VIOLA Linnai G,n. PI. Syn g en e s ia .Monogamia.
Rail Synop. Gen. 20. H er bæ P e n t a p e t a l æ V AscVLiFERÆi
VIOLA tricolor^caule triquetro difFulo, foliis oblongis incifis, ftipulis pinnatifîdis. ÎAmu Syfi. Vegetab.p. 668.
VIOLA caulediffufo, ramofo, foliis ôvatis dén taris, flore calycè paulo ma iori. Haller. Hid tom t ncbn
VIOLA bicolor arvenfis. C. B au bin. Pin. 200. J 5 9-
VIOLA tricolor fylveftris. Patkinfon. 755.
JACEA bicolor frugum et hortorum vitium I. Baubin. III. 548. Rail Synt p. 226. U RudCon Fl
p - 331. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. p-183., J ’ ’ &•
RADIX fimplex, fibrofa. | ROOT Ample and fibrous.
CAULIS palraans et ultra , plerumque diffufus, ramofus, | STALK about four or fix inches high, generally foreid-
angulqfus, ad bafln p u rp u re a s) rami | in g , branched, angula'r, at bottom o f a dull
H R , rm ’ ... . . , | ■ purple co lo u rs, th e branches alternate.
FOLIA longe petiolata,, crenata, .nfer.or.bus g LEAVES placed on long foot-ftalk, elliptical, created
l X mlb b d tT a tis r° tU ’ fuper‘° i'lbuS S | the S B o f la > & » « « M round!«,, th e
™,T ^ J U r 1 ■ • ■ .................... f . uppermofl: n arrow and (lightly indented
STIPULE ad bafin laamato-pinnatifidae, lac.nnsl.nea- | STIPULE at bottom jagged aud piL tifid the laci
nbus, extrema oblonga, dentata. I nke otjags linear, that which tefminateV the
Stipula oblong and indented.
[PEDUNCULI fubquadrangulares, alterni, apice incur-
vati, dorlo canaliculati, ftipulis duobus parvis,
membranaceis, prope florem, inftru&i.
[CALYX: P e r i a n t h iu m pen taph yllum, perfiftens fo-
liolis acutis, tria fu p e rio ra minora, ad bafin
æqualia, fuprema e red a , petalis fupremis lon-
giora, duo in fe r io r a apice et bafi cæteris long i-
ora, bafique latiora, petalis infimis breviora,
J g - 2.
[COROLLA pentapetala, irregularis, duo fuperiora fub-
rotunda, in tegerrima, albida, deorfum fp ed antia;
lateralium la m in a ovata, obtufa, ad bafin bar-
bata, lineaque brevi purpurea notata ; infimum
latum emarginatum, ad bafin flavum, lineis
quinque purpureis p i& um , c a l c a r e s e u n e c -
[NECTARIUM. terminatum, longitudine calycis, apice
violaceo, obtufo, J ig . 3, 4 , 5, 6.
FOOT-STALKS of the flowers, nearly quadrangular
alternate, bent in at top, channeled on the
back, and furniflied with two fmall membranous
Stipula, near the flower.
CALYX : a Peri anthium of five leaves and continuing,
the leaves fliarply pointed, the three upper
ones fmalleft, and equal at bottom, the upper-
moll upright and longer than the uppermofl: petals,
the two under leaves longer both at bottom
and top than the reft, and at bottom likewife
broader, Ihorter than the lowermoft petals,'fig. 2.
■ COROLLA pentapetalous and irregular, the two upper-
moft petals roundilh, entire, and reflefled ; the
lamina or broad part of the fide petals oval, ob-
tufe, bearded at bottom, and marked with a
«lortpurple line; the lowermoft petal broad,
emarginate, yellow at bottom, and ftreaked
Sve purPle lines> and terminated by a
NECTARY. Spur or Nectary the length of the
Calyx, with a blueifh and blunt point, Jg. 3,
[STAMINA: F ilamentaquinque, breyiflima; A nthe- f STAMINA /five F ilaments very (hort; A nthfras
RJEalb.ds, v.x coadunata. b.Ioculares, mem. | whitifli, fcarcely united, bilocular termhwted
brand crocefl terminate, e duobus mfer.or.bus | by a faffron coloured membrane; from thl*wo . appendicui w èÈÈÊÊÊÊBë PISTILLUM : G e r m e n fu b c o n ic n m ,^ . 1 1 . ; S t y l u s I P I S T I L L U M : G e r m e n f o m e w t o ^ o n L l , fig, „ ,
I ad bafin tortuofns, ftamnubus longior,Jg. , 2.; | Sty le twilled at bottom and longer ia n the
f i l i l r f e T , ’ ÏUe perf0ratum’ per‘ I Stamina,^, r a.; St .oma forming^ little head!
JPERICARPIUM: Capsula ovata, glabra, unilocularis, | S E E D -V E S S E L ^ r o v d X t o T L c ! S t f m jc'avity
pMINA plurima, L t £ fhica, nitida, appendiculata, | SEEDS f l f P with a
valvrs affixa, Jig. r j. I button to each,’ affixed in rows to^he inflde
of the valves, Jig. .15,
I Few plants have acquired a greater variety of names than the Viola Tricolor. In different Author, ,„d dlffi.,. ,
H I we find therollowing, vh. mid Panjie, Herb Trinity, Hearts-eaP, T b r e T fa lT u n L T h Z ' r Ï Ï T P H r- w dhat hbas occaf,or d {r e of ihefe is the if - M a M M E . In * there flowers that can boaft a greater Variety or richnefs of colour,' few that
p a | p ln ,or are cu rotated more eafe. It is probable, that the large yellow V olet B
Fw, is no more than a variety of this fpecies. 6 3 vioia
L t Pt r V Ï Wj1<i fta'eoccurs feqacntly in cultivated fields, and bloffoms through moll of thé fnmmer
■ E O f? harfy as to appear m Lapland amongft the few other plants which ornament the walles ö” th!t
ri™1? caring its Ihort fummer. It is eaten by Kine and Goats. eS 0t tllat
k « f reï,Cei ' ‘ J.hefbr” o f ' hc Sti.Smit f«ms to divide the plants of this Genus into two families, $ 8 Pander
M a H 1,1 former the Stigma is round, a remarkable hole on one fide of i t : in the latteHt is hoiked
[ t e rT rkV l e ^ lmeS W5i!:b Lf0metimes aPpear on the ^'ala- Mil to n had obferveƒ the S
W Ê Ê Ê , ' 1 6 111 a p00r the purple and yeIlow M the bloom of this flower frequently become
I S k &de M a potfea white This variation in colour gives a propriety to theMetamorphofis
I ws lt0Wer» *n which Shakespeare pays an elegant compliment to his royal Miftrefs. P
That very time I faw (but thou could'Jl not)
Flying between the cold Moon and the Earthy
Cupid all-arm'd: a certain aim he took
A t a fair Vejlal, throned by the wejl,
And loos'd his love-Jhaft fmartlyfrom his bow
As itjhould pierce a hundred thoujand hearts I
'But I might fee young Cupid’s fiery Jhaft
Quench'd in the chajte bearps of the watery moon,
And the imperial votrefs p'ajfed on,
In maiden meditation fancy-free.
Tet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell',
It fell upon a little wefiern flower,
Before milk-white j now purple with Love's Wound,
And Maidens call it Love in Idienefs.