CAREX. JJniu Gen. PI. Monoecia T riandria.
Mafc. Amentum imbricatum. Cal. monophyllus. Cor. o.
Fem. Amentum imbricatum. Cal. monophyllus. Cor. o. Neclarium inflatum
tridentatum. Stigmata tria. Sem. triquetrum intra neclarium.
Raii Syn. Gen. 28. Herb,® graminifoli®; non culmifer® flore imperfecto seu
CAREX ventricofat fpicis pedunculatis ere£lis, mafcula folitaria, femineis remotis paucifloris, capfulis
turgidis roftratis.
CYPEROIDES nemorofum, eaule exquifite triangulari-, fpicis parvis ftrigofis, inter fe diftantibus,
fquamis latis, derepente in ariftam Iongiufculam attenuate, capfulis rarihs difpofitis
turbinatis gibbis trilateris cum roftrulo adunco. Michel. Nov. Gen. p. 61 tab oo,
J g -5-
RADIX perennis, fibrofa.
GULMUS pedalis ad fefquipedalem, ere&us, folio fus,
FOLIA patulo-ere6la, lineâs duas lata, carinata, Iævia,
' margine afpera, bafi vaginantia, fub floref-
centia culmo longiora.
ROOT perennial and fibrous.
STALK from a foot to a foot and a half high, upright-,
leafy, and three--cornered.
LEAVES upright, fomewhat fpreading, two lines wide,
keeled, fmooth, rougn on the edge, fheathing
at the bafe, higher than the ftalk» when the
plant flowers. ’
F los M as cülus .
SPICA terminals, folitaria, fubuncialis, ere£la, multi-
Male Flower.
SPIKE terminal, folitary, about an inch long, upright»
many-flowered» without a braflea, brownim.
C A L YX : Scale fomewhat ovate, acuminated, green
at the back, the fides variegated with white
and brown, Jig. 1.
STAMINA : three Filaments, capillary, longer than
die calyx. A nther®; long, linear, Jig. 2.
flora, ebra&eata, fubfufca.
: Squama fubovata, acuminata, dorfo viridi,
lateribus ex albo et fiifco variegatis, Jig. 1.
STAMINA' Filament A tria, capillaria, calyce lc
giora. A ntheræ longæ, lineares, fig. 2.
Flos Femineus.
plerumque tres, remotiufculae, fpi
dimidio breviores, oblongo-ovatae,
floras, pedunculatae, bracteatas. P
compreffi, fupeme incraflati. B r.
liis fimiles, culmum fuperantes.
Female Flower,
a V SPIKES moftly three, remote, half the length o f the
-A male one, oblongo-ovate, moftly four-flowered,
1 K ftanding on flower-ftalks, and fumilhed with
- | bra&eas. Flower - S talks compreffed,
| thickened above. B racte® refemblmg the
y leaves, higher than the ftalk.
» I CALYX : Scale lanceolate, acute, green at the back,
.1 the fides white, fhining, Jig. 3.
I N ECTARY; oblong, the outfide convex, the infide con-
• | cave, clofely furrounding die piftillum, Jig. 4.
,§ PISTILLUM: G ermen obovate, within the neftary,
• f Jig- 5. Style double the length of the ger-
| men, fig. 6c ■ Stigmata three, fpreading,
| ■ Villous, fig. 7:
, | PERICARPIUM; a Capsule three-cornered, gibbous,
- | ftriated, turgid, pointed at both ends, with a
| beak membranaceous at the point, fig. 8.
jj V SEEDS fingle, large, convex on one fide, flattilh on
® the other, fig. g . within the neflary.
CALYX ^ .ma lanceölatä, aCUta, dorfo viridi,
of Ealing, has the merit of difcovering the Carex here,
th the Rev. Dr. Whitfield, in a fmall wood at the back
tght his eye, and on further fearch we found it in one part
that he has obferved the fame fpecies growing wild near
alfo been found by Mr. S ole, of Bath.
rowing with me, was pleafed to call it depauperata, from
me acquiefced* but, on maturer confideration, we think
lateribus albis nitendbii's, fig. 3.
NECTARIUM oblongum,extus convexum, intus eonca-
vum, roftratum, piftillum arfte cingens, fig. 4.
PISTILLUM: G ermen obovatum intra neftarium,
fig. 5. Stylus genuine duplo longior, fig. 6.
Stigmata tria, patentia villofa, fig. 7.