L obelia Urens. A crid L obelia,
LOBELIA. Linn. Gen. PI. S y n g e n ë s ia M o n o g a m i a .
Cal. 5-fidus. Corolla ï-petala, irregularis. Capf. inféra, 2 -f. 3-IoCuIaris;
LOBELIA urens caule cieÊHufcuIo foliis inferioribus fubrotundis crenatis, fuperioribus lanceolatis
ierratis, üoribus racemofis. Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 3. p. 1321. Mant. p. 482.
LOBELIA caule ere&o, foliis lanceolatis fubdentatis* fpica laxa longa terminali. Loefl. it. 16] '.
LOBELIA foliis oblongo-ovatis, floribus laxe fpicatis. Guett. Stamp. 1. p. 35. Dalib. Pari/. 268.
RAPUNCULUS galeatus blefenfis f. folonienfis flore violaceo minore. Moriß, Hiß. 2. p. 407. f . 5 t 5
RAPUNTIUM urens folonienfe. Moriß bloß 30Ó. Bôcd.fic,20, t. l u var, 1 1 .0 . Raü Hiß 746
. MonniprObfi. îg i. ' / . J • /‘t •
DRABA flore cæruleo galeato. Bauh. Prodr. ßg. Pin. 11Ö.
Planta, laftefcens, lævis, acris.
RADIX perennis, fibröfa.
I The plant milky* fmooth, afid acrid,
y ROOT' perennial, fibrous.
RAULIS pedalis ad bipedalem, ere6lus, ramofus, am § STALK from one to two feet high, upright branched
guloflls- . | angular. /
RAMI adfcendentes, tetragoni. ) BRANCPIES afcending, folir-cornered.
fOLIA ajtema, leffilia, fiibdecurrentia, inferiors ob- 6 LEAVES alternate, feffile, fomewhat decurrent the'
longa obtufa, bah anguftata, varie dentata, •<$ lowermoft oblong, obtiife, narrowed at the
apice fepe tnfida, fupenora lanceolata, denti- | bafe, varioufly indented, often trifid at the
CL1 cUa' " ' ' ™ point* the Jippermoft lanceolate, fipel.y toothed.
flORIS violacei, inodori, mimerofi, fecundi, face- J FLOWER violet-coloured, fcentlefs, numerous, grow
* | ing to one fide' in racemi; c *-* ’ ‘
RACEMI femipedales* ere&i, bra&eati.
} RACEMI about fix inches in length, upright, furnifh-
) ed with brafieas.
■ RACTEiE inferiores lanceolate, denticulate, apice f BRACTErE, the lowermoft lanceolate, finely toothed,
tricornes, fuperions Tubulate, omnibus ad I ■ terminating at top in three little horns, the
lentern fcabriufculis. , | , nppermoft awl-lhaped, all of them appear-
* ing rough if magnified.
»LORES plerumque folitarii, pedunculati, pedunculis i
brevibus, ftipula fubulata rubro terminata ad <
bafiii utrinqûe. '
*ALYX: Pe r ianthium fupèrum, perfiftens, quin- ■
quepartitum, laciniis fubulatis, patentibus,
fuprema cæteris paulo..IongiOre, ad lentem
hirfutulis, ßg. l.
pROLLA monopetala, ad lentem villofula, tubulofa,
tubus ealyce duplo longior, fuperne lono-itu-
dinaliter divifus ; Limbus quinquepartitus^ bi-
labiatus ; labium inferius tripartitum, laciniis
ovato-lanceölatis, acuminatis, dependens, tu-
berculis duobus albis in faüçe notàtis, fupe-
rius bipartitum, laciniis ahguftioribus, ereais,
temotis, paululum recurvis, fig. z.
p M lN A : F i l a m e n t a quinque/alba, fuperne con-
nata; A ntheræ c fufco-nigricantes, pilis ad.
margines canefcentibus, ^ . 3.
| Lfil7 : ? ERME.N inferum, fulcatüm; S t y lu s
1 longitudine flaminum, fuperne paùlo
crailior; S t igm a obtufum, villofum, fig .
FLOWERS ufually fingle, on peduncles, peduncles
fhort, furnifhed on each fide at the bafe with
I an awl-ftiaped ftipula tipped with red.
a C A L Y X : a Pe r ian th ium placed above the ger-
| men, continuing, divided into five fegments
§ . which are tabulate and fpreading, the upper-
? moft a little longer than the others, Rightly
| hirfute i f magnified, fig. i .
I CO ROL LA : monopetalous, flightly villous i f magni-
I fied, tubular, tube twice the length o f the
calyx, longitudinally divided ab ov e ; Limb
deeply divided into five fegments, two-lipped;
under lip tripartite, fegments ,ovato-lanceolate,
long-pointed* and depending, at the entrance
o f the throat marked with two white tu-
$ bercles, upper lip bipartite, fegments nar-
A rower, upright, remote from each other, and
I fomewhat bent back, fig. 2.
§ STAMINA: five F il am en t s* o f a white colour,
| . united together above; A ntheral o f a
a brownifh black colour, with grey hairs on
j . their edges-, fig . 3.
| PISTILLUM: G ermen below the calyx, grooved
I S t y l e filiform, the length o f the ftamina’
a little thickened above; S t igm a obtufe and
v villous, fig . 4.
| either wX “ ?S- one,°C «ur native plants which it has fallen to the lot o f very few Englifh Botanifts to
mativelv Z y . r T 6’ l i P ,? e of growth being altogether local and confined to a part of the ifland
Kyears w V ^equented by Botanifts; m France and Spain it is more common : for more than
W conch H n n ,K u n? 10U y, defli:ous of obtaining this plant,;;, once we -had the mortification of travelling in
j, ^'ght H0n t Y the lpot where it was faid to grow : our wifhes were at length gratified by the kindnefs of
Per. which’ n °- j r En? Seymour, who two years fuice fent us up roots ana fpecimens, accompanied with
0 our S I P S p minutely its place of growth and other circumftances, we have taken the liberty
account of this plant. ’ ‘ - 7
" Bradley-Houfie,