T rifolium O chroleucum. Y e llow C lover.
TRIFOLIUM. iLinn. Gen. PI. D iad e l p HIA D eCANDRIA. I
Flores fubcapitati. Capjula vel Legumen vix calyce longius, non
dehifcens, deciduum.
Rail Syn. Gen. 23. H erbæ f l o r e p A p i l io n a g e o s e u L e g u m in o sæ .
TRIFOLIUM ochroleucum fpicis villofis, caule ere&o ' pubefcente, foliolis infimis obcordatis. Linn.
■ p.: Sy/t. Vegetal, ed. 14 . Murr. p .1 1 4 3 . Jacq. Fl. Außr. v. 1. p. 26. t. 40.
TRIFOLIUM ochroleucupi fpicis villofis globofis, corollis monopetal is, calybum infimo dente longiffimo
recto, caule fub déclina to, foliifque villofis infimis obcordatis. Hudf. Fl. Angl. ed. 2.
TRIFOLIUM caule erefto, folds hirfutis, fupremis conjugatis, fpicis oblongis. Hall. Hiß. 3 78 .
TRIFOLIUM pratenfe hirfutum ma jus, flore albo-fulphureo feu «xpMw«. The great white or
yellowifii Meadow-Trefoil.
TRIFOLIUM montanum majus flore albo-fulphureo., Merr. Pin.
RADIX perennis.
EAULES plures, pedales,- fefquipedales, ere£ti, ra-
mofi, teretes, hirfuti, fæpe purpurafcentes.
IFOLIA utrinque hirfuta, mollia, integerrima, ad oras
fæpe purpurea, infima minora, obcordata,
caulina majora longe petiolata, remota, ovato-
oblonga, obtufa, fuprema breve petiolata,
KTIPULÆ oblongæ, femiamplexicaules, nervofæ, bi-
cufpidatæ, apicibus prælongis.
■ LORES in capitulis, . folitariis, villofis, prima fub-
rotundis, demum fubovatis.
EALYX perfiftens, monophyllus, tubulatus, albidus,
hirfutus, quinquedentatus, infimo dente casteris
duplo longiore, Jig. 1. .
BOROLLA papilionacea, monopetala, ochroleuca:
Vexillum infra tubulofum, tubo longitudine
dentis calycinis infimi, limbo lanceolate,^
compreffo, ereblo, tubi longitudine; Alee
■ Carinaque cum vexillo poalitae, iftoque multo
breviores, Jig. 2.
»AMINA: Filamenta diadelpha fimplex et novem
fidum: A nthers fimplices, minutte flavas.
BISTILLUM: Germen lubovatum: Stylus fubula-
tus, adfeendens: Stigma fimplex.
PERICARPIUM : L egumen calyce ftriato inclufum,
membranaceum, tener, tenue, monofpermum.
B^MEN luteum. a$
ROOT perennial.
STALKS feveral, a foot to a foot and a half in length,
upright, branched, ' round, hirfute, often
LEAVES hairy on both fides, foft, perfebtly entire,
often purple at the edges, the lowermoH ones
final 1, inverfely heart-maped, thofe of the ftalk
large, Handing on long footflalks, ovato-
’ oblong, obtufe, the uppermofl ones narrower,
Handing on Ihort footflalks.
STIPULAE oblong, half embracing the Halk, Hrongly
• ribbed, terminating in • two long points.
FLOWERS growing in fingle, villous heads, which
• at firH are nearly round, and afterwards fome-
what oyate.
CALYX continuing, monophyllous, tubular, whitilh,
hirfute, five-toothed, the lowermoH tooth
twice the length of the others, Jig. 1.
COROLLA papilionaceous, monopetalous, pale yellow;
Standard below tubular, tube the length
of the lowermoH tooth o f the calyx, limb
lanceolate, upright, length of the tube, fides
comprefled, Wings ana Keel united to the
flandard, and much fhorter than it, Jig. 2.
STAMINA: Filaments united in two bodies, nine '
and one; A nthers fimple, minute, and
PISTILLUM: G ermen fomewhat ovate; Style
tapering to a point, bending upward ; S tigma
fimple; ■
SEED-VESSEL : a Pod contained within the Hriated
calyx, membranous, thin, tender, one-feeded.
SEED yellow.
Htrl tW „ a , wvyu wws iL5 name nuui uie colour 01 its Dioiioms, wmen is pale yellow, or brim Hone
I it in their °nftanli y ’ by this cllara&er is fufficiently diflinguiflied from fuch of our other Clovers as refemble
‘ ° 'h,S the ^ eaterhf rinerS° f thewh0le iDid a - * Vexillum, as well as the difproportionate length of the lowermoPH‘ afnetg' m^eht uonfu ftuhael Cleanlygxth
K Thi„ r generally prevail, enchanting indeed would be the fiudy of plants ! }
Wialkv 3 8 1 1 atte rd7 Paft,ures In the more eaHern parts of the kingdom, and frequently fuch as have a
1 environs of London it is rarely found“ we have o b feW Sparingly about
■ c e lle n t friend n r E?eX’ e,PeclallfC about Dunmow, it is particularly abundant, as we are alTured by our
Bjtdebted- wehaver;eJee-HN/ IMS’ t0/ h° re,rbo? mcaT1 lkil1 waare Pmud ° f acknowledging ourfelves frequently
Knowledge in ! • , A i'00“ ?l * alfo .from L ewis Majendie, o f Hedingham-Caflle, Effex, o f whole
■ o r d ample tdtimony^ 3nd ° f wh° fe zeaI m Promotmg h,s country’s bell interefts, the annals o f agriculture
■ Fro” ? “ iUne and
■ >“°cointeofreat ?verf‘?n. a ® *0 inoillure, we could never keep it in our garden at Lambeth-Marlh.
1 prove a „ond r K u * “ i *uPerl° r t0 the Trifolium repent, and, for certain foils and fituations, it may perhaps
6 uwtitute for it, or Has pratenfe. We recommend it to the notice of the experimental agricultural.