C a rduus P a l u s t r i s . M arsh T h i s t l e .
CARDUUS Lin. Gen. PI. Syngenesia Polygamia « qualis.
Cal. ovatus, imbricatus, fquamis fpinofis. Recept. pilofum.
Raii Syn. Gen. g. Herb« Flore ex Flosculis Fistularibus composito sive
CARDUUS palufiris foliis decurrentibus dentatis : margine fpinofis, floribus racemofis ereßis, pe*
dunculis inermibus. Lin. Syß. VegetaS. p. 724. Sp. PI. 1151. FL Suec. n. y20.
CIRSIUM caule re&o fubnudo alato, foliis femipinnatis fpinofis, calycibus molliter fpinofis.
Haller Hiß. n. 170.
CIRSIUM palußre. Scopoli Fl. Carn. n. 1004.
CARDUUS paluftris. Bauh. Pin. 377. Parkin/. 083. Raii Synop. p. 194. Marfh-Thiftle. Hudfon
Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 352. Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 453.
RADIX biennis. 0 ROOT biennial.
CAULIS quadripedalis, et ultra, ereftus, ramofus, §
multangulus, pilis crebris longis albis hir- t
futus, alatus, fpinofus, longitudinaliter vi- $
ridi et purpureo variegatus.
FOLIA feflilia, deflexa, lanceolata, acuta, lacerato- $
dentata, laciniis horizontalibus, oppofitis, f
dentibufque latis, obtufiufculis, dente in- |
fimo cujufque laciniae crifpato, elevato, ve- f
nofa, pilis remotioribus hirfuta, fupra ob- /
fcure viridia, fubtus glauca, cofta pallide 0
viridefcenti, fubtus hirfutiffima, margine fpi- t
nofo, fpinis bafi purpurafcentibus, apice $
albis, folia caulina fuprema apice linearia, |
Foliorum rudimenta fpinofa ad caulem quinque f
et fexfariam interrupta, decurrentia, eum |
alatum, fpjnofum redaunt. 0
FLORES in fummitate caulis ramorumque congefii, %
fefliles, violacei.
CALYX ventricofus, fubovatus, las vis, fublanuginofus, f
arfte imbricatus, fquamis ovatis, convexis,
viridibus aut purpurafcentibus, mucrone di- f
vergente purpureo terminatis, 1. auSl. fub %
mucrone lineaprominula nitida nota.tis,fig. 2. 0
! COROLLA compofita, tubulofa, uniformis, calyce |
duplo longior Corollulce hermaphroditas, 0
fubaequales, reflexae ; Corolla propria mono- |
petala, infundibuliformis, tubo tenuiffimo, 0
albefcenti; limbo erefto, bafi ovato, quin- %
quefido, violaceo, laciniis linearibus, aequa- |
libus, unica profundius feparata, fig. 3. 0
I STAMINA: Filamenta quinque, capillaria; A n - $
thera cylindracea, tubulofa, corollapaulo $
I longior violacea.
I USTILLUM: G ermen ovatum; Stylus filiformis, V
ftaminibus longior,pallideviolaceus;Stigma 0
fimplex, fubulatum, nudum, fig. 4. |
I SEMINA obovata, obfolete angulata, hinc convexa, 0
inde parum concava, albida, nitida, fig. 5. |
I felfilis, plumofus, fig. 6.
IRECEPTACULUM pilofum, planum. $
STA LK four feet or more in height, upright,
branched, multangular, hirfute with numerous
long white hairs, winged, fpinous, variegated
longitudinally with green and
LEAVES feflile, bent downwards, lanceolate, point-
ed, jaggedly toothed, fegments horizontal,
oppofite, together with the teeth broad and
fomewhat blunt, the lowermoft tooth o f each
fegment crifp’d and elevated, veiny, hirfute
with hairs Handing remotely, above of a
deep green colour, glaucous on the under
fide, the mid-rib of a pale green colour, and
extremely hairy underneath, the margin 'of
the leaf fpinous, the fpines purplifh at the
bafe- and white at the extremity, the upper-
moft ftalk-leaves elongated and linear at the
Five or fix rows of fpinous rudiments of leaves
running interruptedly down the ftalk, render
it winged and fpinous.
FLOWERS o f a violet colour, feflile, in clufters on
the top o f the ftalk and branches. .
CALYX ventricofe, fomewhat ovate, fmooth, a little
woolly, fcales lying clofely one over the
other, ovate, convex, green or purplifh,
terminated by a purple diverging mucro or
point, fig. 1'. magn. beneath which is a glofly
linear prominence, fig. 2.
COROLLA compound, tubular, uniform, twice as
'•long as the calyx; Florets hermaphrodite,
nearly equal, turned back, each Angle Floret
monopetalous, funnel-fhaped, the tube very
flender, whitifh ; the limb upright, ovate at
the bafe, divided into five fegments, which
are of a violet colour, linear, equal, one
more deeply feparated than the reft, very
flender, fig. 3.
STAMINA: five Filaments ; Anther.« forming
a cylindrical tube, longer than the corolla,
o f a violet colour.
PISTILLUM : Germen ovate ; Sty le filiform,
longer than the ftamina, of a pale violet colour
; Stigma Ample, tapering, and naked,
fig- 4-
SEEDS mverfely ovate, faintly angular, on one fide
convex, on the other a little concave,
whitifh, and fhining, fig. c.
DOWN feflile and. feathery, fig. 6.
RECEPTACLE hairy and flat.
° fSBSIheaths and commons, in wet meadows, marfhes, and the boggy parts of woods, the Carduus pa-
I hej, ]‘f 1Sfa B very comm°n, as well as a- very-troublefome plant; in the latter fituation it frequently grows to the *en or twelve feet, and in Tome very favourable fpots of this fort, acquires a height which we believe
I other Britijk herbaceous plant ever attains to.
»weed th^S a ^?enn^al, there is no great difficulty attends its extirpation— was the hufbandman as careful to
I tne noxious plants from his paftures as from his corn-fields, they would foon wear a more pleafing afpe£L
iThim 05^11 -S never found but in the fituations above mentioned, it is not likely to be miftaken for anv other
gg||[ . ^ V- It lt llaS ^as ufually m more n ra Irin purple rn la about it than the reft /of sT its ... kindred,J---1 and varies as many of the __.others 1_____ do
|ifrfli.. I I I | jrS t||||! flowe
«owers— formidable as its ftalks and leaves are from their numerous fpines, its heads are per
N | harmlefs.