A garicus v e lut ip ë s . V ë l v e t - s t a l k ’dM ushroom
AGARICUS Lin. Geit. Pk C r y p to g am ia Fungi-,
Fungus horizontalis-, fubtus lamellofus.
- Rail Syn. Gem i. F u n g ï .
AGARICUS velutipes fafciculofus* pileo planiufculö fulvo-, ftipite hudo, tefierrime villofo, fuliginofo.
FUNGUS glutinofus colofe aurantioi Vaillanï Bot. Paris. p. 72. 8. t. 12. fig. 8, p>,
FÜNGUS fafciculofus, pileo qrbiculari lutefcente, pédiculo Fufco, teneiiime villofo, lamellis ex flavö'
candicantibuSi Raii Syn*, ed. 31 p* 9.
Ex ligno putrefcente, feu arboribus csefis, eoacervatim •
plerumque nalcitur bic fungus. s
VOL VA ad radicem nulla* 5
STIPES in planta mediae magnitudinis loiigitüdine in-1
dicem, craffitie pennam anferinam asquat, teres, s
baud infrequenter comprelïus, fïftulofus, te—1
nerrime villofus, feu velutinus, inferne prae- ij
fertim in vetuftis e rufo-nigricans, fuligine ^
quafi infe&us, earned citrina, in tenuiffima £la 1
fericea partibili. •- j
ANNULÜS nullus. . - ij
PILEUS uncialis ad triuncialem, "modice convexus, ^
faepe difformis, fulvus, glutinofus ; L amelle 1
plurima?, inequales, ex albido-lutefcentes, in ]
majoribus et fênefcentibus fungis craflas, coria- J
ceas, luteae, ad marginem pilei undulatse, Ion-j
gioribus bafi auriculatis, omnibus venofis ; j
P ollen cinereum. |
This Füngus ufually grows in clufters, out of decayed
wood or felled trees.
SHEATH or egg at the root wanting.
STALK in plants of a middle fize about the length of
the forefinger, and thicknefs of a goofe-quill,
found, not Un frequently flat, hollow, velvety,
on the lower part, efpecially in the old' ones,
of a reddifh black colour, as if tinged with
. foot, the flefh citron coloured* and feparable
; into filk-like threads.
RING, or ruffle, wanting.
CAP from one to three inches in diameter, moderately
convex, often fhapelefs, o f an orange or tawny
colour, { limy; G il ls numerous, Unequal, o f
a whitifh yellow colour* in the larger and i
older fungi thick, leathery, yellow, waved
towards the edge o f the cap, the longer ones
ear’d at the bafe, and all o f them veiny j
P ollen, or feed, afh-coloured.
Many of the fungi, like the more perfect plants, make their appearance only at a certain period of the year j
others are continually fpringing up and producing their fructifications, almoft regardlefs of particular feafons, of
the latter kind is the fungus here figured, at leaf! it may be found from September to January in the greateft plenty*
It ufually grows out of dead, or decaying wood, efpecially willow and elm, and almoft always in clufters of
different fizes, according to particular fituations; at the bottoms of old willow-trees I have often feen fifty or more
in a clufter, with the caps of fome of the largeft almoft as broad as the palm of one’s hand, while on fmall rotten
flicks the clufter has confifted of not more than three dr four, with caps not more than half an inch in diameter,
but however it may vary in regard to fize, &c. it luckily has a character which always readily diftinguifhes it, and
this is its velvety and fboty ftalk, moft confpicuous in tliofe which are advanced.
R a y ’ s fynonym and defeription correfpond pretty accurately with our fungus; Mr. H u d s o n appears to have
overlooked or confounded it with fome other fpecies; V a i l l a n t has given a good figure, and accurate defeription
of it, in his moft elegant work the Botanicon Parifienfe.
To the tafte this mufhroom is rather agreeable, and devoid of all acrimony, perhaps it
fafety, it is not however of the kind recommended by H o r a c e ,
—.....— — — pratenjibus optima fungis
Natuj-a ejl: aliis male creditur.
a ay be eaten with