Sis ymbrium Irio, L ondon Rocket*
SISYMBRIUM Lin. Gen. PI. T etradynamia Siliquosa.
Silipa dehiicens1, valvulis reaiufctilis. Caiyx jiatfehs. Grilla paienir.
RaiiSyn. Gm. Hers* tetrapeTaea! Silicuios* et S it ic S toA .
SISYMBRIUM ft™ folds tuncinatis-dentatis-hudis, tdule laevi; filiquis efedtis. •hm .m .fo zc ta k t aoo •
i>p. PI. 931. F I Suec. ti. 596., s
ERYSIMUM latifolium majus glabrum. Bauh. Pin. ior.
IRIS lævis Apulus erucæ folio. Col. Eéfihr. 1. 264.
ERYSIMUM Mfelium Neapolitanuta. M . 834. RailSyn.-'p. i 98; -Smoodibr broad-leave'd Hedge»
Multard. Htdfim. FI. jfn g lM . z. f . '297. .Jaequin. Fl; Aufir. tab. 322. &
Tota planta perpetüo glabetTima eft, hec ullum pilum t
I aut villum habet, àçre filiapibs fapbré gaùdëiïs. |
BIaDIX annua, albida, calami anferinicriiflme, (implex,!
quandoque ramofa. |
OEULIS pedalis, ad bipedalem, teres, hie illic pur-|
purafeens, nitidus, firmus infetne, non ftriatbs, I
fæpius ab ipfa bäfi ramofus. $
Ft)LIA radicalia, quæ brevi marcefcunt, et caUlitia pie- ’ ’
raque, funt pinnatifida, finnata, inæqUaliter i i
dentata aut ferrata, petiolata, patentia, flac- :
cida, lobis ut plurimum acutis, extreme majore ; :
et longiore, lumttia haftata, et quædam inte- : \
gerrima ac (implicia.
l -GpRYMBI in racemos producuntur longiffimos* modo ;:
redos, modo flacéidos. - ;;
IEORES pufilli, flavi.
Sj@&LYX. patens, flaveïcëns-, fig . r.
PÉTALA obtufa, et oblonga, ungues habent füberedos, • :
fupra hos patentilfima, fig . 2. |
STAMINA et Stylus etiam flavefeuntj fig. 3, 4. |
SfdQUÆ graciles, fübteretes, ad femina torulofe, et|
biunciales, brevibus infiftunt pedunculis e t f
quaquavorfum laxe patent, fig. 5.
«»MINA minuta, pallide flavent^ fig. 6. |
'The whole plant is always perfedly fmooth, without
any hair or down, having the bitine tafte‘of
ROOT annual, whitifh, the thicknefs of a godfe-quill*
Ample, fometimes branched. *
STALK, from one to two feet high, round, here and
there purplifti, fliining, . below rigid, not
(triated or grooved, often branched quite from
the bottom.
LEAVES next the root, which foon wither, and nioft of
thofe on the ftalk are pinnatifid, (inuated, un*
equally toothed or ferrated, (tending on foot-
italk's, fpreading and flaccid, the lobes for the
moft part pointed', the end one larger and
longer, the uppermoft leaves haftate, fome of
them entire and Ample.
CORYkBI lengthened out into long racemi, fometimes
(trait, Ibmetimes flaccid.
FLOWERS fmall and yellow.
CALYX fpreading and yellowilh, fig . 1.
PETALS obtufe, and oblong, having claws nearly up-
above which they fpread widely, fir. 2.
STAMINA and the Style are alfo of a yellowifli colour,
fiS ' 3’ 4-
PODS fiender, nearly round, about two inches long,
Handing on ihort foot-ftalks, and fpreading
loofely every way, feeds protuberant, fig. 5. °
SEEDS minute, of a pale yellow colour, fig . 6.
1 » a ^itde Through The T h=
l appearance, and his Preludia Botanica has a long dialogue on this
Phlfopher. ’ 1 kUre,S he may S™ as 3 Bota“ ift> wil1 think him entitled fo any as a
iilÜOp,*, “ in feW hands’ we flatter ourfelves » C°P7 of it will not be
«■ W i l l i B l anno Domini r666, incepit incendium illud IuSuofum et ad triduum aut
■ W P (dlV,!n,ris CTemt’ 1 uum eft “ alum in civitate, quod non fecit
“ Jiatriduum illud p“ e„rat- " am »®°lus apperto ventorum carcere (ut ita loquarl regnabat: per triduum aut
“ Salami verfus' excambium^vetm^Ti ‘P3" “” ’ pe.r ™dera ducentorumijugerum, folo asqSuatatorum, mihi peram-
»ftigiis, Ante rllud tempus; Collegium Grelhamianum diflum tendenti, in
“ Pablo mihl C°P,a' E T fimi quod irio l*vis Apulus alter
;;Tri.icum, aut\ecat merfpo u “ loT oïid“ b f 7 ï Ü h°C! ad?o denTe pullulavit, utPfalce quafi Burns, tu ; an 4 r r • '= A ,lnde fequetur, unde provemflb tantam copiam iftius Irionis?
“Idilicia omnia circa sedeof DWi Pauli te,.m“Yet ad talem proponendam queftionem, cum
“ f ta tn centenisamiis F^,eS r V k et ^ Pa®m M W oeleberrimi Emporii Londini, 4 mille am
I f ™earum fuudis, et foli et Dluvi*'t ^ o f i r f ''SfC0"(ervata | H ErSd tanta oopla illius feminis, latebat in cellis
1la liö rum relatione m P‘Ue x p o f 'ta’ f ^ i c a y r t : Botan. Unum hoc addam : ego non fum Plinius ut
I relatione mundo rmponam; nec Mattheolus ut appingam ea qute „unquam eatitere : fed ut vis appmtis