A nt irrhinum O r ont ium. Smal l Snapdragon.
ANTIRRHINUM Lin. Gen. PI. Didynamia Angiospermiä.
Cal. c-phyllus. Corolla bafis deorfum prominens, liedtarifera.
Capfula 2-locularis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 18. HerbJe fructü sicco singular* flore monopetalo'.
ANTIRRHINUM Orontium corollis ecaüdätis, floribiis fubfpicatis', calycibus corolla löngiöribus'. Lin.
Syft. Vegetab. p'. 466. Sp. PI. p. 860. FI. Suec. n. 559.
ANTIRRHINUM foliis ellipticis obtufis* floribus fparfis, calycibus fubulatis longiffimis, cälcare bre-
Viffima. Haller. Hiß. n. 334.
ANTIRRHINUM Orontium. Scopoli FI. Cartt. n. 774.
ANTIRRHINUM änguftifolium fylveftte. Baüh. Hiß. III. 464.
ANTIRRHINUM arvenfe majus-. Bäuh. pin. 212.
ANTIRRHINUM fylveftre medium. Parkin/. 1334. Raii Syn. p. *283. The lefler wild Calf’s Snout
dr Snapdragon. Hüdjon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 274.
RADIX annua, (implex, rigida, albida, fibrofa, fibris
paücis, patentibus.
CAULIS fpithamæus, aut pedalis, (implex feu ramofus,
eredlus, teres, pilofus, pilis patentibus, fub-
FOLIA ima oppofita, fubconnata, fuperiora alterna, li-
neari-lanceolata, carinata, deflexa, integerrima,
FLORËS pauci, axillares, feflilesi rubelli, vix fpicati,
nifi in fpeciminibus majoribus.
I CALYX: Perianthium quinque-partitum, perfiftens,
laciniis linearibus, carinatis, hirfutis, longitu-
dine corollæ, fuperiore longiore.
COROLLA monopetala, rofea, venis laturatioribus
ftriata, inferne et fuperne pubefcens ; labium
fuperius bifidum, lateribus reflexum, inferius
trifidum, laciniis deflexis, intermedia minore,
Neâlarium breviffimum, obtufum. ßg. 1.
\ STAMINA: F jlamenta quatuor, filiformia, purpu-
rafcentia, glabra, quorum duo breviora; Anther
je flavae, bilobae, conniventes. Jig. 2.
PISTILLUM: Germen fubrotundum, villofum; St y lus
fubulatus, villofus, apice paululum incli-
natus; Stigma obtufum, flavum. Jig. 3.
< PERICARPIUM: Caps ula pedunculata, erefta, hir-
futa, apice triforaminofa, bilocularis. Jig. 4.
SEMINA plurima* nigricantia, angulata. Jig. 5.
| ROOT annual, Ample, ftifF, whitifh, fibrous^ fibres
1 few and fpreading.
| STALK from a fpan to a foot in height, Ample or
I branched, upright, round, hairy, the hairs
¥ fpreading and fomewhat vilcid.
I LEAVES of a fliape betwixt linear and lanceolate,
♦ keeled, turning downward, entire at the edge,
| llightly hairy, the lowermoft oppofite^ (lightly
uniting at the bafe, the uppermoft alternate.
FLOWERS few, growing from the alas of the leaves,'
feffile, of a bright red colour, fcarcely forming
a fpike, unlefs in large fpecimens.
CA L YX : a Perianthium deeply divided into five
fegments, and permanent; the fegments linear,
keeled, hairy, the length of the corolla, the
uppermoft fegment longeft.
COROLLA monopetalous, rofe coloured, ftriped with
veins of the fame colour but deeper, both
above and below (lightly hairy, the upper lip
bifid, the fides turning back, the lower lip
trifid, the fegments turning down, the middle
one the fmalleft ; Nettary very (hort and blunt.
fig' i*
STAMINA: four Filaments, thread-lhaped, purplifh,
fmooth, two of which are (horter than the
others; Anthers yellow, clofing together,
compofed of two lobes. Jig. 2.
PISTILLUM : Germen roundi(h, and villous ; Sty le
tapering, villous, bending a little downward
at top ; Stigma blunt and yellow. Jig. 3.
SEED-VESSEL: a Capsule (landing on a footftalk,
upright, hairy, having two cavities and three
apertures at top. Jig. 4.
SEEDS numerous, blackifh and angular. Jig. 5.
This (pecies of Antirrhinum is diftinguilhed from all the others, the majus excepted, by having no fpur to the
corolla, and from the majus by being an annual, and having long, pointed leaves to the calyx, which in that
plant are (hort and obtufe.
It grows in tolerable plenty in Batterfea Corn-fields, where it flowers in July and Auguft.
The feed-veflel, when fully ripe, is a curious reprefentation of the (kull of a Quadruped.