FUMARIA Linnizi. Gen. PL D iadelphia Hexandria.
Cal. diphyllus, Cor. ringens. Filamenta 2, membranacea,TingulaAn//km3.
Raii Syn. Gen. 10. Herbie flore perfecto simplici, seminibus nudis solitariis
FUMARIA officinalis pericarpiis monofpermis racemofis, caule diffufo. Linnai. Syjl. Vegetab. p . 430.
Sp. PL p. 984. FI. Suecic. p. 245.
FUMARIA foliis multifidis lobis fubrotunde lanceolatis; fruaibus monofpermis. Haller, hijl.hehi. n. 346.
FUMARIA officinalis. Scopoli FI. Camiol. p. 47. '
FUMARIA officinarum et Diofcoridis. Bauhin Pin. 143.
FUMARIA purpurea. Gerard emac. 1088.
FUMARIA vulgaris. Parkinfon, 287. Raii Syn.p. 284, Fumitory.
Hudfon FL Ang. p. 270.
Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 379.
■ RADIX annua, fibrofa, ex flavo-fufca.
KAULES dodrantales aut cubitales, diffufi, angulofi
geniculis tumidis, ramofi, glabri, tenen, fub-
^ ROOT annual, fibrous, of a yellowifh brown colour.
| STALKS from nine to feventeen inches in height,
| fpreading, angular, enlarged at the joints,
| ‘ branched, fmooth, tender, and fomewhat
b bending.
? LEAVES alternate, (landing on foot-ftalks, twice pin-
b nated, o f a blueifh green colour, the pinnulse
$ or little leaves trilobate, terminating in a fhort
ttOLIA alterna, petiolata, duplicato-pinnata, glauca,
pinnulis trilobatis, mucronatis, lobis extimis
bifidis aut trifidis.
rT r o r • H , . 6 point, the uttermoft lobes bifid or trifid.
|LORESracemofi, purpurei, racemi ere&i, roultiflon, | FLOWERS growing in a kind o f fpike, of a purple
tlonbus fparfis, pedunculatis, pedunculis cla- 6 colour; fpikesupright, fupporting many flow*
vatls* ers, which are placed, without any regular
imAr*'™? a? i , . „ , b order, on foot-ftalks, thickeft at the extremity.
BRACTE^E lanceolate, apice purpurea:, fingulo pe- § FLORAR-LEAF lanceolate, and purple at top, placed
■ dunculo fubjecte, Jig. 1 v ■ . . . l r r
& .IVV _ J , 9 under each flower flalk, fig. 1.
B A L Y X : FERiANTHiuMdiphyllum-.foholisoppofitis, f CALYX : a P e r i a n t h iu m of twoleaves, the leaves
æqualibus, lateralibus, acutis, denticulatis, |
ippofite, equal, lateral, pointed, with little
teeth at the edges, and deciduous, Jig. 2, 3. '
rnoriT Td eac idLuii s, fJi gQ . 27’, 3o. , 1 v iccui me eages,ana aeciauous,hr.q.
LUKULLA oblonga, nngens, palato prominente fau- £ COROLL A oblong, ringent, the palate prominent, and
cem claudente. Labium fuperius apice dilata- *
turn carinatum, fubtus concavum, margine b
paululum reflexâ, bafi obtufâ, incurvatâ. La- f
bium infcrius longitudine labii fuperioris et |
fimile quoad apicem, cæteroquin lineare, bafi b
paulo latiore. Petala later alia five alas apice a
cohærent faucemque tetragdnam efformant ?
fupra infraque tridentatam, Jig. 4, 5, 6, 7. £
doling the mouth: upper lip dilated at the
tip, keel-fhaped, hoIloV beneath, the margin
turning a little upwards; the bafe obtufe,
and curled inward: the lower lip the fame
length as the upper one, and fimilar as to the
top, in other re(pe6ts linear; Yhe bafe a little
broader: the lateral Petals, or wings, cohere
at top, and form a four corner’d mouth, in
* $ which there are three divifions on the upper
KtJ h H I _ P and lower part, fig. 4, 5, 6, 7.
01 AMINA: Filamenta duo, alba, membranacea, f STAMINA: two white Filaments, membranous.
bhaalfli lIaottaa , germen amplefle_n.t iaA :_ _A__n__t__h__e_r_æ_ v I 1 1 1 . *
tres, flavefcentes in fingulo filamento, termi- $
I nales, fig, 8. $
■ ISTILLUM : G e r m e n ovatum : Stylus filiformis |
longitudine ftaminum, adfcendens : Stigma b
» comprefliim, villofum, fir. q. £
■ RICARPIUM Silicula unilocularis, fubcordata, $
BMEN unicum. fubrotundum,_/%-. 11.
broad at bottom, and embracing the germen:
A nt her iE three, of ayellowilh colour, fitting
on the tops o f the filaments,^g\ 8.
PISTILLUM: G ermen oval: Style thread-lhaped,
the length of the (lamina, riling upwards :
Stigma comprelTed, and villous,/nr. q.
SEED-VESSEL a fmall Pod of one cavity, fomewhat
inverfely heart-(haped, Jig. 10.
SEED one, of a roundilh figure, fig. n .
L ? ' “ !t.s flower and fruit, has certainly a confiderable affinity with the papilionaceous plants, al-
■ toveth * ,-lty,s ?ot very obvious at firft fight: and, at the fame time, fome parts of its ilruaure feem
Iferve Si *1?^1 - 7 t0 itrelf’ Tlle Pofterior Part tlle corolla terminates in a kind of neftarium, like what we
■ in tile Violet. But the part in which it differs mod from the papilionaceous flowers, is its calyx, which Bonlifts 3rf Iwa rfr v.o11 1«._-u__ulliu_i_c_ _p__a rt_ _m__ _w mcn rivt: a. ii1 rer.s1 moit rrio m tnme pi ap‘miii onacec . 1 l
are n;0ri!W0,- . ?**,ateral leaves, more like ftipulie than a calyx. The filaments, as in papilionaceous flowers,
■ re cliltinaiy divided into two bodies, on tl ' " ' r -
B'liera:, each Handing on a little footftalk.
lllnaSHMffinl *nt0 tw? the top o f each of which, in a very lingular manner, are placed three
the M ltand,nS ?n a footftalk. The feed-veflel in this fpecies, has not much refemblance to thofe
This differ 10naCr°AS o'be ;but in fome of tbe other fpecies it has a very confiderable one, as in the Claviculata.
in different1 ft£ufture ln the feed-veflels, caufed R a y to divide the plants of this genus, and place them
■ When th’C t 1 bUt ^ L in ? jEUS they are clafted together with the diadelphous plants.
■ | fnnnnr»1,8 ^ l syows luxuriantly, and near other plants, the leaves acquire a power of afting as tendrils,
■ It gro Un^ P ant: this is the principal variety to which it is fubjefl.
■ The vety commonly in corn-fields, gardens, and on the fides o f banks; flowering from April to July,
■ lifts thef6 °* Jt ^1VCn t0 tW° ? unceSj wuh whey, gently opens the body, purifies (as it is called) the blood,
joined removes eruptions of the (kin, and a too great rednefs o f the face, if exercife in the Ipring
Bam lnnr»«1 i11*, extra«, or infpiflated juice of it, appears to be the mod eligible form, of which one
B u i . 5 * c S le‘belly s. Haller, hijl. helv.p. 150.
K u oneep eat it; Goats not readily ; Horfes and Swine not at all. .