'Ca r d v u s A r v e n s i s . C u r s e d T h i s t l e .
Lim. Gen. PL S yn cVn i a a P o l y g am ia Æ q u a l is .
Cal. ovatus, imbricatus, fquamis fpinofis. Receptaculum pilofum.
Rail Syn. Gen. g. H e e bæ flore ex flo s cul is f is tu l a r ib d s com po s ito s iv e
CARDUUS anenfu foliis feffilibus, incifis, dentatis, fpinofis ; caule multifloro ; radice repente.
SERRATULA «w » ,* foliü dentatis, fpinofis. Urn. Spjt. Veg. ed. 14. Mart. p. 724. Sp. PI. , l ig . i
C IR S IUM foliis femipinnatis, pinnis angulofis, fpinofis, ca lycibus Jongis
fpinofis; calycinis fquamis totnentofis, inermibus,
CARDUUS vinearum repens, fonchi folio. Bank Pin. 387. Ceanothos f, viarum et vinearum fepens.
Thiftle959' y,ulSa“ ffim“ s Ger.emac. 1173, — Common Way-
Thiftle, or rather Creepmg-Thiftle. Hudfin FI. Angl. ei. 2. ƒ. 34g y
kADIX perenms teres, craffiue fere digm mm,mi, b ROOT perennial, round, almoft the thicknefs of the
fordide a b.da profunde defcendens, repens, f ^little finger, of a dirty white colour, peneundique
longiffime fe protendens. | trating deeply; and creeping far and wide!"
CAULIS tripedalis, et ultra, ere&us, fubramofus, baft | STALK three feet or more in height uprinht fome
teres, lanugmofus, fuperne angulatus, tevis. 0 what branched, at the’ brieround, and
| fomewhat woolly, above angular and
. f fraooth.
FOLIA feffilia altema, lanceolata, incifo-fubpinnath f LEAVES feflile, alternate, lanceolate, cut in fo as to
fida, fubcompreffa, finuata undulato-cnfpata, | be fomewhat pinnatifid, the fides fomewhat
fpinofa, fuperne fcv,a, vmdia, fubtus palli- f preffed together, finuated, waved and” uried
diora, vix villofmfcula, fuprema fubmtegra. | fcinous, above fmooth, green, beneath paler]
| Icarcely villous, the uppermoft ones almoft
ILORES pallide purpurei, mediocres, fuavifiime odo- I FLOWERS middle-fized, of a pale purple colour
raB- -> very fragrant. A,, '
EDUNCULI foliofi uniflori, fubbiflori, fiupeme $ FLOWER-STALKS leafy, one or two-flowered
lUDtomentoh. | above fomewhat woolly. .
W.YX. communis ovatus; apice contraHus, imbrica- $ CALYX common to all the fleets ovate, contrafted at
dorfoq acutfs j l M i ap?-eff!S- .lailceoIatis | ■ top, imbricated, the fcales numerous, preffed
dorio acutis, apice appendlculatis, macro- | dole, lanceolate, (harp at the back termil
i l Susr/fr * mUCr°mbUS fubre' I nate? I ’ 1‘ $ points tu rnai nIg aB little i baBck, aBnd m .i'lidu, rJPign.i h1-.
COROLLA: compofita, tubulofa, uniformis; Corol-
lu/a omnes hermaphroditze, fubaequales, monopetals,
infundibuliformes, tubo tenuiflimo,
limb° quinquefido, reflexo, laciniis linearibus,
umca profundius feparata, Jig. 2.
jTAMINA; Filamenta 5, capillaria, breviflima,
alba; A nthera cylindracea, corolla bre-
vior, ore quinquedentato, dentibus apice
I COROLLA compound, tubular, uniform, all the
!| than the reft, Jig. 2.
I STAMINA: five capillary Filaments, very fliort
jSTILLUM: Germen ovatum, compreffum; St y - '
[. PISTILLUM : Germen ovate, comprefted ; Style
L“ s fimormis; ftaminibus Iongior, ex albido- !
mbellus; Stigma obtufum, demum bifidum. <
|MlNA linearia, obfolete tetragona; Pappus plu- \ mofus, feflilis, Jig. 4. 1 I
pEPTACULUM pilofum, pilis nitentibus, Jig. 5. \
Florets hermaphrodite, nearly equal, mono-
petalous, funnel-fhaped, the tube, very flen- •
der, the limb divided into four, linear, reflexed
fegments, one more deeply divided
and white; A ntheræ united into, a cylinder,
fhorter than the corolla, the mouth
5-toothed, the teeth' white at the tips.
filiform, longer than the ftamina, of a
whitilh red colour ; Stigma obtufe, finally
; SEEDS linear, flightly four-cornered; Down fea-
» thery, fefiile, Jig. 4.
i RECEPTACLE hairy, hairs glolfy, Jig. 5.
etfrequemK?a?en?rr ill Carduus, Cirjium, and Serratula are in many inftances fo i II nUy at a IOIS fo r si rlterofle»- TirR-ts.!*. JIT__.'1 _ •. 1
[Ured ii. I
the h WOrj
icL y at.a Sfe f°r a charadter which (hall diferiminate them.; nearly allied, that Botanifts
without entering atjprefent into a laboured
H rth ? .nwÎ I Si we flla11, °?ly that to whatever genus the M arß ^hiftie beïóngsTat
■ the charaflersti k 'S j e*onosrto the fame, ^f that be a Thiflle, this muft alfo be om2- -;- -m--o--r-e-o--v-e-r-, i- ndJ e^pendent
drawn from thc fraffification, every one will allow that it has more the hafeit of a
5 t'ldn a Serratula.