■ LATHYRUS Linn. Gen. PI. D iadelphia Decandria.
Stylus planus, fupra villofus, fuperne 1'atior.
. Cat. laciniæ fuperiores 2 breviores.
Raïi Syn. Gen. 23,. Herbæ flore papilionaceo seu' leguminosæ.
LATHYRUS pratenfis pedunculis mulufloris, cirrhis diphyllis fimpliciflimis: folïolis Ianceolatis.
Linn,. Syfi.Vegetab. p. 552. fip. Pt. p. 1033,
LATHYRUS fcapis multiflo.ris, foliis lanceolatis,, capreolis fimplicibus. H'allèr Hiß. 436.
LATHYRUS pratenfis. Scofioli Ft. Carniol. p. 64.
LATHYRUS fylveflris luteus, foliis viciæ. Bauhin. Pin. 344.
LATHYRUS luteus fylveftris. dumetorum, Bauh.Mfi. 2,, p. 304. t. 304.
LATHYRUS fylveftris: flore luteo, Ger. emac. 1231. Park. 1062. Raii Syn. p. 320. Tare-ever-
lafting, common yellow baftard Vetchling.
’ Hüdfon. Fl. Angl. p. 317. ed. 2. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 391. Ceder Fl. Dan. ic. 527.
jk piX perennis, albida, repens.
fjAULIS pedalis, etiam tripedalis ,et ultra, debilis,
cirrhis fuftentatus, angulatus, fubpilofus, rà-
ffOLIA bina, lanceolata, trinervia, fubtus Villofula.
I I tIOLI trigoni, fubpilofi, longitudine ftipularum.
BiPULÆ femifagittatæ,. latitudine foliorum, hamis
V duobus fubinde inftructi.
M)UNCULI tétragoni, longi, fubo&oflori.
ORES lutei, erefti, racemofi, fecundi.
IDICELLI teretes, villofi, longitudine calycis.
EALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, tubulatum,
breve, cylindraceum, fubpilofum, quinque-
dentatum, dentibus acuminatis, inferioribus
longioribus, furfum paulifper curvatis, Jig. 1.
EOROLLA papilionacea,. vexillum fubemarginatum,
reflexum, prope bafin fuperne foveis duabus
intus prominentibus notatum, fig. 2. Alee
duas; apice rotundatas, fig, 3. Carina longitudine
alarum, fig. 4.
STAMINA: Fil am en t a diadelpha, {implex et no-
vemfidum, fig. g, 6. aflurgentia; A nthe-r je.
fubrotundse, flavae.
BTILLUM: Germen viride, compreffum, oblon-
gum; Stylus ereftus, fuperne latior, apice
àcuto; Stigma a medietate ftyli ad apicem
antice villbfum, fig . 7. a fculptore male ex-
HlICARPIUM : Lègumen fefquiunciale, compref-
fum, nigricans, continens Semina ofto ad
; duodecim, fubrotunda.
ROOT perennial, whitifh and creeping.
STALK S a foot high, fometimes even three feet or
more, weak, fupported by its tendrils, angular,
{lightly hairy, and branched.
LEAVES growing in pairs, lanceolate, having three
ribs, and {lightly downy underneath.
LEAF-STALKS three cornered, fomewhat hairy, the
length o f the ftipulas.
STIPULAL in the fhape o f an half arrow, the breadth
o f the leaves, fometimes having two projections
FLOWER-STALKS four cornered, long, fupporting
about eight flowers.
FLOWERS yellow, upright, growing in a bunch, all
.one way.
PARTIAL FLOWER-STALKS round, villous, the
length of the calyx.
CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, {hort,
. cylindrical, fomewhat hairy, furnifhed with
five teeth, which are long and pointed, the
lowermoft longeft, and bent a little upwards.
COROLLA papilionaceous, Standard {lightly notched,
turned back, on the upper fide near the
bafe marked with two little cavities which
projeft inwards,^. 2. Wings rounded at top,
fig. 3. Keel the length of the wings, fig. 4.
STAMINA: ten Filaments, riling upwards,'nine
united together, and one forming a feparate
body, fig. g, 6. A n th er s roundifli and
PISTILLUM: G ermen green, flattened, oblong;
Style upright, broadeft above with a pointed
top; Stigma from the middle o f the
ftyle to the top villous on the fore part, fig.
7. badly expreffed in the engraving.
SEED-VESSEL : a Pod an inch and a half long, flattened,
of a blackifh colour, containing from
eight to twelve roundifh Seeds.
' he following obfervations on this plant by the ingenious author of Eflays relating to Agriculture and rural
P > | § : not be unacceptable to fuch of our readers as are fond of Hufbandry and rural improvements;
| l 0.re f had feen his remarks, I had often thought it a plant which at leaft deferved a trial, and might, in
H^cu.ar foils, be cultivated to advantage. I remember once in particular to have feen a piece of niff foil-
L°rn| lnS ^ Lord Loughborough, at his feat near Mitcham, which produced an excellent crop of pafturage,
H r tlng chiefly of this plant, and the Feftuca pratenfis.
^»gtows very frequently in paftures and hedges, and flowers in June and July.
B 0nsle c.0.n?mon yellow Vetchling, Lathyrus pratenfis, or Everlafting-Tare, might like wife be on many occa-
« y ? ?!plvated with profit by the farmer. It grows with great luxuriance in ftiff clayey foils, and continues
Ilualit ' ann?ayy f°r any length of time, a great weight of forage, which is deemed to be of the very beft
itneo^\aS H *S efluallY f° r pafture or for hay, the farmer would have it in his power to apply it to the
H* r the other 01 thefe ufes, at any period that might beft fuit his convenience.— It is like wife attended