Ornithopus Perpusillus. C ommon B ird’s-Foot.
ORNITHOPUS Linn, Gen. PI, D i a d e l p h j a D e c a n d r i a ,
Legumen articulatum, teres, arcuatum.
Ran Syn. Gen. 23. Hrrba: Flore Papilionaceq seu L eguminqs#,
ORNITHOPUS perpujillus foliis pinnatis, Ieguminibus incufvatis. Linn, Syfi. Vevetab, ed. 14 Murr
p. 670. Spec. PA p. 1049* ^ ^
ORNITHOPODIUM caule pröftrato, foliis pinnatis, filiquis umbellatis, articulatis. Hall. Hiß, n. 393,
ORNITHOPODIUM majus — , minus — , radice tuberculis nodofa, Baub. Pin, 350,
ORNITHOPODIUM minus. Ger.emac.i241.
ORNITHOPODIUM radice nodofa. Park, x093, RaiiSyn. p .326, Birds-foot, Hudfon FI, Angl,
ed, 2. p, 321, Lightfoot FI. Scot, p, 399.
R adix annua, tenuis, fibrofa; fibris longis, albidis,
|AULES plures, fubpalmares, proftrati, fimplices,
teretes, pubefcentes.
IfOLIA pinnata, radicalia proftrata, fubpetiolata, cau-
lina altema^ feflilia; foliola 6 ad 9 juga, fiepe
cum impari, ovalia, fubcarinata, per lentem
■ LORES parvi, ex albo, rubro, et Iuteo pulchre va-
negati; pedunculi ex axillis foliorum 3-5
flori, longitudine folii. .
BALYX: Umbella fimplex. Perianthium mo- A
nophyllum, tubulatum, pilofum, perfiftens, 0
■ ore quinquedentato, fubaequali,^. i. 0
EOROLLA papilidnacea: V exillum obcordatum, X
vix emarginatum, album, venis rubris pi6tum, ©
Jig. 2. A la: ovatse, reftae, albae, magnitu- ©
dine vix vexilli, jig. 3. Carina comprefla, l
flavefcens, minima, Jig. 4. ©
HAMINA; Filamenta diadelpha, fimpl ex et no- fj
vemfidum, Jig. A nther a; fimpl ices, fla- a
vefcentes, Jig, 6. %
■ STILLUM: Germen lineare, viride; Stylus feta- ©
c^us> afcendens; Stigma pun£tum terminale, V
ad lentem fubcapitatum, jig . 7. ¥
Bm C AR P IUM : L egumen fuhulatum, teres, arcu- |
atum, articulatum, iftthmifque interceptum, ©
articulatim difcedens, Jig, 8, 9, |
BMINA folitaria, Tubrotunda, Jig. *o.
ROOT annual, flender, fibrous; fibres long, whitifh,
befet with tubercles.
STALKS feveral, about a hand’s-breadth in length,
proftrate, fimple, round, downy.
LEAVES pinnated, the radical ones fpread on the
ground, and Handing on fliort footftalks, thofe
o f the ftalks alternate, feffile, compofed of
from 6 to 9 pair of pinnae, and often terminated
by an odd one, oval, fomewhat keeled,
and hairy if magnified.
FLOWERS fmall, prettily variegated with white, red,
and yellow, peduncles proceeding from the
alae of the leaves and o f the fame length, fup-
porting from three to five flowers.
C A L Y X : the Umbel fimple. The Perianthium
monophyllous, tubular, hairy, permanent,
the mouth having five teeth, nearly equal,
A - S
COROLLA papilionaceous: the Standard obcor-
date, fcarcely emarginated, white, marked
with red veins, Jig. 2. W ings ovate, ftraight,
white, fcarcely lb long as the ftandard, Jig. 3.
K eel flattened, yellowifh, very minute, Jig. 4.
STAMINA; F i l a m e n t s diadelphous, nine united,
one Angle, Jig. 5. A n t h e r # fimple and
yellowim, Jig, 6.
PISTILLUM ; G ermen linear, green; St y le .tapering,
afcending; Stigma a terminal point,
forming when magnified a little head, Jig, 7.
SEED-VESSEL: an awl-Ihaped,round,bowed,jointed
Pod with crofs divifions, feparating at the
joints, Jig, 8, 9,
SEEDS one in each joint, roundifh, fig. 10.
abounds on moil of the heaths arid commons near London, efpecially where the
B t Bowers from June* to September.
ll§fijJ“/“® flo*ers. when, 1111' examined, and the flriking fimilitude which the feed-veffels bear to
I 1 « ot a bird, render tt an objea highly deferving of attention.
Bid. leS sreat1) 'in P°>nt C ?e; the little knobs adhering to the roots arecommon to plants o f the leguminous