Lathyrus Nissolia. Crimson Lathyrüs, or
Grass V etch.
LATHYRUS. Linn. Gen, È1. Diadelphia Decandria.
Stylus planus, füprä villofus, fuperne làtior. Cal. laciniae fuperiores.
duae breviprest
Rail Sym Gen. 23. H erbæ flore pApilIONaceo seu leGuminosæ.
LATHYRUS Nijfolia pedunculis unifloris, foliis fimplicibus, ftipulis fubulatis. Linn. Sp. PI. v. 2. ed. 3.
p. 1029. Syfi. Vege tab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 662;
LATHYRUS pedunculis unifloris, foliis grarriineis, ftipulis minimiss Halb, Hiß. n. 441.
LATHYRUS fylveftris minor. Bauh. Pin. 344.
CAT AN ANCHE leguminofa quorundam. J . B. II. 309.
VICIA folïö gramineo filiqua porre&iffima. Merr. p.
LATHYRUS anguftifolius ereólus, folio fingulari, fine capreolis Nifloli. Magn; Hort. i l 2. t. 112.
NISSOLIA parva flore purpuréo. Buxb. cent. 3. p. 84. t. 45. f . 1.
ERVUM fylveftre. Dodon. Pempt. p. 529. Ger. emac. Crimfon grafle Fetch. p. 1249;
ERVUM fylveftre five Catapanche. Wild grafle leafed Orobus. Park. Tb. p. 1079.
hCAULIS pedahs, et ultra, fuberectus, fimplex, raro 9
ramofus, angulatus, glaberrimus.
■ FOLIA alterna, ere&o patula, fefliliaj fubdecurrentia, a
fimplicia, graminea, lanceolata, linearia, mul- A
tinervia, inferne glaberrima, fuperne glauce- ©
fcenti-viridia, marginibus fæpe erofis. §
6TIPULÆ binæ, exiliflimæ, fubulatæ.
rLORES vivide purpurei, in pedunculis longis, fub-
folitarii, cernui.
rEDUNCULI axilläres, Tolitarii, uniflori, rariflime 1
biflori, ere&i, fubangulati, læves, fuperne 1
prope florem bra&ea mbulata inftruda, inter 1
florerri et bra&eam teretior evadit et pu-
■ CALYX : Perianthium monophyllum tubulatum, ©
quinquefidum, quinquenepve, laciniis lanceo- f
latis acutis, .inferiore' longiore, ad lentem *
KOROL LA papilionacea, vivide purpurea ; Vexillum
antice parum refiexum, dorfo compreflum ; (
Aloe fubovatæ, vexillo breviores, concolores ; (
v Carina femiorbiculata, tiimida, dilute rubens. i
KiTAMINA : Filamenta diadelphaf fimpléx et no-
vemfidum, aflurgentia ; A ntheræ fubro-
I tundæ, ßg. 1, 2.
■ PISTILLUM: G erm en. compreflum, oblongum, li-
I neare ; Stylus planus ; Stigma antice vil-
L lofum, ßg. g.
PERICARPIUM.: Legumcn lineare, bipollicare, pen-
• dulum.
ROOT annual and fibrous.
STALK a foot or more in height, nearly upright, unbranched
for the moft part, angular, very
LEAVES alternate, betwixt upright and fpreading,
feflile, fomewhat decurrent, Ample, grafly,
betwixt lanceolate and linear, many-ribbed,
below perfe&ly fmooth, above of a fomewhat
glaucous green colour, the edges often
STIPULAE two, extremely fmall, and awl-lhaped.
FLOWERS of a brilliant purple colour, fitting fingly
on long footftalks, drooping.
PEDUNCLES axillary, folitary, one-flowered, very
rarely two-flowered, upright, fomewhat angular,
fmooth, on the upper part near the
flower furnilhed with an awl-fhaped bra&ea,
betwixt the flower and the bra&ea it becomes
rounder and flightly downy.
CALYX : a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, five-
ribbed, mouth divided into five fegments,
which are lanceolate, fharp-pointed, the lower-
moft longeft, flightly hiriute if magnified.
COROLLA papilionaceous, bright purple or crimfon;
theA/tfWa/v^fomewhat reflexed, and comp refs’d
on the back; Wings fomewhat ovate, ihorter
than the ftandard, of the fame colour; Keel
femiorbiculate, tumid, of a faint-red colour.
STAMINA: Filaments in two bodies, one’ and
nine, riling upward; A n thers roundifh,
PISTILLUM: Germen flattened, oblong, linear;
Style flat; Stigma villous on the fore
■ part, fig. 3.
SEED-VESSEL: a linear Pod, about two inches long,:
and pendulous.
Er I ls ln P aft u res and among the grafly herbage on thé confines of-woods and hedges that this fpecies of
B p 1 yrus-> diftinguifhed for its grafs-like foliage and bright crimfon flowers, is chiefly found; in fuch fituations
■ is not very unfrequent in the neighbourhood of London : being an annual, its place of growth is liable to
K ikT r r i0n’ •an^ ^ -S § reat difficulty found, unlels when in flower, which it ufually is about the latter
W °, i une» in certain parts of the Ifle of Shepey, we have obferved this plant ftronger and in greater
»abundance than elfewhere. . 0
■ wliirv!• omet*mes found with white blofloms; D odon^-eus deferibes his flowers as yellowilh, and his figure
B l n ' 1S n-|j eclual.t°. moft of his others, reprefents two blofloms on a peduncle.
Bppe*S if1^ ^ate *s moïe beautiful than when cultivated; its blofloms being much more brilliant; they
ar- 1° ^ more advantage among the wild grafly herbage, where they have few or no formidable rivals:
Km a ment °* lts^owermg °b very ftiort duration, and is a fufficienu objedion to its being cultivated for
fcar(jely poffible to gather a wild fpecimen of this plant, which has not fome of its leaves bitten on thé
Bellruffive h&Ve ^ou.n(* erofion to be oceafioned by a fmall oblong Curculio, o f a pale-brown colour, very
B L jn VG °i? certam in the fpring of the year, to the foliage-of leguminous plants in general; in fome
Bitchen W'f. jia-,e ^een lbis in-fed check the growth and greatly injure fo large a plant as the common pea of the
B eaf anf L60’ an^ ^ave ^tt^e doubt but whole Clover crops are deftroyed by, it juft as they come into
Hbf this b f ne ,^ee^bnan, perhaps, blamed for the badnefs of .his feed we are not acquainted with the hiftory
I • > but recommend it to the ferious attention of the agriculturift.