- i * \ . 'f C .> S - C > 3% < > ïï&0 > - S O - S < ^ K ^ ï< ^ % ^ Ö O % 3 ® ö ^
ÖROBANCHË L iiu Genk P l. D ïd ynAm iA A ngioöperMia .
Call bifidus. ' Cór. ringen«* Caps, ümloéuktris, bivalvis* poly {perm ai
Glandula fub bafi germinis.
Rail Syn. Gen* 18. H erb® früctü s le e o s In g u l a r i f l o r e m o n o p e t a l o ;
015 ORANCHE major caule fimpliciffirild pübefcente, ftamiiiibus fubexfërtis. Lin. Syfi-. Vegetal, pj 497‘
Spec. Pl. p. 882. F l. Suec. n. 561.
OROBANCHE caule fimplici, ftipula Unica, calyce quadrifido. Hallen H ifi. 295*
OROBANCHE major. Scopoli Pl. Carn. n. 782.
OROBANCHE major Garyophyllum ölens* Ëdub. pin.
RAPUM Genifta: Ger.emac. 13i t- Parkinf. 229. Raii SjfHk p. *288,; Bröom-rape. IIüdfön.Fl; Angh
ed. 2. p. 266. Ligbtfoot Flor. Scot. p. 332;
RADIX Spartii fcoparii radicibus plerumque adnafeitur. | ROOT g en erally grows to the rroo ots of the common
r I Broorii.
CAUL1S pcdalisad fefquipedalem, eredtus, fimplex, fit |S T A L K from afoot toa-foot«ndT
tulofus,' teretiufculus, fulcato-ftMatus, «110-1 right. Ample,- hollow, round.ft, fomevShat
fus, purpurafeens, fquamis fparfis, marcidis, f channeled, villous,- of a purphfh colour, co-
. r» r . a l.,ii—.■ rnii4.mnrn t vveerreedd wwiirthh wwiitthheerreedd ffaquuaammaacL,, • bbuullbboouuss a: t bottdm*
the bulb fquambus. ;
teiftus, ad bafin bulbofus, bulbo fquamofo.
FLORES fpicati, felliles, purpurafeentes plerumque, ali- | FLOWERS growing ill fpikes, feffile, for the mod part
nuando etiam flavefeentes, fpica primo acuta, | pUrphlh, fomeumes alfo yellowilh, Ae fpika
dein fubcylindrica. - f ,is,.at,firft. ppmted, and H becomes cyl.n-
I drical.
: a P erianthium of one leaf* upright, divided
into four fegments* pofteriorly quite
CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, ereflum, ft CALYX :
down to the bafe, and anteriorly-more deeply
that at the fides; villous, whitifh, the feg-
ments or teeth nearly equalj and ferruginous.
. Jig., i.
COROLLA monopetalous, ringent, generally purplifh,
approaching to the colour of rufty iron ; tube
bending downward, large, bellying out; mouth
gaping; upper-lip hollow, obfoletely- trifid,
fomewhat keeled, and externally vifeid; the
lower lip trifid and hollow, the middle feg-
ment the longeft. Jig. 2.
rSTAMINA : four F ilaments, tapering, white, hid
under the upper lip, two of which are longer
than the reft; Anther.® {lightly cohering,
of a ft raw colour,, double, ovate, each cavity
terminating in a point, jig . 3.
quadrifidum, pofticead bafin ùfquedivifum, et;
antice magis profonde quam ad latera, villo- :
fum, albefcens, laciniis feu dentibus fubæqua- ;
libus, ferrugineis. Jig. i.
COROLLA : monopetal a, ringens, plerumque purpurafeens,
ad ferrugineum colorem accedens, per- '
fiftens ; tubus inclinatus, amplus, ventricofus ;.
faux hians ; labium fuperius concavum, obfolete
trifidum, fubcarinatum, externe vifeidum ; labium
inferius trifidum, lacinulâ mediâ production,
concava. Jig. 2.
STAMINA: F ilamenta quatuor, fubulata, alba, fub
labio fuperiore recondita, quorum duo longiora ;
A nther® leviter cohærentes, ftramineæ, di-
dymæ, ovatæ, mucronibus terminatæ. Jig. 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermen oblongum, bafi antice tribus | PISTILLUM: Germen oblong, marked anteriorly at
glandulis, protuberantibus, flavis, melleum li-1 the bafe with three protuberant yellow glan s,
quorem copiofe fundentibus, notatum ; Stylus | . - which pour forth plentifully a tweet liquor;
pubefeens, ftaminibus paulo longior, purpuraf-1 Style downy, a little longer than the f acens,
apice inflexus ; Stigma femibifidum,f mina, purplifh, bent down at top; Stigm a
obtufum, craffiufculum, flavum. Jig. 4. | half-divided, obtufe, thickifh; an ye ow.
X- Ps*. . . .
PERICARPIUM: C apsula ovato-oblonga, acuminata, t SEED-VESSEL an ovate, oblong capfule, terminating m
unilocularis, bivalvis. Jig. 5. I a point, of one cavity and t.wo valves. Jig- 5-
SEMINA numerofa, minima; receptacula quatuor, li-1 SEEDS numerous and very fmall; receptacles four, 1-
- - -- - ~ near, growing to the- fides of the capluie.
nearia, lateralia, adnata, fg . 6, 7.
M 7.
The literal Englilh tranflation of the Greek word Orobanche is Strangle-tare*: this term has been given by
D ioscorides to one plant, and by T h e o ph r a s tu s to'another; ours is undoubtedly the Orobancbeof D io sc o r id e s ,
(as it accords with his defeription +), and alfo of P l ih y . The Orobancbe of T h e o p h r a s t u s rouft have been lome
‘ Orobanche
\m Jlrangultt, Jicilo
. . . . .............ulus eft fefimipedalis, it interdam major, fi.lm.bcr, h.rfim.s, tener, fine folio, pingu« : flora fi.Mb.do, .
-ergente : .»dice digit! craffitudinc,ot cum aridi.a.c (fccccfat caulis, fiilulofi,. Hanc mter quM.n. legum.ua n f a o o > b , o :<
unde Orobanche fib. cognomentum ufiirpavit. Eflur, ut dus, cruda, et in patinis, atparag. modo, decotta. J-egumentis add.