vegetab. Sp. PI. 1105. FI. Suec. n. 682.
HYPERICUM foliis ovatis, per oram.pun&atis, calycibus lanceolatis, ferratis, globuligeris, Haller
Hiß. n. 1042.
HYPERICUM hirfutum Scopoli FI. Carniol. p . gz. n. 945.
ANDROSÆMUM hifutum . Bauhin. Pin. 280;
HYPERICUM Androfæmum di&um. Bauk. Hift. III. 382.
ANDROSÆMUM alterum hirfutum. Col. ecphr. l.p . 75. t. 74.
ANDROSÆMUM afcyron difhim, caule rotundo hirfuto. Moris. Hiß. 2. p. 971. f 5. t. 6. f . 11.
HYPERICUM villofum ereflum, caule rotundo. Toumefort Inß. 255. Raii Syn. Tutfan St. John’s
Hudfon F l. Angl. ed. z.p . 333. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 419.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris fufcis, rigidis, fub-
CAULIS fefquipedalis ad tripedalem, ere&us, folidus,
rubicundus, teres, pubefcens, plerumque
limplex, ramofus etiam occurrit, rarius vero
quam in hyperico perforato.
FOLIA alterne oppofita, oblonga, obtufa, feflila, utrin-
que villofula, margine minutim ciliata, fep-
temnervia, punftis diaphanis minutifîimis
per totam fuperfîciem adfperfa.
RAMI : rudimenta raini .confiantes foliolis quatuor de-
cuflatis in axillis foliorum fæpius obfervantur,
hæc vero àliquando omnino défunt, et non-
nunquam in ramos producuntur.
FLORES flavi, terminales, in panicula oblonga,
CALYX: Perianthium quinquepartitum; laciniis
lanceolatis, bifulcis, margine glandulofis,
foliola etiam et gemmæ calyci fubjefta glàn-
dulis aigris pedicellatis ornantur, fig . 1.
COROLLA: Petala quinque, flava, oblongo-ovata,
obtufa, pateritia, ftriata, fig . 2.
STAMINA: Filamenta viginti ad triginta, in très
phalanges obfcure divifa, capillaria, reâa,
flava,. corolla breviora : A ntheræ fubro-
tundæ, didymæ, flavæ, fg . 3.
Ltermen lubrotundum. St y li tres.
fimplices, diftantes, longitudine ftaminum i
, Stigmata fimplicia, fig . 4.
PERICARPIUM: Capfula oblonga, trilocularis, trival
vis, fig . 5, 6.
SEMINA.plurima, minima, fig. 7.
ROOT perenial, fibrous, the fibres brown, rigid, and
fomewhat woody.
STA LK a foot and a half to three feet high, upright,
folid, reddilh, round, hairy, or downy, generally
Ample, but fometimes branched,
though much lefs fo than the common Saint
John’s Wort.
LEAVES alternately oppofite, oblong, obtufe, feflile,
hoary on each tide, the edge finely ciliated,
marked with feven ribs, and very minute
tranfparent dots fpread all over its furface.
BRANCHES: rudiments o f branches confifting of
four leaves forming a crofs are generally
obferved in the alas of the leaves, thefe however
are fometimes wanting, and fometimes
are drawn out into branches.
FLOWERS yellow, terminal, in an oblong panicle,
forming a kind of fpike.
CALYX: a P ER iANTH i um divided into five fegments;
which are lanceolate, with two grooves, and
glandular on the edge, the fmall leaves and
buds below the calyx are alfo ornamented
with black glands placed on footftalks, fig . 1.
CO ROL LA: five Petals of a yellow colour 'and
oblong oval fhape, blunt, fpreading and
filiated, fig . 2.
STAMINA: from twenty to thirty Filaments ob-
' fcurely divided into three bundles or fafciculi,
very fine, ftraight, yellow, and fhorter than
the Corolla; Antherae roundilh, double, yel-
low, fig . 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermen roundilh: Styles three
Ample, fpreading, the length o f the ftamina!
Stigmata fimple, fig . 4.
SEED-VESSEL an oblong capfule o f three cavities
and three valves, fig . 6.
SEEDS numerous and very minute, fig . 7.
Wmimm m , . “ ^ 7 u'uiuuiou, ovGriuoKeQ «-ms ipecies ot
. d E i ? ,1 . u r .pofleffing greater dtfcernment than h.s predeceffors, appears firft to have figured and
front It k '.by ruPfrficlal obfervers it may eafily be miflaken for the common St. John’s Wort, but differs
I black ^ Uir r P ant’ hav,pg a ftaIk Perfeaiy roundeand hoary, and the edges o f the calyx befet with
i a as; it is alio more apt to grow m woods and coppices, though it is frequently met with in hedges.
I It flowers in July and Auguft.
^ro^an^rnoiTof Uthe Wootjs^ear Town!^ DuIwich-ColleSe’ aIfo about'the ° akof Honour Wood near Peck