L amium A mplexicaule. H enbit D ead-Net t le .
LAMIUM Linnoei Gen. PI. Didynamia G ymnospermta.
Corolles lab. fuper. integrum, fornicatum ; lab. inf. 2ilobum ; faux
utrinque margine dentata.
Rail Syn. Gen. 14. SufFrutices et Herbæ verticillataî.
amplexicaule foliis florahbus feffilibus amplexicaulibus obtufis. Linnoei Syß. Vezetab.
p. 440. Spec. Plant, p. 203. Flor. Suède, p. 80g.
foliis radicalibus petioîatis, lobatis, fuperioribus cauleia ambiendbus, rotunde incifis.
Hauer, hiß. n. 273.'
amplexicaule. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 7Ö2.
folio caulem ambiente majus et minus. Bauhin Pin. 23I.
hederula altera. Gerard, emac. SiS.
hederula folio major. Parkinfon 762.
Raii Syn. p. 240. Great Hetibit.
Hudßn Fl, Angl. p. 225.
Lighlfoot FI. Scot. p. 3 09*
a!bida- I J K . t ROOT annual, fibrous, and o f a wbitilh colour.
CAULES ex una radice plures, dodrantales, aut peda- % STALKS, feveral from one root, nine inches or a foot
les, iuberefti, quadrat!, laeves, ramis paucis .j high, nearly upright, fquare, fmooth with
°PP°fi.tls- . | a few oppolite branches.
FOLIA oppofita, inferiora pet.olata, fubrotundo | LEAVES oppofite, the lower ones Handing on foot-
cordata, mctfo-crenata, venofa hirfutula, f ftalks, of a roundilh heart-lhaped figure,
pettolis fupeme concavis foliis longionbus, J deeply crenated, veiny, flightly hairy the
m m la,’- ‘^emlorbIculata, mclfa, la- {. foot-IIalks grooved on the Upper part and
cinns obtufiufcuhs. | longer thandre leaves; the up^erones femt
f orbicular, cut in at the edges, the fegments
«-.T /-Nr« tpo , f fomewhat blunt.
FLORES yerticdlati ad te, duorum generum, manci * FLOWERS growing in whorls to 15, o f two kinds,
fcihcet et perfetti, manci breves, ralvrih.------r -------- ,---- - calycibtins a ___ r ^ ■ a®
paulo longiores, apicibus ruberrimis hirfutis ;
claufis, fig. 1. 2 ; perfecli calyce quadruplo |
longiores, purpurei, e fummitatibus caulium I
utplurimum erumpentes, fig. 3.
perfeft and imperfe6l; the imperfeft ones ^
{hort, a little longer than the Calyx, the tips
very red, hairy, and clofed, fig . 1, 2 ; the
perfeft ones four times the length of the Ca-
Iyx, of a bright purple colour, and generally
nAT v y t,. r .a ‘ -d • , f breaking out from the tops of the ftalks fiz. q.
CA L YX m perfeShs Perianthium qumquedenta- * CALYX in the perf ed ones; * Per Ianthium with five
turn, tubulofum, vix mamfefte ilnatum, den- J teeth, tubular, fcarce manifefily ftriated ; the
COROT T AUS xi,n.al1« US’ acummatIS‘.hirfutis, Jig. 4. 0 teeth equal, acuminated, and hirfute, Jig. 4.
COROLLA T ubus pradongus, cyhndraceus, fub- f COROLLA : the T ube very long, cylindrical, nearly
ereaus.rauxinflata, margine reflexamaculata, * upright, the mouth inflated, the edge turned
denticulisdnobusnotata.coilumprominulum, | back, (potted, and marked with two little
' " fu!?e5lus f?r" lc.atu,m. hirfutum, fub- $ teeth ; the neck a little prominent ; the upmtegrum;
labium mferiusdeflexum.bilobum, J per lip arched, hirfute, and nearly entire^
maculis purpureis notatum, Jig. 5, 6, 7, 8. f the lower lip turning down, having two lobes,
c rp a Tv./fTXT a tt , , I which are fpotted with purple, fie. z, 6, 7, 8.
STAMINA . FiLAMENTAquatuor, quorum duo Ion -f STAMINA: four Filaments, two lbng and two
nfinfr annliifub b'° fUp?n° re :/ NTHER* I <h°rt, o f a white colour, placed under the
pilofe, poilme croceo refertas, Jig. g. J upper lip: A nther« hairy, filled with a
ptcttt t TTAyr /-t , , „ ■ . f faffron-coloured pollen, fir. n.
PISTILLUM . G ermen quadrifidum : Stylus fill- | PISTILLUM : G ermen divided info four parts -
; ? I T f i i ° ngltUdme Ct ^tU ftammum : S t ig - t Sty le filiform, of the fame length and fituabifadum,
acutum, Jig. 10. | tion with the Stamina : Stigma bifid and
SEMINA quatuor in fuiido calycis, appendiculata, S SEEDS f o ^ in tfie bottom of the Calyx, with t-
punftis albis notata, fig. 11, 12. | tie appendage to each, furface covered with
I white fpots, fig. 11, 12.
In the flowering o f this plant, there are feme circumftances well deferving of attention^
I wo kinds o f blonoms are obfervable on it; the one a very fmall (hort one, like the rudiments o f a
t e "ttle ]1.<?nS?r than The Calyx, with the mouth clofed; very hairy, and of a bright red colour; the
f lo w e r I ce t^at ° f Lamium purpureum, but much longer.
eaJv in the°q lbeft bloJ°,ms’ whidV„[0 tar as refpefls the Corolla, are evidently imperfeB, appear very
S i M a v l M L 1" Februar>' ar d Marph : th' lon8 and p e rM bloffoms do not make their appearance
till May or June, when hey are oblervable on the tops of the fialks : and if the progrefs o f the flowers be
cdieenndtlvy wwaarrmn , Ctrhi‘e°y cao Wm1e froer th(° frunlnl y% fo trem egd?. dualif enlarSed in differen*t bloffoms, dll the weather bein°g fuffi-
haVE at,tend,ed i°,.the chanSes ° f infers, mud have obrerved, that if a caterpillar has, previous
forth nerfeSn;S T i j ‘ OT Pupa. ftate> been deprived of its proper quantity of food, the fly has come
want parts rXCept tlJe whlch are crumpled up, and never expand ; fo this plant, for
’ a 0 ,? foffieient degree of warmth, is not able to pulh forth an expanded Corolla; yet being perfeft in
.every other part, the ipectes (offers no.diminndon. . ’ 8
had for feveral years imagined, that the imperfeS flowers were the rudiments of the long bloffoms ; but
that th1e°Jw^Inkte ,nqufllry>1 fou"d that they never grew any longer, but decayed. I was then ready to fuppofe
that they were barren flowers ; but on differing them, I found that each had both Stamina and a Piflillum
nodee of it! r ° Ve obPervatI°ns. were made, I find, on looking into the Flora Suecica, that L inneeus takes
or its fcarce ever producing per.fefl,bloffoms in Sweden.
oerfSe:2 ? ; 1S a ? fOCeJfs % ewhfC ,flmj! ar to what we ob{brve # the Violet and fome other plants, where
P r e“ produced, although the Corolla be not perfectly formed.
and ‘ and “ the Sreateft abundance in the fields and gardens about BatUrfea