Antirrhinum Cymbalaria. Ivy -leav’d A ntirrhinum.
ANTIRRHINUM Linneei Gen. PL Didynamia A ngiospermia.
Raii Syn. Herbæ fructu sicco singulari flore monopetalo.
ANTIRRHINUM Cymbalaria foliis cordatis quinquelobis altérais, caulibus procumbentibus. Linnæi
Syfl. Vegetab. p. 454. Sp. PL p. 851.
ANTIRRHINUM caule repente, foliis reniformibus, quinquelobatis. Haller hiß. p. 146. n. 330.
ANTIRRHINUM Cymbalaria Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 770.
CYMBALARIA Bauhin pin. 306.
LINARIA kederaceo folio glabro, feu Cymbalaria vulgaris. Tourn. 160. Garidel, 287. Gouan. FI.
Mon/p.p. 100. Gerard FI. Galloprov. p. 292. Raii Syn. p. *282. Hudfon FI. Angl.p. 237.
Tota Planta glabra, cum odore ingrato. The whole plant fmooth, with a difagreeable fmell.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, intra fifluras murorum pe- ^ ROOT perennial, fibrous, penetrating between the
netrans; eradieatione difficilis. f crevices o f the walls, and fcarc^^Uj^praHicated.
CAULES plures, confertim nafcuntur, bafi repentes, 4 STALKS numerous, growing in a kind o f tuft, creep-
procumbentes, ramofi, teretes, glabri, purpu- y ing at bottom, procumbent, branched, round,
rafcentes, nervo intus duriore ettenaciore ficut $ fmooth, purplifh, and ftringy as in Chickin
Alfine. <i> weed.
. <>
FOLIA quinquelobata, glabra, fubcarnofa, oppofita, $ LEAVES quinquelobate, fmooth, fomewhat flefhy,
aut alterna, faepe purpurafcentia, fig. 12. a fome of them oppofite, others alternate, frey
quently purplilh,^-. 12.
PETIOLI longi, fuperne fulcati.
PEDUNCULI teretes, petiolis paulo longiores.
| FOOT-STALKS of the leaves long, on the upper part
a grooved.
I FOOT-STALKS of the flowers, round, a little longer
<? than the foot-ftalks of the leaves.
CALYX: Pe rianthium quinquepartitum, laciniis <
lanceolatis, perfiftentibus, fig. 1.
i C A L Y X : aPERiANTHiUM divided into five fegments,
\ which are lanceolate and c o n t in u in g ,^ . 1.
y 1 COROLLA monopetalous, ringent; the T ube fhort
COROLL A monopetala, ringens; T ubus brevis,/^. 6; \
L imbus bilabiatus, labium fuperius bindum,)
reflex u m, purpureum, venis duabus faturatiori- <
\ fig. 6: the L imb divided into two lips ; the
[ upper lip bifid, turning back, and purple, ftri-
> ped with two veins of a deeper colour,^ . 2 ;
> the lower lip trifid, the fegments round and
> bus ftriatum, fig. 2. inferius trifidum, laciniis \
fubrotundis, albidis, fig. 3 ; Palatum promi- <
nens,'bifidum, flavum, fig. 5 ; Faux villofum, J
croceum. . . . <
NECTARIUM purpureum, conicum, longitudine ;
calycis, fig. 5. . \ \
STAMINA: F il am e n t a quatuor, duo breviora; $
A nti-ieræ bilobæ, albæ, conniventes, fig. 7. xI
PISTILLUM : G ermen fubrotundum, purpureum ; <
Stylus filiformis ; Stigma obtufum, fig. .8. )
PERICARPIUM Capsula fubrotunda, rugofa, femi- ]
nibus protuberantibus, bivalvis, valvis apice /
in plures lacinias dehifcentibus, fig. 9, 10. j
• <<
SEMINA nigra, fubrotunda, rugofa, fig. 10. jj
whitifh,fig.3 ; the Palate prominent, bifid,
[ and yellow, 4 ; the Mouth or entrance
\ into the tube villous and fafiron-coloured.
\ NECTARY purple, conical, the length of the Calyx,
; *’ fig- 5-
STAMINA: four Filaments, two Ihort and two
l long; A n th e r s compofed of two lobes,
white and connivent, fig. 7.
» PISTILLUM: G ermen roundifh and purple ; Sty le*
[ filiform; Stigma blunt’ 8.
t SEED-VESSEL a roundifh Capsule, furface uneven,
y from the feeds protuberating, of two valves,
j which open at top into fevenrl lacinias, fig.
> 9, 10.
[ SEEDS black, roundifh and wrinkled, fig. 10.
thaThtLf„P-C‘eS o[ Antirrhinum is fo perfeflly diflina from all the others which grow wild in this country
within the reich Pf Ab‘ ° f mlft?kl?S ,u- 11 1S p0™d >n Sreat Plenty in all thofe parts near London that lay
and left at WSHW ' ' he Tl?a™es. ; the f?eds are earned by the flux and reflux of the tide up and down the river
Pofpj '. „ wat®r mark in the crevices o f old walls, where they take root and increafe very faft. It is fun-
1 The Walk ’^ e^ to ,us ,from whether for the purpofes of ornament or medicine is uncertain,
plentifully a- i • ftyfio-Garden, at Chelfea, from whence it has probably originated in this country,
under Paw^fl^Turn11^ * ^ a ^° *°unc* on ^ie Temple Walls, and at the fides o f the ftream n,nr
R ^°me fixations the leaves grow much larger than thofe o f the annexed fpecimen.