[Hypericum A ndros^emum. T utsan.
HYPERICUM Lin. Gen. PI. P o l y a d e l p h i a P o l y a n d r ia
Cal. 5. partitus, Petala 5. Filamenta multa, in 5 phalanges bafi connata, Capfula.
Rail Syn. Gen. 24. H e r b .® p e n t a p e t a l ® v a s c u l i f e r®.
HYPERICUM Androfcemum floribus trigynis, frudibus baecatis, caule fruticofo ancipiti. Lin. Syß.
Fegetab. p. 583. S p .P l. p, 1102.
ANDROS^EMUM maximum frutefcens. B. Pin. 280.
ANDROS^EMUM vulgare. Park. 575.
CLYMENUM Italorum. Ger. emac. 548.
HYPERICUM maximum Androfaemum vulgare di&um. Rail Syn. Tutfan or Park-leaves.
Hudfon F l. Angl. ed. 2. p. 333.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. p . 4 1 5 .
®DIX perennis, crafla, lignofa, rubens, fibras lon-
T giflimas emittens.
§,ULES fuffruticoii, ancipites, bipedales et ultra, ra-
mofi, rubentes, glabri.
iLIA oppofita, feffilia, ovata, integerrima, laevia,
inferne pallidiora, venis plunmis parum ex-
tantibus reticulata, per aetatem rubicunda, in-
ferioribus plerumque minoribus.
jORES flavi, pro ratione plantae parvi, in Cyma varie
divifa difpofiti.
gALYX: P eri an thium quinquepartitum, laciniis
ovatis, obtufis, fubnervofis, inasqualibus, erec-
_ tis, demum reflexis.
10ROLLA: P e t a l a qu inque, ovata, obtufa, fub-
aqualia, calyce paulo longiora, patentia, con-
caviuscula, apicibus paululum inflexis, deci-
LAMINA: F il a m e n t a plurima, ultra quadraginta,
corolla longiora; A n th e r® parvas, fubro-
4 fund®.
JSTILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum, nitidum, fla-
vefcens; St y l i tres, longitudine germinis,
_ eredi; St ig m a t a parva, rotundata.
pRICARPIUM : C a p su l a ovato-rotundata, primo ;
baccsformis, e flavo virefcens, dein ruberri- :
ma, demum nigricans, exfucca, trilocularis, ;
feminibus plurimis minimis referta ;
t ROOT perennial, thick, woody, of a reddifh colour,
f ' fending out very long fibres.
f STALKS fomewhat fhrubby, flightly winged, two feet
high and upward, branched, of a reddifh coil
lour and fmooth.
\ LEAVES oppofite, feffile, ovate, entire, fmooth, paler
on the under fide, reticulated with'numerous
veins which projed butlittle, becoming through
age of a reddifh or purple colour, the lower-
: moft generally the leaft.
; FLOWERS of a yellowifh colour, fmall for the fize of
the plant, difpofed in a Cyma' vaiioufly' divided.
: CALYX : a P e r ia n th iu m deeply divided into five
fegments, which are ovate, obtufe, fomewhat
rib’d, unequal, upright, finally turned back.
COROLLA : five P e t a l s , ovate, obtufe, nearly equal,
a little longer than the calyx, fpreading, fomewhat
hollow, the tips bending a little inward,
STAMINA : F il a m e n t s numerous, more than forty,
longer than the corolla ; A n ther® fmall and
PISTILLUM : G ermen roundifh, fhining, yellowifh;
STyLEs three, the length o f the germen,
upright; St ig m a t a , fmall and.roundifh.
SEED-VESSEL; a C apsule o f a roundifh egg-fhape,
at firft afluming the appearance o f a berry o f
a yello.wifh green colour, afterwards o f a
bright red colour, laftly blackifh, having three
cavities which are filled with numerous fmall
I I B B th.s plant■ y°Hte fa .n e ,M h 'y (v,& Tourn.H jft.JesP l.) whence as P arkinson obferves, we
ffirary Q u S A ° rT ed 0Ur Engll(h name oiy utf an- The7 appear to have been equally fond of attributing vul-
E ' i l M W P ants as our countryman Ge. aiid but perhaps on no better grounds, the Tutfan and the^7-
lbtlefs8a co^rTf 7 " e?leaed- Its , ° * er “ a.m® of P ^ -U a vts, by which it is lefs frequently called, it has
■ ls acquired from being commonly found in Parks. J ’
J i t ^^eiTrelbeft^ve V^ra’s^e^MW^W, that neither Haller, L innaeus, J acqsin, Scopoli, or CEder enume,
K l i S i l M . 1 H I ! m4anS an uncommon plant; it is chiefly found in or near Woods.
1'°«* of a i r U ? m , abound m°te than this, which I have met with in one wood only, viz.
■ § i M l b 00d’ lleat PicibantRyi, adjoining Norwood. It flowers in July and Auguft, and ripens its
■ «5, Which have much the appearance of berries in September,
■ It is nor
uncommon in Gardens,