Sonchüs A r v e Xsis. C orn Sow- T histle.
SONCHUS Lin. Gén. PI. Syngenesià P o l y g a .m ia Æ qualis.
Recept, nudum. Cal. imbricaüus, ventricoffis. Pappus pilofus.
Raii Syn Gén. 5. Herbæ flore ooMpösitö natura pleno lactescentes.
SONCHÜS arvenfis pedunctilis calycibufque hifpidis fubumbellatis* foliis runcinatis baß cordatisi
Lin. Syß. Vegetab. p. 594. Spec. PL 1116. Fl. Suec. n. 687.
SONCHUS foliis amplexicaulibus femipinnatis ferratis, calycibus hifpidis. Haller. Hiß. 23.
HIERACIUM arvenfe. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. n. 974.
HIERACIUM majus folio fonchi. Bauhin. Pin. 126.
SONCHUS repens multis Hieracium majus. Bank. Hiß. É. 170.
SONCHUS arborefcens. Ger. emac. 294. Raii Syn. p. 163. Tree Sow-thißle. Hud/bn. Fl. AngL
ed. 2. p. 337. Lightfoot Fl. Scot. 427.
RADIX perennis, la&iflua^ longé, lateqy
■ repens dif- | ROOT perennial, milky, creeping fa r and wide, with
& difficulty eradicated.
pAULIS bi feu tripedalis et ultra, dreftus, fißulofus* f STA LK from two to three feet high, or more, up-
la&efcens, fubangulatus, las vis, inferne faspe | right, hollow, milky* fomewhat angular
purpureus, fuperne ramofus. 4 fmooth, often purple below, above branched.
fOLIA alternä, runcinata, bcß cordata, amplexicau- | LEAVES alternate, like thofe of Dandelion, heart-
lia,Jaeviaj nitidula, fubtus^ pallidiora, fpinis # Jhaped at the bafe, embracing the fialk*
mollicellis circa margines donata.
LORES fubumbellati* magni, lutei.
fmooth, ffiining, paler on the under fide, the
# edges furniffied with foftifh prickles,
f :
| FLOWERS growing in a kind o f umbel* largt and
1EDUNCÜLI longi, teretes, pilis longis luteis, glo- |* FLOWER-STALKS long, round, covered with long
buligeris vefiiti. yellow hairs, bearing globules at their,
lALYX communis priufquam flofculi expanduntur 0 CALYX common to all the . florets, before their ex.
cylindricus,apicetruncatns,pofteaventricofo- f panfion, cylindrical and cut off at the extrecomcus,
fquamis plurimis, ereflis, intequa- mity, afterwards bellying at the bafe and
libus, carinatis, lordide viridibus, hirjutiffi- * conical, the feales numerous, upright, unmu,
pills ficut in pedunculis. - | equal, keeled, of a dirty greeii colour, and
extremely hairy, the hairs fimilar to thofe
f on the footftalks.
JOROLLA compoflta, imbricata, Corollulis herma-
phroditis, numerofis, asqualibus.
Vopria monopetala* tubus albus* tenuis, fuperne pi-
lofus^ limbus Iuteus, lotigitudine fere tubi
marginibus faepe fubinvolutis, quinqueden-
tatus, jig. i.
|NTHERiE in tubum flavum* fobangulatum, coa-
»IGMATA duo, filiformia, reflexa.
|EMEN ovato-oblongum, badium, fulcatum, angulis
ad lentem tranfverfim rugofis, pappolum,
pappo fimplici, feffili, Jig. 2. '
0 COROLLA compound and imbricated, the Florets
’! hermaphrodite* numerous and equal.
Each,Floret monopetalous, the tube white, Render.,
| hairy above* the flat part yellow* almoftthe
f length of the tube* the edges frequently rolled
| inward, furniffied with five teeth* Jig. 1.
f ANTHER^E united into a yellow; and fomewhat an*
1 gular tube.
f STIGMATA two, thread-ffiaped, feflexed.
4 SEED of an oblong egg-ffiape, bay colour, and
| grooved* the angles tranfverfely wrinkled
| when magnified, downy* the down fimple,
I and feffile, fig. 2.
mellow {jiefreS ^onc^ s *s prop.erly termed arvenjis, being commonly found in corn-fields, in which its large
iWuifh t ° t0,werinS above the. corn* render it a very confpicUous plant; thefe alone are fufficient to
lot whe h the common Sow-thiftle, it has befides two other very diltinH chara&ers; the one a creeping
lobule* ^ y ^beeomes very noxious to the hufbandman ; the other, numerous yellow hairs* with little
at tneir extremities, thickly fpread over the calyces and flower*fta!ks.
No (Toms in July and Auguft ; many of its feeds prove abortive.