GERANIUM. Ltnm Gen. PI. Monadelphia Decandria.
Monogyna.' Stigmata 5. FruBus roftratus, pentacoccus.
Ran Syn. Gen. 24. Herb® pentäpetal® vasculifer®.
GERANIUM diJfieBwn pedunculis folio brevioribus, foliis quinquepartito-trifidis multifidifque, petalis,
pmarginatis, arillis villofis. JL’Herit. Ger. Ait. Hort. Kew. vol. 2. p. 437.
GERANIUM diJfeBum pedunculis biflori^, foliis. quinquepartito-trifidis, petalis emarginatis, longitudine
calycis, arillis villofis. Linn. Syfi. Veg. p. 618. Spec, plant. p. 956. Flor. Suec. 622,
Scopoh Fl. Carn. ed. 2. n. 848. FLudfon Fl. Angl. p. 304. ■ Lightfoot FI. Scot. 371.
GERANIUM caule ere&o, foliis quinquelobis, lob is trifidis acutis. Hall. Hiß. 937.
GERANIUM foliis imis ufquè ad pedunculüm divifis. Vaill. Pari/, tab. 15. f 2.
GERANIUM malacoidesy? colurhbinum alterum. Parkinfon 706. Columbinum majus difle£Hs foliis.
Ger. em. 938. Raii Syn. 359. Dove’s-foot Crane’s-bill, with jagged leaves.
IRADIX annua, teres, fubfibrofa, fufca.
iCAULES plures, fubpedales, patentes, teretiufculi,
pallide virides, hinc rubentes, pilis crebris,
■ brevibus, Nalbis, deorfum fpe&antibus, obfiti,
nodofi, ramofi, ramis alternis, divaricato-
[FOLIA oppofita, longe petiolata, quinquepartita, laci-
niis tri-fexfiais, diftantibus, linearibus, inæ-
aualibus, acütiufculis*. venofis, utrinque pilis
iurfum fpeâantibus inftru&is, margine apice-
que rubris, finubus obtufis. Laciniæ foliorum
radicalium raagis approximatæ et obtufiores,
pètiolis divaricato-patulis, comprefliufculis,
uti paulis pilofis.
ISTIPULÆ bilobæ, bafi lata, albida, lobis femicorda-
tis, acuminatis, rubris, nitentibus, linea dor-
fali albida, margineque eiliatis. v
■ FLORES pafvi, püïpüréo-fubn.
KPEDUNCULI biflori, foliis breviores.
ROOT annual, round, fomewhat fibrous, brown.
STALKS many, about a foot long, fpreading, round-
ilh, or a pale green, here and there reddilh,
befet with a number o f white, fhort hairs,
pointing downwards; jointed, branched; the
branches alternate, divaricated, fpreading.
LEAVES oppofite, on long footftalks, deeply divided
into five fegments, which are again divided
into from' three to fix fmaller ones, diftant,
linear, unequal, fomewhat pointed, veiny, on
both fides befet with hairs pointing upwards,
their edge and tips red, the finuffes obtufe.
The fegments of,tne radical leaves approach
nearer to each other, and are more obtufe,
footftalks fpreading, a little flattened, hairv
like the ftalk.
STIPUL.dE compofed of two lobes, with a broad white
bale, the lobes femicordate,’ acuminated, red,
Alining, having a whitilh line on the back,
wljich together with the margin is edged with
FLOWERS fmall, of a purplilh red colour.
PEDUNCLES two-flower’d, fhorter than the leaves.
BEMINA arillata. A rillus villofus, fig. 6. I C A L YX : a Per ianthium with five, ovato-oblong,
»CALYX : PerianthiuM pentaphyllum, foliolis ova-
to-oblongis, tririervibus, ariftatis, pilis glandu-
lofis obfitis, Jig. 1.
■ COROLLA calyce paulo brevior. Pet ala quinque,
oblongo-obcordata, emarginata, Jig. 2.
KtfECTARIUM : Glandulæ quinque virides, cum
petalis alternantes, Jig. 3.
B T AMINA : Filamenta decern, germen cingentia.
Antheræ fuboVatæ, coeruleæ, fig. 4.
B ’ISTILLUM : Germen pentagonum, roftratum, pilis
glandulofis veftitum. Stylus çylindncus,
perfiftens. Stigma quinquefidum, rufefcens,
fig- 5-
three-rib’d, awned leaves, befet with glan-
dulous hairs, f ig i 1.
COROLLA a little fhorter than the calyx. Pe t a l s
five, oblongo-obcordate, emarginated, fig. 2.
■mmgly,m Which -it frequen?tly does byh ruosad fides, and in fallow fields.
■ It flowers jn May and June.
men it grows
N E C TAR Y : five green glandules, placed alternately
with the petals, fig. 3.
STAMINA: ten Filaments furrounding the.germen.
A n t h e r .® nearly ovate, blue, fig. 4.
PISTILLUM five-comer’d, beaked, befet with glan-
H tny ° r ihe ^ r.»r!^typecies , we may remark, however, that , it is not only
dulous hairs. Sty le cylindrical permanent..
Stigma quinquefid, reddifh, fig. 5.
fryLrtfootL lk sfiTnLd eaV“ ’ butthat lts “ olToms (ufhally ol a bright colour) being furnilhed will
yThe awns o f the l a t S Z h T f “ 1 7 n T ° “ g * 7 IeT S ; ,thc Peta!s alfo are ufua% (h°« er than the calyx
he roftrunj istWrklv 7 i S ° "8;'th.the e ill calyx, but more particularly the flyle, which becomes
In not fpre^d horizonta^vTed v* ld,haIrs, i °*i the ftalk afford likewife a good diftinffion, as they
m SEEDS covered with a villous A rillus, 6. \
■ oticed Monf V a u l A^ ’ fi X ° f t ,e 0ther fpeCles' but obvloufly Point downward, which is accurately