A garicus Floccosus. Shaggy Mushroom.
AGARICUS Lin. Gen. PL F u n g i ,
Fungus horizontalis, fubtus lamellofus,
Rail Syn. Gen. l . F u n g i .
AGARICUS jloccofus ftipitatus fafciculofus, pileo ftipiteque pilofo-fquamofis, e flavo fufcis.
PICROMYCES tunicatus. Batarr. p. 47. t. 8. H.
AGARICUS flaccofus. Schaeffer. Icon. Fung. t. 61.
Habitat ad radices arborum, plerumque cefpitofus. | Found at the roots o f trees, and generally in clutters.
STIPES palmaris et ultra, craflitie digiti minimi feu % STALK, four inches or more in height, the thicknefs
major, fubcylindraceus, firmus, carnofus, | of the little finger or larger, fomewhat cyvix
fiftulofus, interne albus, fupra annulum | lindrical, firm, ffelhy, fcarcely hollow, whits
nudus, infra filamentofus, pileo concolop. | within, above the ring naked, below (baggy,
of the fame colour as the cap.
ANNULUS parvus, paulo infra pileum pofitus, | RING fmall, placed a little beneath the cap.
VELUM araneofum, fugacifiimum. 4 VEIL cob-webby and very fugacious.
PILEUS; Pilci diameter fefquiuncialis ad palmarem, | CAP: from an inch and a half to four inches in dia-
flavo-fufcus, cqnvexus, in centro nonnun- ƒ meter, o f a yellow,brown colour, convex,
quam faftigiatus, pilofo-fquamofus. Lamellae ^ fometimes riling to a point in the middle*
plurimae, _ confertte, insquales, ex albo lu- 4 Diaggy. Gills numerous, clofe, irregular o f
tefcentes. ^ a yeltowilh-white colour.
It doth not appear, that this Mulhroom is defcribed either by Mr. R a y or Mr. H u d s o n . It approaches
very near to l\ie fquarrwfus o f the latter, and o f which Baron H a l l e r feems difpofed to cqnfider it as a variety!
to us it appears to be a Ipecies perfeflly diftinft. 7 ’
B ata rra gives an indifferent figure of it ; S cn^ rm it an exceeding good one, very expreffive of the
plant we intend: the fpecimens from whence his drawings were made feetri to have been fmaller than ours
and fome of them more pointed, which they fometimes are. Thofe reprefented on our plate were found about
the middle of Oftobcr, growing at the bottom of a gear-tree in the garden of Mr. J o h n C h o e l e y , at South
Lambeth, where they come up regularly every year. I have alfo frequently found this fpecies in the Oak o f
Honour Wood, near Pcckham. So far as I have remarked, it always grows out of wood, in which refpea
It differs from the fmetarius, which alfo has a ragged head, but grows out of the earth, and has a much
longer cap. *
, When young, this Fungus is principally diftinguithed by the roughnefs o f its cap, which appears almoft prickly.
Its colour varies from a dingy to a more lively brown. • r 1 *
It is not of the eatable kind ; nor do \\Te know any inftance of its proving poifonous: the maggots o f flies
devour it. oa