V i o l a p a l u s t r i s . B og V i o l e t .
VIOLA L in . Gen. P I. Sy n g e n e s ia Mo n o g am ia .
C al. 5-phylIus. Cor. 5-petaIa, irregularis, poftice cornuta. Caps, fupera
3-valvis, i-locularis.
R ail Syn. Gen. 24. H e r b i e P e n t a p e t a l a : v a s c u l i f e r /e .
VIOLA acaulis, foliis reniformibus. L in . Syß. Fegetab. p . 668. Sp. PL p . 1224. FI. Suecic. n. 786.
Haller, h iß . n. 560. J |
VIOLA paluftris rotundifolia glabra. Moris, hiß. 2../. ,475. f . 5. /. 3 5. f s . P lot. Ox. 144. /. 9.
f . 2. R ail Syn. p .' 364. *
Hudfon F l. Angl. ed. 2. p . 379.
Lightfoot F I. Scot. p. go6.
Oeder F I. Dan. t 83.
RADI a perenms, repens, albida, dentata, hinc inde
gommis albis inftruöa, plurimis fibrillis ra-
mofis capillata.
STIPULE radicales plu rimae, ovato-acutae, ferrulat®.
PETIOLI glabri, femicylindracei, interne' concavi,
ad lentem vifi pundtis minutiffimis purpureis
. riotati.
FOLIA fubreniformia, tenera, nitida, crenata, ve-
nofa, fubtus haud infrequenter purpurafcen-
PEDUNCULI radicales, uniflori, petiolis duplo lon-
giores, fubtetragoni.
>RACTEAE duo, lanceolate, oppofit®, ad bafin fer-
rulat®, infra medium pedunculi polite.
rLORES parvi, pallide purpurei.
CALYX: Perianthium parvum, petalis duobus fu-;
perioribus fere occultum, pent.iphyllum,
foliolis oblongis, obtufis, fu perioribus apice
recurvis.fig . 1.
COROLLA: Pet ala quinque, pallide purpurea, duo-
bus fuperioribus'deOrfüm flexis, longitudine
fere calcaris nectarii, petala laterali.a fubtor-
tuöfa, ftria unica fimplici notata, bafi barbata,;
Jig. %■ infima venis purpureis ramofis pulchre
picta, in calcar breve obtufum poftice excur-
rente. Jig. 3.
Si AMINA: F il am e n t a quinque breviflima; A n- ,
therms biloculares, in tubum vix^coalescen- :
tes, membrana aurantiaca terminate, fig. 4. ’■
au5i. ■ 4 ■
ISTlLLUM: G ermen fubovatum; St ylu s bafi cur- '
vatus, fuperne incraflatus, antheris longior; • i;
St igm a nudo oculo bifidum apparet; Jig. c. 5
armato ficnt ad. Jig. 6. 3
peRICARPIUM : Capsula oblonga, trigona, tri- i
L , falvis. 0 j
«UNA plurima, fubrotunda. . ?
jro i Sleeping, wniuin, toothed, here
and there furnilhed with white buds, and a-
bundantly fupplied with branqhed fibres.
STIPULE next the root numerous, ovate, pointed
and flightly fawed.
LEAF-STALKS fmooth, femicylindrical, internally
hollow, view’d with a glafs appearing to be
finely dotted with purple.
LEAVES fomewhat Jkidney-lhaped, tender, Ihining,
notched, veiny, on the under fide frequently
: FLOWER-SI ALKS Ipringing from the root, twice
the length of the leaf-ftalks, fomewhat quadrangular
FLORAL-LEAVES two, lanceolate, oppofite, finely
fawed at the bafe, and placed below the
middle of the flower-ftalk.
FLOWERS fmall, of a pale purple colour.
CALYX : a Perianthium, fmall and almoft hid by the
two uppermoft petals, compofed of five leaves,
which are oblong, obtufe, the uppermoft
turn’d back at top. Jig. 1 .
COROLLA five P e t a l s , o f a pale purple colour, the
two uppermoft bent back, almoft the length
c f the lpur o f the nedlary, the fide petals
lomewhat twifted, marked with one Ample
ftreak, and bearded at the bottom, the low-
ermoft beautifully painted with branched
-veins o f a purple or reddifh colour, running
out backward into a ftiort blunt fpur. fig-. 2. 2
STAMINA : five F il am e n t s very ftiort, A ntherje
bilocular, fcarcely united in a tube, terminated
by an orange colour’d membrane. Jig.
4.' magnified. s
PISTILLUM: G ermen lomewhat ovate; St y l e
crooked at- bottom, thicken’d at top, longer
than the anther® ; St igm a to the naked eye
bifid. Jig. 4. when magnified appearing as at
Jig- 6.
SEED-VESSEL an oblong, three-corner’d C apsule
o f three valves.
SEEDS numerous and roundifh.