H I E R A c 1 u M P l LOS E L L A . M o u s e - E a r .
HIERACIUM Lin. Gen. PI. Syngenesia Polygamia æqualis.
Recept. nudum. Cal. imbricatus, ovatus. Pappus fimplex, feffilis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 6. Herb as flore combosito natura p l e n o lactescentes.
HIERACIUM Pilojella foliis ovatis integerrimis tomentofis, ftolonibus repentibus, fcapo unifloro
Lm. Syfl. Vegetab. p. 597. Sp. PI. p. 1125. FI. Suec. n. 697.
HIERACIUM caule unifloro, ftolonibus reptantibus, foliis petiojatis, ovatis, longe pilofis fubtus
tomentofis. Haller. Hiß. n. 53.
HIERACIUM Pilojella. Soopoli FI. Carniol, n. g66.
PlLOSELLA major repens hirfuta. Bauh. Pin. 262.
PlLOSELLA minor vulgaris repens. Parkinfon 690,
PlLOSELLA repens. Ger. emac. 638. Raii Syn. p. 170. Common creeping Moufe-Ear. Hudfon
Fl. Angl. p. 343. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 436.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris, pallide fufcis.
SOLIA petiolata, ovata, fæpe oblonga, integerrima,
fuperne virentia, fcabriufcula, inferne alba,
tomentofa, utrinque pilis longis obfita, e
centro foliorum ad bafin caiftis, oriuntur
ftolones teretes, repentes, hirfuti, foliofi,
foliis utplurimum lanceolatis.
iCAPUS : ex una planta feu rofula exfurgit fcapus
I plerumque folitarius, palmaris, fpithamaeus
et ultra, ereflus teres, nudus, fiftulofus, in-
ferne pilofus, fuperne hirfutus, unifiorus.
LORES pallide lutei, feu fulphurei, extimis flof-
culis inferne purpurafcentibus.
ÏALYX communis imbricatus, fquamis pluribus, li-
nearibus, valde inequalibus, fig. 1, 2, hirfu-
tis, pilis nigricantibus, ad lentem globiferis.
ÎOROLLA compofita, imbricata, uniformis ; Corol-
lulis hermaphroditis, numerofis, æqualibus ;
propria monopetala. Tubus pappo longior,
albus, lanatus. Limbus planus, quinque-
dentatus, longitudine tubi, fg . 3, 4.
LAMINA : Filament a quinque capillaria, brevif-
fima. A ntheræ in tubum cylindricum, fla-
I vum coalitæ, fig. 5.
BTILLUM : Germen oblongum. Stylus fili-
formis, longitudine ftaminum. Stigmata
L duo, revoluta, fig. 6.
IMEN oblongum, nigricans, ftriatum. Pappus fe-
mine duplo longior, feffilis, fimplex, fig. 7,8.
f ROOT perennial, fibrous, the fibres o f a pale brown
Y colour.
I LEAVES Handing on foot-ftalks, ovate, often obr
long, perfeaiy entire, on the upper fide
green and roughiffi, on the under fide white
and downy, on both fides befet with long
I hairs, .from the centre o f the leaves, at the
bafe o f the Italic, fpring one or more round,
■ f creeping, hirfute, leafy runners, with leaves
I for the moft part lanceolate,
f STALK : from a fingle plant or offset arifes gene7
rally one folitary ftalk, from four to feven
§ inches or more in height, upright, round,
naked, hollow, below hairy, above hirfute,
I fupporting a fingle bloffom.
I FLOWERS of a pale yellow, or fulphur colour, the
I outermoft florets purplifh on the under fide,
f CALYX : the common Calyx imbricated, the fcales
numerous, linear,, very unequal, fig. 1, 2.
hirfute, the hairs blackifh, and when mag-
f nified globular at the extremity.
|s COROLLA compound, imbricated and uniform,
the Florets hermaphrodite, numerous, equal,
and monopetalous. The Tube longer than
the pappus, white and woolly. The Limb
flat, having five teeth, the length o f the
tube, fig. 3, 4.
I STAMINA: five capillary Filaments, very ffiort.
J? A ntheræ united in a cylindrical, yellow
tube, fig. 5.
$ PISTILLUM : Germen oblong. Style filiform,
the length of the ftamina. Stigmata two,
$ rolled back, Jig. 6.
J SEED oblong, blackiffi,ftriated. Dozon twice the length
of the feed, feffile, and fimple, fig. 7, 8.
|The ancient Botanifts fancied fome fimilitude betwixt the hairy leaves of this plant and a moufe’s ear
»cnee its name. *