S t AC H Y S ARYENS I S. C o r n S t a c h y s.
'STACHYS Lin. Gen. PI. DidynamiA Gy 'mnöspermia.
Corolla lab. füper. fornicatum, lab. infciius lateribus reflexum: intermedia
'majore emärginata'.- Stamina defloratä verfus 'latera re'flexa.
RdiiSyn. Gen. 14. Suffrutices et Her Bis verticillat/E.
%TACHYS arvenfis verticillis fiexflorisf, foliïs obtufis nudiulculis, corollis 'longitudine calycis, caule
debili. jLin. Syfi. Vegetal. p.448. Sp. PI. p. 814.
GLECOMÄ arvenfis. Lin. FI. Succ. n-. 512. Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 1. p. 224. upright Ground-ivy.
TRIXAGO foliis Ovatis, tordatis, rotünde dentatis', hïrfutis’. 'Hallet. Hiß. n. 231.
SIDERITIS affines trixaginis fólio. B. Pin. 233'.
'SIDERITIS hèderülffi folio. Park. 587.
SIDERITIS humilis lato obtüfo folio. Getard. emac. 699.
STACHYS arvenfis minima. Riv. Irt. Mon. icon. Raii Syh. p. 242. Fludfon :Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 260.
Corn Stachys. Lightfoot FI. Scot. f . 314. petty Iron-wort or All-heal. Oeder FI. Dan.
9 587-
RADIX annua, fibrófa. . _ ^
PAULIS fpithamæus feu pedalis, inter fegetes, ubi nob if- J
cum fæpius invenitur, eredtus (procumbens feu :]
debills rarius obier vat ur) ramofus, tetragonus, 3
h'irfutus. Rami alterni, oppofiti.
FOLIA oppofita, petiolata, óvato-cordata, obtufa, ve- j
nofa, hirfuta, Obtufe ferrata, fumma leffilia. 1
FLORES parvi, carnei, verticillati-, Ipicati,
VERTICILLI circiter lexflori.
CALYX : Peri anthium quinque-dentatum, perfiftens,
patens, hirlutum. fig. 1.
COROLLA ringens, parva, calyce paulo longior, pal-
lide purpurea^, labio fuperiore breviore, obtufo, .
integro, inferiore trifido, laciniis lateralibus bre- ■
viôribus, media majori, rotundata. fig. 2. ;
STAMINA : Filamenta quatuor, qüorum duo bre- :
viora, inferne alba> fùperne purpurea; A n - ;
theèæ nigricaiites j Pollen Ilavum. fig. 3. j
PI'STILLUM : G ermen quadripartitum* viride. St y - ;
lus longitudine ftaminum. Stigma bifidum, \
acutum, fig. 4.
SEMINA quatuor intra calycem, virefcentia, nigro '
pun&ata. fig. 5.
ROOT annual and fibrous.
STALK a Ipan or a foot in height, among the corn
where it is generally found with us upright,-
(it is more rarely found weak or procumbent),
| branched, four cornered, hirfute. Branches
| . alternately oppofite.
| LEAVES oppofite, Handing on foot-ftalks, ovate, with
? an heart-Ihaped bafe,. obtule, veiny, hirfute,
| bluntly ferrated, the uppermoft ones feffile.
| FLOWERS fmall, flelh-coloured, growing in whirls,
s and forming a. fpike.
¥ WHIRLS containing fix flowers in each.
| CALYX : Perianthium with five teeth, permanent,
$ projecting horizontally, and hairy, fig. 1.
| COROLLA ringent, fmall, a little longer than the
$ calyx, of a pale purple colour,, the upper lip
t Ihort, blunt, and entire; the lower one divided
| into three. legments, of which the two fide
t ones are the Ihorteft, the middle one large
and roundilh. fig. 2.
STAMINA: four F ilaments, two of which are
Ihorter than the reft, white below, and purple
above; Antheraj blackilh; Pollen yellow,
US 3 •
PISTILLUM: Germen divided into four parts, of a
green colour. Sty le the length of the fta-
mina. Stigma bifid and pointed, fig. 4.
SEEDS four within the calyx, of a greenilh colour,
dotted with black, fig. 5,
Botanifts, both ancient and modern, feem to have been at a lofs with what genus o f plants they Ihould clals
this fmall inhabitant of our Corn-fields. At various times, and by various authors, it has been called a Sideritis,
a Lamium, a Marrubiafirum, a Glechoma, a Stachys, and a Lrixago. It appears neither to poffefs the ftriking
characters of any other genus, nor to afford fufficient diftinCtion to form a genus by itfelf. As a Ipecies, however,
there is no difficulty about it; its place of growth, the fmallnefs of its flowers, and form of its leaves, obvioufly
diftinguilh it from any other Englilh plant.
i Ili' *s °ot uncommon in the Corn-fields about the Oak of Honour and Coomb Woods, and elfewhere about London;
ft flowers in June, July, and Augufi.