Sta ch y s palustris. Clown’s A llheal,
STACHYS Lin. Gen. PI. D idynamia Gymnospermia.
Corolla lab. fuper. fornicatum, lab. inferius lateribus reflexum, intermedia
majore emarginata. Stamina deflorata verfus latera reflexa.
Raii Syn. Gen. 14. Suffrutices et Herb* vertic illa tæ .
STACHYS paluftris verticillis fubfexfloris, foliis linear! lanc.eolatis femiamplexicaulibus fcffilibus.
Lin. Syfl. Fegetab. p. 447. Sp. PI. 811. FI. Suec. n. 528.
STACHYS foliis hirfutis, elliptico-lanceolatis, breviter petiolatis, verticilis fpicatis. Haller Hiß.
n. 257.
STACHYS palußris. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 707. ■
STACHYS paluftris foetida. Bauh pin. 236.
SIDERITIS Anglica taumofa radice. Park. 587.
PANAX coloni. Gerard, emac. p. 1005. Rail Syn. p. 242. Clown s Allheal.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 313*
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 259.
RADIX perennis, repens, ftolonibus plurimis, albis, per |
-terrain in longum extenfis, quorum extremi- ^
fates fub finem æftatis in tubera intumef- i
cunt. I*
CAULIS bipedalis, ereftus, ramofus, fiftulofus, qua- \
drangularis, lateribus planiufculis, angulis |
hifpidulis, pills deorfum verfis, geniculatus, ■ |
geniculis pilofis, purpureis. |
RAMI cauli fimiles. ^ |
FOLIA oppofita, feflilia, fubamplexicaulia, laneeolata, |
patentia, ferrata, fubrugofa, nervo medio Tub- |
tus fcabrîufculo. . 4I
FLORES verticillati,. fpicati, pallide purpurei, verti- |
cillis decern floris, o£to in circulam difpofitis, I
uno utrinque fuperimpofito.
SPICÀ fplthamæa, ere&a. _ |
BRACTEÆ ovato-acuminatæ, integerrimæ, hirfutæ, |
trinerves, deflexæ. i
CALYX ; Perianthium monophyllum, fubulatum, |
quinquefidum, hirfutulum, purpurafcens, li- |
neis decern elevatis notatum, ore patulo, den- |
tibus fubæqualibus, acuminatis. 'fig-1.
COROLLA monopetala', ringens, tubus breviffimus, i
cylindraceus, pilis interne coronatus, faux \
oblonga, compreffiufcula, fubincurvata, punc- \
tis duobus prominulis ad bafin labii fuperioris, ^
labium fuperius eredlum, Tubovatum, fornica- ^
turn, emarginatum, fuperne vifcidum, labium i
'inferius màjus, trifid urn, albo et purpureo j
pulchre variegatum, lacinulâ intermedia maxi- i
ma, concav^. fg . 2. 3. 4.
St am in a : F ilamenta quatuor, quorum duo paulo \
breviora, ad lentem fubpilofa, medio craffiora, «
rubicunda, nitida ; Antheræ e purpureo- •
nigricantes ; Pollen album, fig. 5. 6. -
PISTILLUM: Germen quadripartitum; Stylus fili- ;
formis longitudine ftaminum ; Stigma bifi- ;
dum, acutum.- fig. 7. 8. 9. \
ROOT perennial, creeping, fhoots numerous, .white,
extending under ground to a great length,
their extremities at the clofe of the fummer
becoming tuberous.
STALK two. feet high, upright, branched, hollow,
four corner’d, the fides fiattifh, the corners
fomewhat hifpid with hairs which turn downward,
jointed, the joints hairy, and purple.
BRANCHES like the rtalk.
LEAVES oppofite, feflile, flightly embracing the talk,
lanceolate, fpreading, fer rated, fomewhat
wrinkly, the midrib on the under fide of the
leaf roughilh.
FLOWERS of a pale purple colour, growing in whirls
which form a fpike, in each whirl, is ten
flowers, eight placed circularly, and one on
each fide above them.
SPIKE fix o.r eight inches high.
FLORAL-LEAVES ovate and pointed, entire, hirfute,
threerib’d, and turned downward.
CALYX: a Perianthium o f one leaf, tubular, divided
into five fegments, flightly hirfute, purplifh,
marked with ten elevated lines, the mouth
open, the teeth nearly equal and pointed, fig.i.
COROLLA monopetalous, ringent; tube very fhort,
cylindrical, crowned internally with hairs;
mouth oblong, fomewhat flattened and a little
bent, marked with two prominent dots at the
bafe of the upper lip ; upper lip upright, fomewhat
ovate, arched, nicked, and vifcid at top;
the lower lip larger, divided into three fegments,
beautifully variegated with white and
purple, the middle fegment very large and
hollow, fig- 2. 3. 4.
Stamina : four F ilaments, two of which are fomewhat
fhorter than the other two, hairy when
magnified, thickeft in the middle, reddifh and
fhming ; A nther.*, Of a purplifh black colour;
Pollen white, fig. 5. 6.
• PISTILLUM: Germen divided into four parts; Sty le
thread fhaped, the length of the tamina;
Stigma bifid, and pointed, fig. 7. 8. 9.
Gerard has been extremely lavifh in his praifes of this plant as a vulnerary, whence it has.acquired its name
of Clown's Wound-wort, or All-heal. He mentions the cafe of a labouring man, who in reaping cut a deep gafh
in his leg, which by the application "of this herb was prefently healed, and which doubtlefs would have healed
equally loon from the application of any other fimple herb, or a little dry lint. In found conftitutions nature often
performs wonders in this way, which generally are attributed to the application.
It behoves the Farmer to know it, as it is a very noxious plant in many corn-fields, encreafing very much by
its roof§, whjch towards the clofe of the fummer become tuberous at their extremities; it encreafes alfo by feed.
Hogs are faid by L innjeus to be fond of the roots; when the crop is off they may probably be turned into thofe
fields where the plant abounds to great advantage.
It is not confined to corn fields, but is often met with by road fides, especially in moift fituations. It flowers
in July and Auguft.