Ophrys Fucifera. G reen-W inged O phrys.
OPHRYS. Lmn.Gen.Pl. G y n a n d r ïà D ia n d r ia .
Neêlarium fubtus fubcarinatum;.
Raii Syn. Gen. 26. Herbæ radice bulb os a præditæ.
OPHRYS aranifera bulbo fubrotundo, fcapo .foliofo, neftarii labio fubrotundo intègro ëmargiiiatô
convexo. Hudfi. FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 392.
OPHRYS infeSlifera var. Sr Linn. Sp. Pi. ed. 3. p. 1343.
ORCHIS' fucum referens colore rubigiriofo. Bauh. Pin. p. ,83-. Vaiih Par. p. 146. t .p fi.f. 15. 16:
Tourn. Infi. t. 247. CC.
ORCHIS five Tefticulus fphegodes hirfuto flore. J . B .IL 7 6 7 . Raii Syn..ed. Q.p. 380. Humble
Bee Satyrion with green wings.
TESTICULUS yulpinus 2 fphegodes. Humble Bee Orchis. G&r. emac. j>. 212; ,f. 3.
ORCHIS Sphegodes live fucum referens. The greater Drone Bee flower. Park. Th. p. 1350. as to
the fig. but not the defers
RADIX bulbi duo, fubrotundi. § ROOT tworoundifh bulbs. j . m | ; |
jCAULIS femipedalis, humilior elatiorve pro ratione 0 STA LK fix inches high, fhorter or taller accordin'
loci, teres, lævis, inferne foliis vaginantibus <
veftitus. <
Ï0LIA radicalia fefunciam longa, uneiam fere lata, {
ovato-lanceplata, obtufiufcula, lineata, Iævia,
fupra terram expanfa, caulina pauca anguf-
tiora et acutiora. ;
FLORES 3— 6 in fpica rara. .
COROLLA: Petala 5, pallide viridia, tria exteriora \
majora, longitudme labelli, horum .duo op- \
ponta, ovato-lanceolata, obtufa, fubincurvata, ^
fuprema anguftata marginibus revolutis ; duo j
interiora breviora, lanceolata, ere61a, aut pau- i
' lulum recurvantia, apice plerumque fubtrun- 1
cata: jig. 1, L ’abellum fuborbiculatum, inferne |
concavum, fuperne convexum, lateribiis de- i
flexis, primo purpureo-fufeo vivide colora- I
turn, mox flavefeens, in medio macula literam 1
Hebraicam ft quodammodo referente fæpius ]
notatum, in diverfis floribus diverfa, ut in |
icone exprimitur, villis denfis obfitum, pre- I
fertim ad latera, ubi plerumque prominet, |
maculis exceptis, quæ nudæ nitidæquæ funt. i
TAMINA : Filamenta duo, albida; A ntheræ <
clavatæ, fig. 2, flavefcentes ; thecæ in quibus i
continentur, fig. 3, per totam longitudinem <
apertæ, marginibus membranaceis, fuperne !
fubdiaphanis, ubi color antherarum tranf-J
paret. ;
to its place of growth, round, Fmooth, covered
below with leaves embracing it.
LEAVES next the root an inch and a half long, al-
moft an inch broad, ovato-lanceolate, ibme-
what blunt, marked with imprened lines,
fmooth, expanding on the ground, ihofe of
© the ftalk few, narrower, .and more pointed.
è FLOWERS from 3 to 6, in ,a thin fpike.
COROLLA: 5 Petals o f a pale-green colour, the
three outermofi largeft and the length of the
:< Jabellum, ol thefé the two oppofite ones are
ovato-lariceolate, obtufè, bent fomewhat inwardly,
die uppermoft one narrowed, with
the edges rolled back, the two innermofi
fhorter, lanceolate, upright or bént a little
back, generally fomewhat truncated at the tip:
fig. 1, the Labellum nearly orbicular, below
concave, above convex, the fides bent down,
at firft of a bright purple brown colour,
■ foon changing to a yellowifh hue, marked in
the middle with a fpot confiderably refenï-
bling the Hebrew letter n, differing however
in its form in different flowers, as is expreffed
in the plate, covered thickly with fhort
hairs, efpecially at the fides, where it for the
moft part proje£ts, the fpots excepted, which
are fmooth and. gloffy.
STAMINA: two Filaments of a whitifli „colour;
, A nther as club-fhaped, fig. 2, yellowifh, the
cafes in which they are contained, fig. 3,
open through their whole length, their edges
membranaceous, and near the top, fo tranf-
parent that the colour of the anthene is feen
through them.
ISTILLUM: S t i g m a concavum, purpurafeens, p
utrinque glandula virefeente notatum,yfg. 4 . @
PISTILLUM: Stigma concave, purplifh, marked
on each fide with a greenifh gland, fig. 4.
The Ophrys arachnites, Linn. Sp. Pi. ed. 3. a variety o f his infettifera, comprehends to our certain knowledge
iee perfe&ly diftin6f fpecies, viz.
Orchis araneam referens, Bauh. Pin.
j 2- Orchis fucum referens colore rubiginofo, Bauh. Pin.
13* Orchis fucum referens major foliolis -fuperioribus candidis et purpurafeentibus. Bauh. Pin. l
lJ?ek plants L innyeus appears tö have had a very imperfe6t knowledge; and Haller, who particularly
greeted his attention to the Orchideae, feems either not to have known,- or to ha v e confounded them; the fame
;ay be faid o f Murray andGMELiN, in neither o f whofe editions o f L innasus is our fucifiera or apifera
iterated: V aillant in his Botan. Parif. g iv es.a very ju ft reprefentation o f the flowers o f the three
f Cles’ f i ° f which are natives o f France, and by thofe reprefentations may be faid to have firft clearly
i ertamed them ; for the figures o f the plder authors want the neceffary accuracy. O f the arachnites, an
ije ent Printj for the time in which it was executed, is given in the Hort us Eyfiettenfis, a lib ra ry'o f itfelf,
ht° ^ — on® cannot but regret that L innasus has fo few references; an accurate figure and defeription
^ is alfo giyen by H aller, m his Hifi. Stirp. Hely. Hitherto, this plant, common to Switzerland, and
}' parts o f Europe^ has not been difeovered wild in this country; a plant o f it in full bloom, and in great