Arabis T ha l i an a . Podded Mouse-Ear,
ARABIS Linnai Gen. PI. T etradynamia Siliquösa.
G t e & f e neaarifer*-4, Gngulae intra calycis foliola, fquama; inftar
Raii Syn. Gen. 21. H erb.® t e tra peta ea ; siliqu o s^ e t silicu los^ .
ARABIS thaliana foliis radicalibus ovato-lanceolatis, dentatis, punfiato-fcabris.
ARABIS. thaliana k\iis petiolatis lanceolatis integerrimis. Linn. Syft. Vegetab. p. 501. f t . Suede.
ARABIS foliis radicalibus petiolatis, ovatis, dentatis caule fubnudo ramofo. Haller, /lift. n. 4.52.
TURRITIS vulgaris ramofa. Raii Syn. 294, Moufe-Ear.
BRASSICA fpuria minima, foliis hirfutis et glabris. Raii Syn. ed. 2. 166.
BURSAS paftoriae fimilis filiquofa major et minor. Bauhin. Pin. to8.
PILOSELLA filiquofa. Thai. tab. j.
PARONYCHIA major et altera minor. Parkinfon 556. Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. 255.
RADIX annua, limplex, fibrofa, albida.
FOLIA radicalia oblongo-ovata, petrolata, dentata,
: pfefertim prope bairn, hirfuta, utrinque fca-
bra, pun Sis prominulis, caulina feflüia-, den-
tata, fig. 1, - 2. hirfuties ad balin foliorum
limplex, ad marginem et fuperficiem bi et
CAULIS femipedalis ad pedalem, ereâus, fubramofus,
. teres, rore glauco teSus, hirfutus, ramuli
alterni, nutantes.
CALYX : Peeia n th ium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis,
concavis, hirfutulis, fig. q. au£t.
COROLLA: P etala quatuor, calyce duplo longi-
ora, apice dilata, integra, obtufa, Jig. 4. auti;
STAMINA: F ilamenta quatuor, fubulata, quorum
duo breviora, j ig .. 5. . An t h e r æ flavæ,
PISTILLUM: G erm en oblongum, tenue; Stylus
breviflimus,longitudine Staminum; Stigma
obtufum, Jig. 6.
PERICARPIUM : filiqua tenuis, femuncialis, bivalvis,
fig* 7» 8» continens
SEMINA plurima, flavefeentia, Jig. g.
| ROOT annual, fimple, fibrous, whitilh.
LEAVES of an oblong oval fhape, Handing on foot-
0 ftalks, indented, efpecially near the bafe o f the
leaf, hairy, rough on each fide, with, little
J prominent points; leaves on the ftalk feflile
| and indented, Jig. 1, 2. the hairs at the bafe
? o f the leaf fimple, thofe at the edges and on
j lne furface dividing into two or three forks.
| STA LK from fix to twelve inches high, upright,
^ fomewhat branched, round, crooked, covered
with a bloom, hairy, the little branches alternate
and drooping.
C A LY X : a P erianthium o f four leaves, whichare
oval, concave, and llightly hairy, Jig. 3, mag.
J COROLLA of four P etals, twice the length of the
X Calyx, dilated at top, entire and obtufe,
$ M 4-
STAMINA: four tapering Filaments, two o f which
f are. (hotter than the others, ,7%-. 5. An t h e r s
$• fmall and yellow. -
PISTILLUM: G ermen oblong, flender; Style
f very fhort, equal in height to the Stamina;
I Stigma blunt, Jig. 6.
I SEED-VESSEL : a fmall flender pod about half an
inch long, of two valves, Jig. 7,8, containing
^ SEEDS. Several yellowifh feeds, Jig. g.
when ^mäy^e overfooked^or"miftaken^br th^D ^0me referoblance to the Shepherd’s Purfe; and
but by its flender pods it may readily L diflhtguiftfd “ Part,cularly as “ Srows >“ % i '? r fixations ;
gr°und, about town ; and it may be found
Page's, is in particularpar“ ft c o v e S f i f tOP ° f r V S j '« e Sir L e g o e v
ornamented with the Geranium Cicutarium. ’ he bottom of 11 ls> at the fame time, beautifully
It flowers in March and April, and the feed is ripe in May.
No particular virtues or ufes are aferib'ed to it.
tbat cann°t be too often inculcated into the mind of the
At other times io r e than a foo” h ® “ “ bemS not more than an inch or two in height, and
B | 1 the plants o f the clafs Tetradynamia,
®>nme, as fcarcely to§ be difeerned with Z a gn ifie r genUS A n iu ‘ are in this f l r f l very