JASIONE Lin. Gen. Pi. Syn genèsià M ô n o g à m ia ;
Cal. commuais ro-phyllus: Cor. j-petàla, fegulam: Cap/. inféra, bÜocularisi
JASIONE montàna. Lin. Syß. Végétai, p. 666: Spec. PI. p. 1317; p l Sue'c. 11. 782:
RAPUNCULUS foliis linearibus fubaiperis, fpica planiuicula, petalis Iiberis: Haller Bijl. n: 6r8;
RAPUNCULUS fcabiofàé capitulé cæruleo; Bauhin Pin. 92:
RAPUNTIUM montanum capitatum leptophyilom Col. Ecphr. 1. p. i ;6 : t: 227;
SCABIOSA globularis quam ovinam vocaht J . B. ÎII; 12.
SCABIOSA minima hirfuta: 'Ger. Orne. 723. .Rail Syn. p. 27S: Hairy Sheets Scabioüs, dr rathér
Ramprons with Scabious Heads. Hudßn Fl. ringt, ed. 2. p. 377. Lightfibt Fl. Scot. p. 377.
[RADIX annüa, lignofa; albida, fibrôfà. î
CAULES plures, fubere&i; fpithamæi, etiara pedaîes et j
ultra, rigiduli, ramôfi; hirfuti;
IFOLIA plurima, feflîlia, lineari-lanceolataj ôbtufiuf- j
cula, undulata* hirfutai
[FLORES capkati, cærulei, fummitafibus ramdrum in- |
fidentes. |
|CALYX : Perianthiuni commune polyphyllum : foliolis I
alternis, interioribus anguftioribus, includens I
flores plurimos pedunculis breviffimis adnexos, ]
perflftens* Jig. i* ^
Perianthium proprium q u in q u e f id t im , fu p e r u m , i
p e r flften s . ^
ICOROLLA p ro p r ia p e n ta p e t a la : Petalis la n c e o la t i s , 3
I e r e â i s , b afi c o n n e x is . figi 2. f
ISTAMINA : F i l a m e n t a q u in q u e * fu b u la t a ; b r é v ia . ;
A ntheræ quinque, oblongæ, bail connexæ. :
I fig. 3.
IPISTILLUM : G ermen fubrotundum, inferum. St y - 5
lus filiformis, longitudine Corollæ. St ig m a j
BjBj clavatum, purpureum. fig. 4, c. i
IPERICARPIUM : Capsula fubrotunda, quinquangu- j
. laris, coronata calyce proprio, bilocularis. 3
pEMINA plura, fubovata. :j
ROOT annual, rigid, whitifh and fibrous.
STALKS feveral, nearly upright* about a fpan in length,
but fometimes a foot or more, .rather rigid-
Branched, and befet with ftiort rough hairs.
„ LEAVES numerous, feflile, between linear and lanceo-
; late, bluntifti, waved and hirfute:
; FLOWERS of a blue colour, growing in little heads
; oii the tops of the branches.
; CA L YX : the Perfanthium iommon to all thefior-ets com-i
pofed of many leaves, which are alternate*
thole of the inner-row riarroweft, including
numerous flowers fitting on very ftiort fooS
walks; and permanent. Jig. \ .
The P eriant b turn of each floret deeply divided into
five fegments above the gerihen; and permanent.
COROLLA: each floret compofed of five lanceolate;
. upright Petals, conrte&ed at the bafe. Jig. 2.
STAMINA: five tapering ftiort Filaments; Antheras
five, oblong, connected at the bafe; fig. 3.
P iS T IL L U M G ermen roUndifli; b e low the Corolla;
S t y l e filiform; the len g th o f the corolla.
S t i g m a club-fhaped and purplilh. fig, 4; r
; SEED-VESSEL: a roundifh C a p s u l e , hav ing five
angles w ith tw o cavities; and crowned b y the
c a ly x proper to it.
SEEDS numerous; fomewhat ovate;
Ü BSPs! whicbin its general appearance fo much refembles a Scabious, is very Commoti oh dry faridv
j ’ P d y about Comi Wood' and Hamflteai, and moll hilly fixations near Lonln, and elfewhere.’ *
it varies much in fize, and is fometimes, though very rarely, found with white
J it flowery from June to Auguß.
Linnjeus remarks, that Bees are particularly fond o f its flowers,